Messed Up, Bad...

357 11 17

"Tony Stark resumed dead this morning after Team Hydra brought him out." A news worker said. "Pepper Potts also died with thousands of people that surrounded them, people are blaming Not Tony Stark, but Pepper Potts for this." She said and Tony laughed. He was in his lab while watching the news. "Why you might ask, because she, in theory, is why Hydra team killed tony stark. She had made multiple hated comments on him. Also how many other people died."

"She had gotten one of the teams members mad that was with them, effecting the rest of the team to attack the buildings including herself. She died with a shot to the head while the other thousands died by explosion's and buildings landing on them." She said and the News turned to adds. Tony turned off the TV and got up from his seat.

(I have a question, why re you still reading?)

"Still think I'm dead huh?" Tony said to himself. "Hey, its almost eleven o'clock. C'mon, it's time for bed." Steve said coming into the room.  and turning off the TV. "Hey! I was watching that." Tony said glaring at him. "I don't care." Steve said coldly. 'What the hell?' Tony thought. "I'm not tired." Tony said  Sitting down. Steve looked mad, but he would usually have red in his eyes, it was just Blue this time. 'Weird... eh its a whatever.' Tony thought.

"Tony, now." Steve said crossing his arms. Tony rolled his eyes. "Yes, boss." He said walking into the elevator. "I have to do something in the parking lot real quick, would you mind standing in there for a minute?" Steve asked. "No it's fine." Tony said as they waited for the doors to open, and they did...

"Thanks Nat." Steve said with a smile. Him and Natasha were in the living room and they were joking around with Thor. Steve looked at the time. "Damn, its already eleven?" Steve said standing up. " I have to get Tony out of the lab, I'm tired." Steve said stretching with a yawn. He walked to the elevator and pressed the button. Few seconds later the doors opened and there was a bit of blood on the floor. "Did someone have a bloody nose.... they could have at least cleaned it up." Steve sighed. He went to the lab and looked around. "Tony?" He called out, no answer. "Tony?" Steve called out again. He looked at Tony's desk.

"FRIDAY?" Steve said out loud. "Yes sir?" She asked. "Where's Tony." Steve asked going into the elevator. "Lobby sir." She said and Steve pressed the lobby button. "Is he with anyone, where's he going?" He said waiting for the doors to close, he took the shield on his back into his hands. "He's with you sir, and heading to the parking lot." Steve looked down at the fresh blood, before the doors closed Steve ran out of them, into the lab. He ran at the window, breaking it as he few out. "FRIDAY, intruder alert, do not! Close down the tower." Steve said. The alarms went off with loud beeping and repeated words that said 'Intruder alert'.

 When Steve landed the ground he looked around. There was a car driving away. Steve's eyes turned red as he ran as fast as he could, catching up until the car went even faster than before, he started to lose it. He fell over by a rock and a missile flew at him, only four yards away from him. he flew backwards and landed on the ground, his suit was ripped up as he laid there. 

"Why is the alarm going off?" Bruce asked running out to the lobby where the rest of the team were going outside. "I don't know but there was an explosion outside." Natasha said. "Where's Clint?" Thor asked and Bruce shrugged. "Okay, lets go." He said running out of the building with Bruce and Natasha. While they ran out to there Captain, Bruce turned into Hulk. Steve was laying there, suit with huge holes in on it showing his skin. "Steve?" Natasha said slapping his face a bit. "Steve?" She said a little louder. 

"Shut up." Steve groaned. Natasha sighed and sat his head back on the ground. Steve sprung up from what had just happened. "They got Clint and Tony!" He said with wide eyes. "Tony and Clint? How?" Thor asked and Steve stud up. "Tony got knocked out, guessing by the blood in the elevator, hit to the nose. I ran into one of Clint's Hearing aids in the lobby. One might still be in his ear though." Steve said getting help from Natasha to stand. "We need to track them-" Before He could finish his sentence Natasha cut him off. "- Tomorrow, you need to rest, I'm sure you'll be fine in the morning." She said and Steve nodded.

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