bucky - it wasn't him

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a/n: uM so I've watched captain America the winter soldier like 8 times this week- along with the fact that I'm watching it right now as I type this 😏 no comment.

instead of bucky killing Tony's parents, he kills y/n's parents. she sees this while also being in a relationship with Bucky.

theme: angst obv


3rd person pov:

all of them knew that zemo just wanted pure revenge. to salvage the loss of his family during the battle in sokovia, he thought making the avengers turn against themselves and begin war would satisfy his misery. they knew this... and yet they still let his mischievous actions get to them.

in the attempt to not be seen, to stay hidden to not communicate with other, Bucky had failed and somewhere ended up making a "friend". he told himself that he wouldn't trust anyone... he couldn't, especially after Steve, the man on the bridge.

however, this new "friend" grew on him. this friend was a beautiful woman. she had sparkling e/c eyes, gorgeous s/c skin, luscious h/l h/c hair with an irresistible smile. over the time bucky and her spent together they had grown to develop settle feelings towards one another.

this girl was named, y/n y/l/n. she would do anything to keep Bucky safe. he might have never said he loved y/n yet, but he trusted her.. and that was bigger than 'I love you'. when Steve had come back, all hell broke loose.

there was always chaos when Steve was around, Bucky could only lay low for so long. the thing with y/n, she wasn't your average girl. the reason why Bucky was so fond of her was because, she too was experimented on with hydra.

y/n's parents practically sold her to do multiple and dangerous experiments striving to make a weapon out of her. they had failed but later on y/n had found out they had unfortunately succeeded.

hydra thought y/n was therefore useless, so they were ought to murder her, along with murdering her parents to coverup any unnecessary loose ends.

even though her parents sold her, they were sort of forced during the act, she still loved them... in the end they were all she had. she had no idea who had murdered her parents in cold blood, but she was determined to find out. she never got any leads.

y/n talked with Bucky about their pasts even though Bucky could barely remember his own, he still listened to her rants. Bucky wanted to find whoever killed her parents, he despised seeing her so heartbroken. even though y/n was ultimately strong, her parents were her weakness.

y/n fought side by side with Bucky against the rest of the avengers.  of course zemo knew about Bucky and y/n, the recording her found was just a bonus for even more revenge coming his way. after finally escaping along side Steve and Bucky, they headed over to the location of the old hydra soldiers.. who they later found out were frozen to death.

(tony's not in this btw) what confused Steve, Bucky, and y/n was why zemo was there... why he had began to show a video. all y/n knew about her parents death was that they had died during a tragic car accident.

the video plays surveillance footage from December 16th 1991. Steve steps over to the screen curiously. "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumples from within? That's dead . . . forever." zemo spoke. y/n's eyes stayed glued to the screen upon them.

she looks closely at the freeze frame of a secluded road and the date, December 16 1991. her eyes rove throughout the screen anxiously. y/n felt a familiar sense, "I know that road. What is this?" y/n hesitant blurted out nervously.

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