Chapter Five

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I waited for Fritz's response to my offer. He still sat at the bar, scratching his head. His furrowed brows and wandering eyes looked like he was deep in thought. What is there to say no to? Then, Fritz cocked his head.

"Don't you just pick up heavy weights and take steroids to be strong?"

"Uh...what are you basing this off of?"

"Well...all the big guys do it like that."

His innocent eyes blinked at me like there wasn't anything wrong with what he said. I slapped my forehead and dragged my hand down my face. I knew that he was going to be a weakling, but I didn't expect him to be stupid too.

"There's a lot you're gonna have to learn before I can trust you in a gym. As club leader, I order you to spend the mornings this week learning the basics with me."

I left the kitchen, walking back to my room. Fritz quickly stood up from the bar stool and followed after me. As we were on our happy little stroll, I heard a thud on the floor behind me. I thought it was just Fritz tripping or something, but he didn't get back up. Before I could turn around to check on him, something tied my legs together. I fell to the ground as it wrapped itself around my body. I tried to escape but struggling only made it tighter. I looked over to Fritz, who was restrained by a long scarf. There was a girl wearing a mask with a smiley face messily painted on it. She crushed his ribs under her foot. Fritz tried to scream, but the scarf around his mouth muffled the sound. I sighed.

"What do you want from us?"

The girl shook her head. She didn't say anything, but she didn't cover my mouth with the scarf either. This is just my day.

"I'm not in the mood to play games right now. Tell us what you want, or I'll beat you into a bloody pulp that even your family couldn't identify."

She shook her head again. I'm tired of playing along. I activated my electron cloud, forcing the scarf to loosen its hold. The girl went to stomp on Fritz again but was blocked by my hand. I grabbed onto her ankle, slammed her into the floor, and took the chance to gain an advantage. Standing above the girl, I held a lightning spear to her throat.

"You poor thing. I bet you thought that you could make us into your servants. A pathetic rat like you could use a lesson or two in picking targets. If you value your life, put the grandma scarf away and scram."

The scarf whipped around the girl's neck. I jumped to the side to dodge a kick and threw a small lightning bolt to her mask. A piece broke off, revealing a golden eye. The girl covered the exposed area and retreated. I was about to throw another spear when Fritz stood between us. The spear was only a few inches from his chest.

"The rules say that you can't kill other students on campus unless it's in self defense."

I shot a glare at him, clenching my jaw.

"She was the one that attacked out of nowhere. I'm acting in self defense for the both of us. And it's not like I was trying to kill her. I could've killed her the instant I saw her, but I was trying to figure out what she wanted."

"I'm sorry..."

I slapped the back of his head.

"Don't doubt me again. You're supposed to follow me with an unwavering loyalty while I'm supposed to lead and protect you. It's almost insulting to see you treat me like this."

"I'm really sorry."

I nodded and continued walking to my room. Fritz stuck close behind me. It didn't take long for me to find the door with my name on it. I invited Fritz inside and closed the door behind us, sending an electric current through the metal knob. It was an extra precaution in case another brave soul wanted to try something.

"Sit at the desk chair. We've got half an hour before classes start."

Without hesitation, he hopped onto the chair. I sat on my bed and fell back, letting myself gently bounce on the fluff. 

"I want to go back to sleep."

The chair creaked from Fritz's sudden movement.

"Is it because of the fight? I'm sorry for-"

"It's not because of that. I didn't get much sleep last night. And stop saying sorry. It's annoying."

"I'm sor....okay."

Ignoring the world around me, I drifted off into my thoughts. Is it a coincidence we have the same colored eyes? I've never seen anyone other than myself that had gold eyes. Not one person in my family has them except me. Who is that girl?

 Who is that girl?

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