Revenge Plan

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Tony woke up in bed alone that morning. He yawned and looked at the time. 9:53 A.M.

"Ah, good morning me." Tony said getting from the bed and went to use the bathroom. When he came out of the bathroom he went straight to the closet and got changed.

 When he came out of the bathroom he went straight to the closet and got changed

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This is the outfit, you'll know why i picked this image 

Tony left the room and walked around looking for Steve, or a kitchen. He had recognized the hall he was going down and kept going until he was in the kitchen. 'Haha.' Tony thought going to the fridge. He opened it and looked threw it. He then grabbed yogurt and went threw the drawer's looking threw them to find a spoon, when he did he sat at a table and ate it.

When he was done, he wiped his mouth and threw the carton away, washing the spoon off and putting it in the sink. He continued to look around until he found an unfamiliar hallway. He hear multiple voices including Steve's. He opened the door to revel a huge room with Steve on a throne and people at the bottom of stairs. Steve took a glance at him and patted his lap, indicating he could come and sit. 

The people in front of him were talking in a tone that seemed unwelcoming. As Tony walked past them the man who was yelling went silent and Steve smirked. Tony walked up to Steve and Steve moved his arms for Tony to sit. When he did he put one arm on Steve's shoulder and looked over at the people in front of them. "Its you." Drax said pointing to the man. Tony didn't speak, probably didn't have permission to, he just smiled and waved a bit.

"So it was you." Quill said and Steve Chuckled and dark chuckle that scared Tony to death. "And what are you going to do?" Steve said and All of them took out guns... Tony had never seen those before. They pointed it at him. 

At that second A big green man jumped down, following with Thor who had lightning in his eyes, Natasha, Strange, and Clint. "Boo bitch." Tony said getting a glare from the unwanted people. Steve was messing with Tony's hair. "You would send out your own lover when he could have gotten killed, that really shows what kind of person you are." Quill said, Tony blushed at the word lover. He sigh and got off of Steve's lap quickly going down the stairs before Steve could say anything. "Move." Tony said to Thor, and so he did. Tony walked up to Quill with an evil grin on his face.

Quill put his gun down when tony got closer. Cupped Quills face and kissed him, Making everyone confused. "Tony what the hell-" Before Steve could finish Tony kicked the man in the crouch area making Quill fall to the ground in pain and a dark laugh from Tony. The Wars of the Galaxy pointed there guns at Tony (Except for Quill, who is still on the ground) Tony pulled out a gun from his pocket and pointed it at there captain. "Damn." Natasha said. "For one, he's not my lover."

"For two. Put down your guns, or bye bye." Tony said shaking the gun a little. They all froze but then put them down and kicked them away. Tony walked away from Quill and his team and went back to Steve, sitting back on his lap. He snuggled up to his chest. "Were going to take our leave." Quill said standing up. And they did leave.

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