wanda - sleep tight

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a/n: I have school tomorrow and it's almost 1 am 🚶🏼‍♀️

wanda falls asleep in y/n's embrace and she brings wanda to bed and she asks y/n to stay with her.


3rd person pov:

Wanda and y/n sat on the couch laying down in their living room apartment watching their favourite movie, 'Bonnie and Clyde'. y/n has her arm wrapped around Wanda and Wanda's head was pressed against y/n's chest as she was snuggled in right.

Not only did they have each other's warmth but laid upon them was a soft blanket covering both of them. the movie credits started to roll and y/n looked down to see Wanda fast asleep. y/n grinned to herself. Wanda looked so peaceful and beautifully while she was in a slumber.

y/n turned off the television and swiftly removed the blanket. being as careful as possible y/n lifted Wanda and moved her slightly to the side so y/n could stand up.

y/n's ankle cracked and mentally cursed as she didn't want Wanda to awake. she stood there fearful.... Wanda didn't move. in relief y/n smiled and delicately picked up Wanda's and quietly headed to her and Wanda's shared bedroom.

She plopped Wanda on her side of the bed and covered the covers on Wanda tucking her in. Y/n admired her, she slightly moved a hair of Wanda's and tucked it behind her ear. Wanda breathed and y/n bit her lip. How did she get so lucky?

she kissed Wanda's forehead and whispered, "sleep tight my love.", and silently walked back to the living room to clean up the mess when a voice stopped her mid walking. "y/n? stay." Wanda tiredly spoke. y/n blushed and turned back around turning the light off only the moonlight lit up parts of the room.

y/n nodded, "of course." she replied and climbed into bed pulling in Wanda closely.
"I love you." Wanda mumbled into y/n's chest. "I love you too." y/n exclaimed and kissed the top of Wanda's head.

it was at that moment that they both realized they trusty were lucky to be in raconteurs embrace.

they were both so lucky.


this is very short but liKe what cAn I dO

I tried to make it as long as possible but yA knOw that didn't really work out ...

it was about 400 words okay

goodbye :)))

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