(a.g) peter p - loosing interest?

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a/n: i saw spider-man nwh last night.
that movie RIPPED my heart out of my chest omfg

y/n finds out peter is spider-man.

theme: fluff lolz


I've been waiting over an hour for peter.
Lately he's been distant and not really paying much attention to me. I'm afraid he's cheating on me, or losing interest. but I love him too much to say anything.
but if he doesn't show up at all, i'm going to have a talk with him.

i open my phone and check my messages.
still no answer from him. i sigh and make my way home. i cannot BELIEVE he stood me up.. AGAIN!

I walked into my room and sat down on my bed and rubbed my head with my hands. so many thoughts going through my mind. I decided to get some fresh air so I went out to my balcony. I was home alone, mom working the night shift and I live with no other family.

breathing in the air completely loosing focus. suddenly a figure appeared out of no where. "what the fuck!?" I exclaimed turning to see.. omg SPIDER-MAN??
"o-oh.. um, uh h- ? hello.. spider-man." I stumbled on my words not really knowing what to say in this kind of situation.

"why are you on my balcony?" i managed to add. the hero ignored me and shoot a web at my wrist pulling his hands around my wrist. instantly i fought back, who the fuck cares if this is spider-man.. i'm a loyal girlfriend. "excuse me! i have a boyfriend. even though he's ignoring me." i seemed to have said the last of that out loud by accident.

he looked up at me. now i truly didn't know what to do. "then the masked hero lifted his mask off, throwing it on the ground beside him. I'm so confused.
i mean.. there's no way?? peter? spider-man? not that he couldn't if he wanted to? but PETER?

"wha-?" I spluttered. "y/n, I'm so sorry." he said as if he completely forgot his identity was just revealed to his girlfriend.
"I'm not ignoring you. So much has happened in such little time and I want nothing more than to spend time with you. And I know that's really no excuse." he ranted, "peter shut up.", "you're spider-man!?" I asked, still shocked. He grabbed me by the waist, pulling me in. body's pressed, lips inches away from each other.

he's such a tease..

"I love you." he spoke. my eyes widened, "you what?" I replied, "I love you." he repeated himself with a reassuring smile.
i sighed in relief looking down with a small chuckle. "what? whats wrong?" he asked putting his gloved fingers under my chin raising my eye level to his.

"I just. I thought you were loosing interest. I mean with all the girls at our school, I still don't know why you chose me. I also thought that since you've been so distant you were.. cheating." I explained looking in his eyes. it seemed my words hurt more than I meant it to.

he instantly closed the space between our lips. I kissed back immediately. this wasn't like any other kiss he's given me. It felt a lot similar to our very first kiss. it was sweet, passionate but not rough nor sloppy. his hands placed on my jaw/cheek, other holding my lower back.

my hands slid to the back of his neck and it became slightly heated. realizing the actual situation, despite my need for him I pulled my lips away.. not easily.
"peter!" i whisper yelled. "you're spider-man?", "god shut up." he spoke engulfing me in yet another kiss.

catching our breaths every few minutes, the kissing finally came to a stop when I pulled away again. peter sighing, "I could kiss you all day y'know?" he flirts. i roll my eyes with a chuckle. "you'd get sick of it sooner or later." I spoke walking to the door to enter the house. in that motion, his touch had slid from me.

I opened the door, I looked back. "are you coming?" I questioned with a small smile.
he quickly grabbed his mask and rushed inside before me. i closed the door. I look back to him and he's anxiously waiting, gripping his mask. I furrow an eyebrow, "are you alright?" I asked. He grabbed my hands. "I didn't tell you because I feared you could somehow be in danger. I trust you so much, and care so much I don't know what I would do without you. therefore I didn't want to risk your life for saving the world." He explained looking deep into my e/c eyes.

I stared at him in awe, "I love you Peter Parker," I replied and softly grabbed his mask, "and if this is who you are now.. then I'm okay with that." I chuckled a little nervous. ".. just don't get yourself seriously hurt, don't be stupid, know your friends, know your enemy's, and know that your girlfriend is not going anywhere.", he smiled and hugged me tightly, I quickly accepted the embrace and melted in his arms.

"I don't know how I got so lucky." he says into my hair, i blush, "stop pete." I chuckle.
we pulled apart, "wanna go swinging with me?", "no." I reply, "righhhtt you're afraid of heights." he teases. "i'm not AFRAID.. just don't think I would like it." I say simply. he nods his head, "okay.. well. i do have to go. but I'll be back asap." he says putting his mask on. I nodd. "wait!" i immediately call after him.

he turns to me, "be careful." I say.
"always." he replies and jumping off the edge, i run up to the edge to see where he's going. "love you y/n!" he yells flinging through the city. i can't help but smile to myself.


yo 🐒 how was your guys holidays?
mine was alright :)

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