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It was six in the morning... In the morning. Tony had woke up with movement from the bed. He didn't yawn, move, or say anything he only peeked out of one eye to see Steve walking to the bathroom. A light turned on and water from the sink turned on, you could hear him splashing his face. A few moments later the sink turned off and  he came out with a towel as he wiped his face. Steve walked to the closet and opened it looking inside. 

Tony watched as he took his black T-shirt off and his pajama pants off and change into tan pants and A white T-shirt. He put his clothes in a hamper and looked over to Tony and went over to him. Tony closed his eyes while Steve stopped in front of him. "Cute." Steve said walking away and out of the room. Tony's face heated up just a bit.

He sat up from the bed and stretched. He looked around and groaned. "If I cant leave, then I might as well look around." Tony said to himself as he got up from the bed. He went to the closet and looked in it for something that would fit him. When he found something he then put it on.

 When he found something he then put it on

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He looked in the mirror. 'Hm, not bad.' He thought and his eyes widened. 'No your a good guy.' He then left the room. 'What was her name...' He thought. "F.R.I.D.A.Y?" Tony said and then a voice said. "Yes? MR. Stark?" She said and ton smiled. "If Steve comes back in the room asking for me, can you please tell him I said I'm not escaping, I'm just looking around?" Tony asked walking down a hall. "Of course." She said.

Tony walked down a hall to multiple doors until he saw a door that had a sign and it said. 'Lab' Tony opened it and walked inside, he heard talking and closed the door without a sound. He put his back to a wall and looked out to see who it was. 

"It wont work though." Peter said with a screw driver in his hand. "Yeah I see, maybe you forgot something." Bruce said messing with the Red and black suit. "No you got everything in there, I don't think its going to work." Bruce said. Tony looked at the things they had, and back at the suit. He walked from the wall and tapped peters shoulder getting his and Bruce's attention. "Lett me see." Tony said a Peter hesitated but handed it to him. Tony examined it for  moment before he pulled out a wire and took a screw driver from Peters hand.

He screwed the top of the choker  and pressed the button on it. The suit flung in the choker and Bruce and Peter looked amazed and Tony handed it to him. He put it on and pressed the button, the suit flew on the boy. "Thank you!" Peter said hugging Tony. "uh-" Tony patted his back and Peter let go. And Bruce raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing up so early in the morning?" Bruce asked. "Could ask the same." Tony said putting his hands in his pockets. 

The door opened. "Bruce, is tony in here-" Steve saw Tony in the room, peter ran up to Steve. "Look! HE fixed it for me!" Peter said pressing the button and the suit few off of him into the choker, he then pressed it again and the suit went back on. 


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