Who The Hell Are You!?

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"Don't touch them, this is a different universe, or something." Someone said.

Steve opened his eyes a bit peeking out to see what the hell was happening, he felt tony still in his arms and lightly snoring. When Steve looked around he was shocked and his eyes widened. He took out a Gun and pointes it at the two figures, waking up Tony.

"What the hell are you doing Steve-" Tony almost jumped out his Seat as he looked what Steve was pointing a gun at. It was Steve... But a different Steve, one with a Star on his chest and wearing Red, white, and blue suit. He looked to the other man who had an Ironman suit on with the helmet off, reveling Tony's face. "What in the actual fuck!?" Tony yelled... Well the one in Steve's lap.

"Oh great Cap, you woke them up!" The man said. "I didn't mean to Anthony." Cap said. Someone came running in. "I thought I said not to wake them up." Bruce said. "Bruce." Tony said confused. "Well, yes, but not your Bruce." Anthony said. Tony went silent. "What?" He said and Anthony huffed. "Am I really dumb in this universe?" He said sarcastically.

"His eyes are red." Cap said pointing at the other Steve who still had a gun pointed at them. Steve stud up letting Tony stand. Steve was wearing his hydra suit and when The other Steve saw the symbol he freaked. "I'm starting to not like this universe." Cap said pointing to The other man's symbol on his chest. "Explain to them before they try to kill us." Bruce said.


"So your from a different universe, but your... Superhero's?" Clint asked and the others nodded. "So we don't get confused, can we call you guys something else?" Natasha asked and the superhero's nodded. "Okay let's play the name game!" Tony said and pointed to the man in the iron suit.

"Call me Anthony." Anthony said, then tony pointed to the next guy. "Barton." He said,(Clint Barton btw). "Banner is fine." The shy man said. "Uh, Odin?" The thunder God said. "Romanoff." She said. "Well, I would say Steve, but you can call me Cap." Cap said scratching the back of his head.

"Now it's are turn." Steve said. "You can Call me Steve." He said and they looked at the man sitting in his lap. "Tony." Tony said. "Natasha." She said smacking Clint in he back of his head for putting his feet on the table. Romanoff laughed. "Clint is fine." He said and they looked over at Bruce. "Bruce." He said. "Thor."

"Mr. Stark, I think I broke the choker-" Peter looked up at all the people in the room. Then Bucky and Sam came in. "What the hell!?" Bucky said and looked at there Captain. Anthony waved. "Anyway, since we introduce each other, tell me what you do." Steve said. "Well, were superhero's, helping people is our thing." Anthony said. "I'm the captain, or Captain America." Cap said.

"What do you do?" Romanoff asked. "Well, Collect illegal things, guns, drugs you name it. We also kill people if hired, alibi's all over the world." Steve said with a grin. "I'm also the Captain, Captain hydra. Known as the most dangerous person in the world." He added.

The other side went quite. "You all look like scared pussycats." Clint stated and then got his head slammed on the table. "Expect for Romanoff." He added. "Well, let's get to know each other, bring each other to there place we like to go." Tony said getting up and waved Anthony to follow up. "Hell yes." Anthony said and followed his Basically twin.

"So, tony. How'd you turn bad?" Anthony asked bumping his shoulder. "I'm not fully bad, I use to be like you." Tony said. "Explain." Anthony said.

"Almost a month ago I was iron man, my life changed when I meant Steve and his team. I'm basically forced to stay here." Tony said as they walked into a lab. "Have you tried leaving." Anthony asked and Tony nodded. "Never could." He said. "Well welcome to the hydra tower." Tony said plopping on a chair. A TV was on. "Tony starks is, probably dead. Uh, old news but his money will be transferred to Pepper Potts, the one in this report." He said pulling up the screen from two weeks ago. It sowed what she had said about him.

Anthony watched in horror and then it went back to the man on the news. "The money will be transferred to her in two months when Tony's case closes, if he's not found by-." Right then the TV turned off and they both looked over to the door.

|A few moments ago.| 

"So, Captain America." Steve said as they walked out of the meeting room. "Dating anyone?" Steve asked looking at his opposite. "Nope, single." He said with a sigh. "But you in love with someone." Steve said and Cap looked at him. "Were the same person, I know that sigh." He said and Cap chuckled. "Yeah... In love per-say." Cap said. "I have a question for you." Cap said and Steve stopped. "Shoot." He said. "What made you Captain Hydra?" Cap asked an Steve looked down to the floor. 

"Red skull killed My mother, Sarah Rogers and my Father Joseph Rogers. Kidnapped me and i saw how he worked things, I did in fact kill the man and took his place. I made things better around here. One day I few into ice, years later people from hydra found me and I took my place again. That's when I met many people here and added more, like Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Clint, and Peter." Steve said As they walked past the lab. 

Steve stopped in his tracks and lessoned to the news, he looked in and Both Tony and Anthony were watching it. He went into the room and grabbed the remote, turning off the TV. They both looked over, Tony had tears in his eyes and Anthony looked worried. "I told you not to watch the News." Steve said with Red in his eyes. "You disobeyed again Tony." Steve said. They other two went silent as Tony back his chair away from Steve. 

As Steve walked closer Tony backed up. "To many times. " Steve added. Tony bumped into wall and Steve yanked him up over his shoulder. "We'll be back, stay here or look around." Steve said coldly as he walked out. "Cap." Anthony said and he looked over. "You know how I said I don't trust a guy without a dark side?... I don't want to see yours." Anthony said and Cap chuckled.

"Should we ask about that?" Cap asked pointing out the room and Anthony shook his head.

Steve was carrying him to there bedroom. He opened the door and locked it, he sat Tony on the bed and went into a draw, taking out a few things. He poured something into a cup and drank it shaking his head violently. "Take off your shirt, Tony." Steve said looking at him threw  mirror. Tony crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll do it for you." Steve said picking up something and went over to Tony. Tony gulped. Steve took off his shirt and flipped Tony over, now his bare back was facing the ceiling. "Stay." Steve demanded. Steve went into a bag and went back over to Ton.

He took his arms and put them above him then tied then together, He taped Tony's mouth and backed up. "Hmm..." Steve huffed. He then leaned down and licked up Tony's back. Without warning he hit Tony's back with a whip making him scream in the tape. Steve took another sip of alcohol and hit Tony's back again. Tears formed in Tony's eyes. Steve kissed shoulder and rubbed his sides. He chugged the bottle and threw it.

Tony slid his hands from the rope and quickly turned around, kicking Steve's legs and he fell to the ground. Tony ran to the door, unlocked it and ran. The tape was still on his mouth as he ran into the lab. Anthony and Cap was still in there with Bruce and Banner. They all looked at him as he ran behind a curtain. Steve came in with blood on his lips from Tony's back. His eyes were red and he was smirking. Everybody in that room looked like they were about to shit themselves.

"Did Tony come in here, we have... unfinished business." Steve said wiping the blood from his mouth. "Nope." Bruce said and Steve shrugged. As he was walking out of the room her heard something in the back drop. He looked back and his smiled went wider. "Oh tony." He said while walking over there. He opened the curtains one by one. Until they were all opened. "Guess I heard something. " Steve said.

He then ran to project an looked under it, grabbing Tony's foot and pulling him out, Tony let Steve drag him as blood tracts went on the floor behind him. Natasha came in with Romanoff. "What the hell!?" Natasha said crossing her arms as Steve came to her dragging Tony behind him. "What?" Steve said and Natasha glared at him. Tony kicked Steve's hand and crawled behind a table ripping the tape off his mouth with a 'ow'. 

He looked over to Bruce. "You got to work on your lying." Tony said and Bruce nervously laughed. "Are you drunk?" Natasha said grabbing his face and looked at his eyes. "You are." Romanoff said. Anthony looked at Tony as he Got up from the floor and onto the table. "What are yo doing?" Bruce asked and Tony smiled. "Play back." Tony said taking water from the table...

|To be continued|

I know you love me UuU, what you guys think is going to happened?\

Ik this is kinda confusing, and I'm sorry about that 😅Bye Loves

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