carol - dust

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a/n: oorb uM thank you for 8 followers <3333!!!!! AND 300 READS AHH <3 sry I haven't updated in awhile tho 🏃‍♀️ also yes in this chapter carol and maria aren't a ship.

after thanos snaps his fingers, as you know, everything turns to dust. at the time, of course carol had no idea, that's when y/n turned to dust right in her arms.

theme: angst 😏 sum fluff not rlly


3rd person pov:

carol and y/n met each other years ago, maybe 10-15 years. at first, they hated each other. carol wasn't the only one trying to save the universe, y/n was too... more specifically on her planet.

y/n's planet was very much like earth, but there were key components missing. when carol saw y/n, she was underlying confused thinking the people on the planet would be alien like.

y/n, was on a mission, and carol immediately blew her cover and that's how the rival began. about 4 or 5 years later their rival became a friendship.

they soared and helped the galaxy of its needs, and for awhile is was nice. sure carol missed her friends down at earth, but y/n being there with her, just cheered her up. momentarily, carol had developed feelings for y/n without her even realizing.

carol thought the way she was feeling was just just friend things. she then accepted that she had fallen for y/n. her soft and comforting voice, gorgeous e/c eyes, and her personality and humour was beyond compared to anyone carol had ever meant... she was in love.

eventually, carol confessed her feelings, and lucky for her, y/n also fancied her. so, they became a relationship, and it was pure bliss.

this is until...the blip.


"carol, stop!" y/n laughed as she continued to run extremely fast. y/n and carol were racing on a mission to past by time. carol immediately stopped and put her arm out causing y/n to crash into it. "what?" y/n questioned as she stated at carols confused expression.

y/n looked towards the direction carol had been glaring at. when she looked, she saw people disappearing into pure dust. "what's happening?" carol quietly spoke still in utter confusion.

y/n then felt something weird in her whole body. "i have a weird feeling about this." y/n said as she clung onto carols shoulder. "I feel like I'm gonna faint." she muttered. carols attention went from the people to y/n.

"what's wrong." carol had begged that
y/n wouldn't turn to dust whatever this was. "hey, hey, hey." carol spoke catching y/n and she hugged carol attempting not to fall over. "I think something wrong." y/n's voice stuttered.

carol was in confusion, she felt fine. her heart started beating more as she began to panic when she saw y/n's arm was slowly turning to dust. "carol." y/n exclaimed in fear glaring at her arm. "look at me, look at me." carol spoke softly, and put her hand on y/n's cheek making her look to carols eyes.

"beauty you're alright." carol's eyes teared up at the realization that y/n would he gone. half of y/n's body had been turned to dust, and y/n gave carol one last terrified look before her whole body was turned to dust.

she was gone. carol sat there, the particles in which was left from y/n laid in her arms and lap. she clutched her heart and sobbed, as she was truly alone.

it took a few days for carol's sadness to turn into pure rage. that's when she went out to earth... in hopes of getting back the one thing she loved most.

it was done. thanos was defeated but at what a cost, a soul for a soul, and a sacrifice. but, even though nat and tony had no idea that it worked, they won... it was worth it... whatever it takes. everyone was back now. after 5 whole years, half the population was now back.

carol went back to the place she last saw her lover. she sighed, excited, wanting nothing more than to be with
y/n again. when she arrived, she saw
y/n. oh how much she missed her.
"y/n?" carol asked. y/n whipped her head around. "what happened? I think I fainted, and then you weren't here." y/n spoke in utter confusion. carol's eyes filled up with tears, it had been so long and there she was.. alive, right in front her.

"whats wrong, you look like you're about to cry." y/n exclaimed walking closer to carol. she didn't say anything, carol didn't know what to say, she just hugged y/n with all the strength she had. "you look different." y/n said but hugged her back, "I just saw you 10 seconds ago, what happened?" y/n asked but carol just held y/n close.

"a thing happened on earth, wiped out half the population. for 5 whole years you were gone. I was alone." Carol said pulling apart from the hug. "oh my god." y/n stated in shock. she wiped the tears that were laid upon carols cheeks, "I'm here now, okay?" y/n attempted to comfort and held her close. "I love you so much." carol muttered in y/n's hair.

"I love you too." y/n spoke softly.

but then,

carol's eyes opened, and wasn't at that planet, she wasn't being held in y/n's embrace, she was still alone... and half the population was still gone, it was a dream. a dream she wish were real, but then again... she could nothing to bring her back.

it was all over for her.


hi I made like an alternative ending to endgame cause like why not.

me updating twice in a day- never heard of it 🏃‍♀️

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