steve - im always here

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a/n: no one reads this 😀

steve notices y/n crying and comforts her.

3rd person pov:

it was just one of those days. everything goes wrong, nothing pleasant happens and you have no choice but to wallow in self pity.

it's was late... maybe 1 am by then and
y/n was wide awake probably the only one still up in the tower. she listened to
y/f/s/s (ur fav sad song) and sat in the dark staring out the window. y/n wished she could've had someone to comfort her, someone to tell her that everything was going to be alright.

without noticing tears threaten to fall and y/n not paying attention allowed them to start to plummet down her skin. she wiped them with her sweater sleeve but she couldn't control it as more fell and she began to sob quietly so she wouldn't wake anyone up... yet she failed.

outside her door walked a tired Steve sauntering along the hall way to try and tire himself out. he heard a noise, first he ignored but he had to stop himself when he heard that it was coming from y/n's room.

Steve had to tell himself to mentally calm down and slowly approached y/n's door. he stood there a moment listening to make sure she really was crying. It broke his heart, y/n and him were just friends but something about her made him forget about any other girl he's met.

he steadily knocked on her room making y/n inwardly curse her behaviour of not staying quiet. she tried to wipe away her tears and she stood up from her bed feeling the stone cold floor beneath her. she hesitantly walked to the door and unfurled the door seeing ... Steve¿

Steve felt horrible, y/n's eyes were red , and her face was tear stained... she looked drained and exhausted. y/n hoped the pale moonlight wouldn't have shone and revealed the aspects of her face.
y/n blankly stared at him,

"I'm sorry if I was being loud... I was just watching a movie and the main character was crying." y/n explained hoping the excuse would work. Steve looked in her eyes, he knew she wasn't alright. "what movie?" he asked. y/n panicked and tried to think making a concentration expression.

"you know you can talk to me right?" steve interrupted her deep thought. y/n couldn't hold it in anymore as a tear escaped her eye. Embarrassed, she quickly went to wipe it away and Steve had gently stopped y/n. her eyes met his and Steve sighed resting his own hand to her cheek wiping away her cheek.

y/n broke out into a sob as Steve walked in and closed the door. y/n didn't care if he was just a friend to her, she needed someone. Steve wrapped his arms around her as y/n released her imprisoned tears. Steve's break shakes as he spoke, he hated seeing her like this.

"hey... hey! I'm here. okay... I always will be." Steve shakily told her. y/n looked up to his eyes, it hurt more that Steve probably didn't like her back. But y/n didn't know that.

She had no idea that Steve was to longing to be held in the others arms. But there they were.... y/n pressed against Steve bawling into his chest as Steve whispered comforting phrases attempting to calm her down.

once y/n had slightly calmed down she looked up at Steve, "why..?" she asked. He stared into her eyes in confusion, "why what?" he quietly questioned. "why are you wasting your night worrying about about me... you need sleep too." y/n stated feeling guilty. "hey... don't say that. I'll always be here for you. you're not alone in this world y/n. I'd gladly spend the night making sure you're okay." Steve answers.

"can I tell you something? you probably couldn't care any less about it and you most likely will think I'm stupid an-" "y/n, just tell me." Steve interrupted. y/n sighed. she was so nervous. a million thoughts raced through her head as she tried to find the words.

"I'm deeply in love with you. When you enter the room my eyes light up because... Steve you always make me smile no matter the circumstance. you always make me feel safe... you're so kind and I don't deserve to be your friend. But... here I am... admitting my feelings for the captain america. if you don't feel the same it's okay.. we can pretend this never happened and stay friends... hopefully we can still be friends." y/n announced.

Steve admired her and she ranted on... he was in utter shock. He couldn't believe what she was saying... what was she speaking so poorly of herself. y/n was the reason Steve ever tried to make a good impression of himself... she had no idea he was also in love with her?

After y/n's rambling ended they locked eyes. Y/n looked carefully into his eyes desperately trying to find the sense of love but before she could finish analyzing Steve spoke. "can I kiss you?" he asked caressing her cheek. y/n's lips parted in surprise. "y-yes." y/n stuttered out. he felt the same... y/n thought.

Steve leaned in connecting their lips together. It was slow but passionate... they both have wanted this, for so long.
y/n wrapped her arms around his torso and Steve pulled her waist in making the space between them disappear. the kiss felt like fireworks.

Everything else in the world didn't matter. The rain pouring outside was gone, the soft breeze from the air conditioning around the tower had faded. What really mattered to them was the friction.

y/n pulled from the kiss as she gasped for air. Steve smiled tenderly and caressed
y/n lips delicately with his finger. In desperation for her warmth once again, Steve kissed her again. Y/n grinned into the kiss as he was in need of her soft lips again.

that night y/n and steve had fallen asleep together. it was confirmed yet that they were in a relationship but that didn't necessarily matter to them. with y/n fallen asleep in Steve's arms, and Steve holding her warmly they were both in much content.


a/n: this has 1000 words so like 🙄😩 yA

pls no one reads these and it's kinda sad that I make these for no one but sometimes I wonder if people will 👀👀

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