Trying to Escape Will lead to Punishments, Tony

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Steve had sat tony down in a chair in his bedroom. "Bye, sweetheart." Steve said walking away. "Fuck off." Tony mumbled and Steve completely stopped in lace. He turned around.

"Anthony." Steve said in a stone cold voice. "Tony." He corrected. "Anthony, do you know who's in charged here?" Steve said walking closer. "A bitch?" Tony said sarcastically. Steve looked like he was about to kill him, obviously he wasn't, but he needed to teach Tony who's boss there and to respect him. "Get up." Steve said, now he was right in front of Tony. He stud up and looked up just  bit to meet Steve's eyes. "What are you goin-" 

Tony was cut off by Steve slapping and pointed to a chair in a corner. Tony put his hand to his cheek with a shocked look. "Time out!" Steve said. "I'm not a chi-" Again, he got cut off by Steve slapping him, even harder. "Sto-" Again, even harder . Tony's cheek was red, (On his face... not his butt 😶.... maybe one day, but not now or it would ruin my plans 😏.) "Fine." Tony said walking over to the chair, crossing his arms and sitting in it. "I'll send someone when you can get out of it, until then.." He said turning off the light. "Stay put." He said shutting the door and leaving Tony in the dark.

The only light that was in the room was his arc reactor shining blue. "I'm not his fucking pet, and I'll never be. " Tony said to himself 'I need to find out how to get out of this place' Tony thought and sighed... an idea popped  in his head.

He got out of his chair and used the light from the arc reactor to Gide him around. He went to the door and opened it quietly. He peeked out and there was no one there. He smiled and closed the door again. He went to the closet and switched his shoes to something he could run in. He peeked out the door again and there was someone walking down the hall. Tony watched as they walked by. He opened the door and hit then with it making then pass out. He took a key card from his pocket. and dragged him inside the room and put a note on the mans back that said. 'Fuck you,-Stark' 

"Chaw Chaw mutherfucka." Tony said with a laugh. He took the card and ran out the room into the hall way. 'Finding our way out wont be that hard.' Tony thought he ran down the hall that went to the big meeting room. "How many times did you smack him." Bruce said sounding stressed. "Three times." Steve said and Bruce groaned. "He needed to learn his lesson." Steve said. Tony looked over at the other end of the hall way. If he ran across they might see him. 'Its worth the risk.' Tony said closing his eyes and running across. 

Somehow they didn't hear him over there own talking. He sighed in relief and ran again. He crossed many halls until he found where they stored and the aircraft door was opened. Tony ran over to it and looked out it. He was in a large building and there was water at the ground of it, he took of his jacket and threw it on the ground. 

With Steve. 

'Sir?' F.R.I.D.A.Y said. "Yes?" Steve asked. "Tony Stark Is out of his room and running threw halls..' She said and Steve's eyes widened. "What!?' Steve said. "Where is he now?" Steve said getting up from his seat, followed by Natasha, Bruce, and Thor. 'The aircraft sir.'  F.R.I.D.A.Y. and Steve laughed. "Jokes on him, The plains are broken." Steve said and they rushed down to it. When they got in there they saw him but the aircraft door and he took off his jacket. 

"Tony!" Steve said and tony looked back and turned around. "Bitch." Tony said and Steve had the same Stone cold look on his face. Tony smirked. "They then realized that the door he was by led out into the water. "Tony, What are you doing?" Bruce asked. "I don't even know you guys." Tony said and put his hands on his hips. "And I really don't want to." He said. "Anthony-" Steve said and tony glared at him and cut him off. "Its Tony." He said Cod tone coving his voice. 

Tony put his hand in front of his and held out the middle finger while falling back into the sky. 'There might be water there, but landing in it, he'll drown. " Natasha said and Steve picked up his shield and ran over to the opening, jumping out into the air. Tony had already landed in the water and got his foot stuck in a rock. 'Shit.' he thought as he started losing air. He then past out just as Steve landed in the.

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