Chapter Two

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Magic fire balls danced about the ceiling, lighting up the inside. The empty walls were painted black with crimson trim. All the doors were closed except for one at the top of the double staircase. 

The passing examinees and I walked up the right side stairs. We walked through the open door, revealing an assembly hall with hundreds of students inside. A knife whizzed past my head, but I didn't flinch. The new students around me didn't move either. 

A booming voice echoed in the assembly hall.

"Welcome to Dysnomia Academy. Take a seat in the front."

Everyone's heads turned to the man with black hair tied up into a ponytail. He wore a baggy, leather jumpsuit and matching leather shoes. I knew exactly who he was. His name was "The Charmer". He often went into the red-light districts to find victims, and he would lure them to their doom using his charm. The Heroes had a hard time catching him since he'd just use his charm ability to slip right through their fingers.

I led the way down the aisle towards the front row. Current students threw objects and shot magic attacks on both sides. I cast an electron cloud around me. The electron cloud charges and condenses particles in the surrounding space for a reliable layer of protection around the user, me. I'm sure they aren't allowed to do much since we're inside. They're only trying to shake us up. I sat down in the first seat and the others followed. The Charmer rubbed his chin as he watched us sit down. Once everyone was seated, he waved his hand and the attacks stopped immediately. The Charmer cleared his throat.

"Before we begin, I feel like I should introduce myself. I'm called The Charmer, and I'll be the head principal of the academy this year and for many more years to come. I decided to become the principal as my great grandfather was the founder of this school. Enough about me. Shall we begin?"

He bowed as the students clapped and continued.

"As you might know already, this place isn't like any other villain academy. With the most difficult entrance exam and rigorous courses, this school is only those with a heart of pure evil and the determination to become the next generation of infamous villains. We don't want the next villains to easily fall to the hands of heroes. That's why we are here to teach you the necessary skills to conquer the world one day."

Chairs were being tossed in the air. Whistles rang in the hall. The students were getting out of hand. The Charmer fired a few shots from a revolver to silence the chaos.

"As I was saying, a heart of pure evil could only pass the entrance exam. Those who could not kill the figments of their own imagination would not make it in the world of villains. Rest assured, the loved ones you saw in the final test were not real. We used life-like holograms to measure your willingness to succeed in the world of villains."

No one in my row seemed relieved that the things they killed were fake. Some even looked angry about the fact.

"Finally, this is a school. There are rules to follow. There are things you need to do for your classes. I assume that all of you came here to succeed. We are known for being the best villain school and won't let you tarnish our name with ridiculous behavior. If you aren't fit for our school, I'll have your mind erased like those who failed the exam."

So that's what happened to them...

The assembly hall was dead silent. No one even moved in their seat. The Charmer's serious tone quickly disappeared when he spoke again.

"That's all. Everyone except our new arrivals can leave. We need to get the dorm rooms and schedules situated."

The students filed out through the many doors lining the side of the hall, and my group walked to the front. The Charmer was more intimidating closer up. We got into a line and received an envelope with our student information. The head principal handed the envelopes out with an overwhelming smile to the students in front of me. When it came to my turn, I deactivated my electron cloud. The Charmer placed the envelope in my hands but didn't let go. He whispered barely loud enough for me to hear.

"You were the fastest one to pass the exam. I expect great things from you."

He let go and continued passing out the envelopes.

I opened my envelope and read its contents. There was a rule book with only a couple pages, registered student information, class schedule, and the entrance exam assessment. I pulled out the assessment to read the notes and score.


Examinee: Kenzo Langston

Sex: Male

Score: 98/100

Time: 00:37.59

Skills present: lightning bolt, lightning spear

Notes: Kenzo exhibits great potential in all three tests. He was unfazed when given the task to kill a bird, dog, and loved one. There was no sign of hesitation and quick to finish. 


I laughed to myself. Loved one? There's no way she could be my loved one. She died. She died because of me.

Author's Note:Hi readers! This is my second year doing the OpenNovellaContest

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Author's Note:
Hi readers! This is my second year doing the OpenNovellaContest. I'm hoping all of you stick around for the future chapters to come. What did you think of these first chapters? What do you think of Kenzo so far? Also, I'll be posting a new chapter every Wednesday and Saturday so look forward to that. Bye for now~

🖤 writers_cubby 🖤

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