Couldn't Get Away From Me

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A/n: The song above is Tony's mood later in the chapter, I was lessoning to it and the thought came up, i laughed my ass off

A alarm had woke tony up that morning. "Jarvis?" Tony groaned. "Sir." He replied. "What time is it." Tony asked. "Eight A.M. sir." He said and Tony sighed. He got up from his bed and went to get changed, of course he came out nicely dressed.

He went into the kitchen and looked threw the fridge. "You know, I think I'll get something on the way." Tony said as he walked into the living room. "Where the hell is pepper?" He said to himself. "She must've went for a quick break." He thought shrugging it off.

"Jarvis, Call happy." Tony said and a screen popped in front of tony. Happy picked up. "I'm in the front tony." He said and Tony hung up and walked outside. Happy already had the door opens for him. "Thank you." He said while getting in the car. They drove off into the New York streets.


"What time is his meeting over?" Steve said holding a glass in his hand. "About, 3 P.M. ish?" Bruce said putting a pen in his black lab coat. "Hm..." Steve Chuckled. "Get Clint and Natasha, we need his Girly friend... What was her name?" He asked. "Pepper Potts, his girlfriend, lover." Sam said and Steve smiled. " Not anymore." He said taking a sip of his drink. "Bruce." Steve said and Bruce nodded, leaving the room.


I was ready for this meeting to be over. "Look, I'm not giving you one of the suits, it's not a weapon that belongs to you." Tony said to the commander of the Army. "That means, this conversation is over." Tony said sitting up and leaving. He looked at the time. It was 2:54 P.M.

He sighed as he left the building. He stopped dead in his track's, eyes widened. "Hello Tony." Steve said. Clint and Natasha were holding two people. Natasha was holding Pepper and Clint was holding Happy. Each with a weapon against there heads. Tony dropped his phone on the ground. "What the hell!?" Tony said. 

Steve chuckled. "I want you to know, I'm never leaving."  He said his eyes flashed with red then back to blue. Right then Starks suit few on him. He cracked his neck, and sighed. "Sure, buddy." Tony said. "Ah, ah, ah, take a step and I'll shot him." Clint said. 'Shit, how the f am I going to do this!? I'm dealing with hydra here!" Tony thought. "Look, dick head." Tony said. At that minute the police came rolling in and shouting. Crowds started to form.

"You have all the time you need." Steve said. "Wait is that hydra!?" someone in the crowd screamed. "Its Steve Rogers!" Another screamed, the crowd backed away a little. "Iron man do something." Someone else said.

Tony clinched his fist, he had to do something. He sighed his suit opened up and he stepped out. He took off hi cuffs and threw them on the ground. "Jarvis." He said to his suit. "Yes sir?" A voice came in. "Lock up my suits in the house, don't let anyone except me get them." He said. "Yes sir." Jarvis said and his suit closed and flew away. 

Tony held out his arms. "Fine." Tony said. 

Something had shot into his neck, when he took it was a dart. "I should have seen that coming." He whispered. HE fell into someone's arms and fell asleep. "Strange!" Steve yelled and a portal opened up. Steve picked tony up and walked in. Natasha and Clint looked at each other and knocked out the people they held hostage. They looked up at a building. "You coming losers?" Natasha asked. Bruce and Strange jumped down. "Of course." Bruce said and they jumped in.

"What are you planning to do with him?" Natasha asked Steve. "Hmm... Make him mine." Steve said and Clint chuckled. "Like a pet?" Natasha and Clint said at the same time. "Exactly." Steve said looking  back at them with a smile. "Have fun with that, he's one of the most suborn man you could ever meet." Stephan said crossing his arms. "Does he need a room?" Bruce asked looking at the screen in front of him. "One beside mine, with security of course." Steve said. 

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