Chapter Six

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A knock from outside the room startled me. I sprang out of bed and held a quiet finger to my mouth, signaling Fritz to not make a sound. I crept up to the door.

"Who is it?"

"Hey Kenzo! It's me, Zach. I came to get you cuz we're gonna-"

On the other side, a zap followed by the screeching of skin sliding down the wooden door interrupted Zach. Oops...I forgot to warn him about the doorknob. I took a peek at the fried idiot that twitched on the floor.

"That's why you don't open people's doors without permission."

Zach gave me a thumbs up and coughed.

"I'll keep that in mind."

I helped Zach back up to his feet. He looked over my shoulder and saw Fritz sitting in my room.

"Who's that guy?"

I waved to let the weirdo know he could introduce himself. Fritz scrambled out the chair and stood upright.

"My name is Fritz. Kenzo saved my life, so I joined his club as a member."

I sighed. Well that was awfully blunt. Zach raised his eyebrows.

"I'm Zach. Nice to meet ya. But never told me you had a club."

"I wasn't planning on making one. It was something that just happened."

"Then I wanna join too!"

I rubbed the back of my neck. Why is he acting all buddy-buddy with me? We only met this morning. Zach smiled.

"I can prove that I'd be a good member to have on your side."

"Show me what you got."

Zach took a few steps back and held out his open hand. A sword emerged from his palm. He grabbed onto the handle and pointed the blade at me.

"I can make stuff from my imagination as long as it's not living. Pretty neat, huh?"

I activated my electron cloud and made a lightning sword.

"Let's see how good your sword is."

I swung my sword at Zach. He deflected my attack with a face full of excitement and took a stab at me. My shield repelled the blade, which gave me a chance to recover. We drifted into the hallway that gave us more space than the narrow doorway to my room. Our swords clashed, and the metallic ringing echoed. He's pretty strong. I pushed myself away from him and charged with my sword in front. Zach jumped up into the air and swung with a devastating downward slash. Even with my body protected by the shield, the impact slammed me into the floor. Zach took a step back.

"Was that good enough for ya?"

" definitely passed."

Fritz ran over to check on me.

"Are...are you okay?"

I released my electron cloud and lightning sword and pushed myself off the floor.

"I'm fine. We should start heading to class before we're late."

Zach dropped a heavy hand on my shoulder.

"Lead the way, chief."

I started a silly march over to the lounge, and the two weirdos followed close behind me as we stomped in unison. A smile spread across my face. This is so stupid. It feels like I'm in preschool again.

We made our way to the teleportation door. Many of my classmates already left the dormitory. I walked into the doorway and popped out in the assembly hall. The tables that were once full of breakfast foods were being cleaned off with magic. I snatched a nice, red apple from the small pile just before the rest were taken away. I bit into it. The crispy chunk was packed with juice so sweet and a kick of tart. It was the best apple I had ever tasted.

We merged into the crowds of students that were filing out of the room. I put a hand on Fritz and Zach's shoulder, casting an electron cloud around us. Fritz's eyes widened.

"You don't need to worry about me! I'll be fine. You should conserve your energy."

"I told you already. You follow me, and I'll protect you. Only the people inside my shield can see it. Plus, this is the perfect opportunity for scarf girl to pick us apart without anyone noticing."


Zach interrupted him.

"Just accept the chief's generosity. I'm not sure who scarf girl is, but she's dangerous enough to make Kenzo worry."

Fritz looked down at his feet. If I weren't holding onto their shoulders, I would've smacked the back of his head.

We made it out of the assembly hall and wandered about the hallways, looking for classroom 1-A. We passed 2-B, 2-A, and 1-B until we found the door with the right sign.

After releasing the shield, I opened the door. Students were already forming groups. Some kept to themselves in the corners. It was similar to what you'd see in normal classrooms.

There wasn't a seating chart, so the three of us picked the row in the back. I scanned the classroom. It doesn't look like scarf girl's in here. There's only one door in the front and two sliding windows. Twenty desks. Nothing much to work with if we need to fight.

The chattering classroom fell silent. I looked up to see what happened.

Her black high heels clacked on the floor as she walked to the front of the class. The two tails at the bottom of her black coat danced behind her. She removed her top hat with white gloved hands and took a bow.

"I'll be your teacher for the time you're here."


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