wanda - love birds

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a/n: i thought of this idea last night at like 1 am when i was trying to sleep. 😐

with pietro dead, y/n attempts to comfort wanda with no knowledge of how comforting even works.

theme: fluff and prob sum angst

3rd person pov:

it was late. maybe 1-2 am. laid awake Wanda, the memories of her twins death stayed in her mind playing on repeat. it was hard, you know? for her to not only loose her only family left but to now be completely alone with a bunch of avengers. her mind played games trying to figure out which avenger considered her "on their side". she was misunderstood.

maybe 15 minutes later she gave up and got out of her bed. her cold feet hitting the cold hardwood as she silently made her way out her room. it was so quiet, only the sound of the air conditioning erupted the air.

she shivered and held her body tight as she continued to walk to exit the building.
Wanda was just about to open the door when she noticed y/n was out there as well, sitting on the ground reading.
she wondered if she should go out there. she really didn't want to interact with anyone right now but y/n seemed like the most trusting avenger of them all.

hesitating slightly she opened the door and great gust of wind hit her body.
y/n, as if not even hearing the door open, continued reading her book. wanda shuffled and placed herself right beside
y/n. "it's late, you know?" y/n remarked not taking her eyes off her book. "i could say the same." wanda replied looking deeply into the star lit sky.

"you just did." she joked. wanda slightly smiled, "what're you reading?" she questioned. "shakespeare." y/n answered. wanda hummed, "twelfth night, it's a good read. here." y/n had suddenly closed the book and slid it over. wanda being at a loss for words respectfully accepted it and held it to her chest.

"you know you're not alone." y/n spoke, wanda turned her head in confusion. "i've been where you are. it may not seem like everyone trusts you, but we do. we all got issues, but i'm always here if you need to talk. no matter how cliché that sounds.. i'm here." she said and stood up, dusting her pants off from the residue of the concrete.

"by the way," she spoke, "i'm sorry for your loss.". "shakespeare's hard to read, especially when english isn't your first language.. so, i managed to find one with sokovian translation beside the text." y/n added. it was a simple jester but it made wandas heart swell with various unexplained emotions.

"night." y/n said and headed back inside.
wanda looked at the book and a tear dropped from her eye as a small smile creeped on her lips.

it's been a weeks and the relationship between wanda and the avengers has progressed. wanda mostly only talks
to y/n, but she's found trust within the others as well. it wasn't until wanda had begin to quote twelfth night when y/n had started to question her feeings towards her.

sure they were friends, maybe even best friends now. y/n would comfort her and talks to her hours on end, they had spent so much time recently that y/n didn't even realize that the emotions she has felt are "normal" friendship feeling. if only y/n knew that wanda had felt the same.

it went on like this months. it seemed everyone knew they fancied but wanda and y/n themselves. it was aggravating but the team didn't want to rush or ruin whenever their perfect moment would occur.

it was raining, maybe 2-3 am. wanda wasn't sure, but she couldn't sleep. not because of the thunder, lighting, and annoyingly loud rainfall but memories always haunted her during the late hours.
she pushed a few strands of her scarlet hair out of her view and she just let the tears fall, clutching her comforter for some sort of comfort but received none.

she never wanted to bother anyone but she had rushed outside to run, run anywhere, to just let it out. to scream at the top of her lungs and sob to the world.
she didn't even care if anyone could hear her rush out of her room and run through the halls to the exiting doors.

she reached exit and turned the corner and something impacted her and she almost fell when the person had caught her. "wanda?" y/n questioned. having no control over her emotions, wanda sobbed instantly, falling into her arms. y/n got the message and despite the rain she picked up wanda bridle style and walked outside.

she carefully put her down and they sat down. the puddles didn't matter, the pouring rain grazing their skin didn't matter, nothing seemed to matter in this very moment. they sat down, the same place they occasionally did. y/n held wanda and she sobbed loudly in her chest. the weather and coverage of y/n blocking her cries from being heard near by.

y/n continued to whisper encouraging and consoling words to wanda.
after what seemed like awhile, wanda had calmed down enough for her to speak.
"i think i'm in love with you."
"i don't know.. nevermind" she sniffled.
"i think i'm in love with you too." - y/n

they both smiled at each other and they didn't even acknowledge the movement they were making. their lips then joined.
it was definitely better than what y/n had ever imaged, wanda tried to hide her emotion but she couldn't and y/n felt wanda smile into the kiss.

two love birds, bad in the same place they truly had met.

"Journeys end in lovers meeting."
- shakespeare


kinda rushed but i'm not dead!!  i have 2 quizzes tomorrow 😒
it's 11:24... goodnight

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