Chapter Eleven

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"What are we going to do with a child like him? His tantrum the other day destroyed an entire room in our mansion."

"Well, we can always send him to the labs. They're still asking for subjects to experiment on. Plus, I've never seen anyone with his golden eyes. The scientists will love them."

I was only four years old, but I understood what they were talking about. They often threatened me by saying they'd send me to the labs. The labs were known for their inhumane practices on those with special abilities for the sake of science. I broke out into a cold sweat. My hands were shaking. I wanted to run, but my legs were frozen in place. 

A moment later, my mother came out of the room. Her eyes widened when she saw my pale face. Fear froze the blood in my veins. All I could think was "run". 

My little legs carried me as fast as they could. The vicious clacking of my mother's high heels behind me were getting closer. I turned several corners, trying to make her slip. But it was no use. She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and slammed me into the wall. The still-fresh cigarette burns on my back screamed in agony. I wanted to cry. I wanted to beg for another chance. But my body rejected my wants and hid my emotions behind a blank face.

My mother caught her breath before speaking in an icy voice.

"How much did you hear?"

A chill ran down my spine, but my expression didn't change. I replied in a monotonous tone. 

"Not much."

She wound up and slapped me across the face. The shape of her hand on my skin stung like hell.

"Why do you always give me that stupid face!?"

My mother wove her fingers in my short, red hair similar in color to her own. She dragged me to my so-called bedroom even though it was an empty space. I was pushed into the cool darkness, and the door slammed shut behind me.

The warmth of my tears caressed my face. I hugged my shoulders, digging my nails into my skin. Alone with my thoughts, I couldn't help but imagine what was going to happen to me in the labs. I heard many stories from my best friend. She said that no one sent there left alive. 

An hour later, a familiar knock came from the wooden door. I stood up and wiped my runny nose on the back of my hand. I knocked back with the same pattern. The door knob wiggled around before the door cracked open. A girl around the same height greeted me with a bright smile. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into a tight hug. I melted in the warmth of my best friend. She was the only one who's shown me kindness since I could remember.

We snuck down the halls until we reached the garden. My parents rarely went outside because they were always working or hiding in the study.

I shielded my eyes from the bright sun as my best friend led me to our favorite spot. We relaxed in the shade of a giant weeping willow that leaned over a pond. The girl always asked me the same question as soon as we sat down.

"Are you alright?"

I let my face experience the true emotions in my heart. I told her all about what my parents planned on doing to me. She grabbed my face and stared into my golden eyes with her sky blue ones. 

"I promise to save you once I get my powers."

"Thank you, Nora."

She crawled around me and lifted my shirt. The breeze brushed against the fresh wounds on my back. Nora opened the little bag she carried with her and applied some cream, covering it with bandages. I sighed from the relief.

We sat there for a bit longer, watching a family of ducks swim around in the shallow water. The birds suddenly flew away. A branch snapped behind us. I slowly turned around to see my mother with her arms crossed and a strained smile. 

"What are you doing here, Kenzo? You should be taking a rest in your bedroom right now."

Nora glared at my mother. My best friend was the only one from the outside that knew her true nature. Our four-year-old minds weren't as educated as an adult's, but we weren't complete idiots. Nora squeezed my hand and whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"I'll keep my promise. Take care of yourself."

I turned around to smile at her for the first and last time. That day, I was shoved into an armored truck and taken to the labs. When I arrived, they branded me with a hot iron, marking me as their property. Then, I was led to my cell by a security guard. All the people I passed on the way appeared to be empty shells. Like there was nothing left inside of them. No spirit. Nothing.


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