Home Sweet Home

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Natasha pressed Play.

The video started with Clint being put on the table, screaming curse words of them as he was strapped down. They put a cloth in his mouth and took out files and a tube.

As Clint fell asleep, they started surgery on him, obviously the team didn't know how the react to it. When it was done they started to talk. "And now! A baby will be growing in him. The baby should be showing in him in a month, the bump won't show until four months

When the video was over, everyone was speechless and looked at Scott. He put his arms up and walked away, out of the ship with hope and hank. Yelling. "I'LL BE BACK!" And disappeared.

"Uh, let's just get home." Bruce said and the jet started, leaving to the tower.

When they got there, Thor helped Natasha carry Clint to his room and Steve carried Tony to there's. He sat him down on the bed and kissed his forehead. He tucked him in, blanket going to his neck, and went to the bathroom. "Maybe I should build a new home... A new tower." Steve said to himself. "Or take this one down and build a new one.* He said.

He walked out with a wet towel and medicine. Steve went over to Tony. He started to clean the cuts again and put the medicine on them from not getting a infection. He then left the room and down the the meeting room. He pressed a button, calling everyone there. "Yes Cap?" Clint groaned as he sat down. Tired from the last few days.

As everyone started to pile in Steve started talking. "I want to restart are team, and home." Steve said and everyone raised an eyebrow. "Okay I get the building Soldier, but Team?" Thor asked.

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