Chapter 13

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TW: Homophobia

I jumbled the door till it unlocked, inside of the Albert-Reed household was absolute mayhem. People were laughing and shouting over the music, and there was a heavenly smell coming from the oven. It was always chaos at Ivy's house. The brunette twins, Liam, and Ben are two years younger than us. Then there's the delinquent Mikey who is four years younger, and the baby ( who doesn't have a filter) Isaac,  nearly seventeen. There was way too much testosterone in this house, poor Ivy, no wonder she wanted out.

Along with the Albert-Reeds, Eli's parents were there and of course the rest of the gang.

Mrs.AR saw us by the door and waved us in, I shrugged out of Mason's coat and he hung it on the coat rack with a smile.

"Rory, you're soaked, come upstairs, I should have some extra clothes here." I nodded and followed Ivy upstairs to her bedroom. "Hey Liam, Ben! One of you, left ball sacks, give Mace some clothes; his weeny is probably shriveled up under there." We snickered after hearing Mason complain and promise everyone, he was fine.

Ivy's clothes were tiny. I could tell they were from high school, the skintight black long sleeve had a deep v. Unfortunately, my chest area was always on the larger side in comparison to Ivy, so my cleavage was on full display. Ivy managed to find a pair of jeans too, they were more of a jegging material and completely horrendous. Thank god we've kept this trend in the past, but I shimmied into them anyways.

Mason was downstairs, dressed in navy basketball shorts and a tournament top. I watched his eyes trail up and down my body. His eyesight lingering on my chest. "You should take a picture it would last longer". I winked.

He smirked and grabbed me by my waist, making me giggle for the first time today.

"Oi, my roast is ready, so if you want some you better come get it, cus this family", Mrs.AR whacked Isaac's greedy hand away from the food, "is full of pigs".

The dinner table was surprisingly quiet everyone's mouths were occupied by the delicious meal. "The service was wonderful this afternoon". Mrs. Jones complimented, a bunch of 'yeahs' and 'mhms' echoed. I shook my head.

"Mason, darling how are your parents? Have you talked to them lately?"

He swallowed his mouthful before he spoke from beside me, "yes, they are doing well. Sadly dad couldn't get the time off work to come back. But they are constantly sending me pictures of the weather down there, bragging. Mom loves the Florida heat."

"And how is dance in Chicago Emily?" Apparently, this dinner was twenty-one questions. I zoned out after Ben said something political, instead, growing interest in pushing around my potatoes. Accidentally I dropped my fork, with a clatter onto my plate when I felt a large hand on my upper thigh. Everyone looked at me, I gulped and blushed. My spare hand went to try and pry Mace's sensual grip, but he continued stroking my leg. I was hoping my breathing didn't get noticeably different as I tried to fight off the butterflies.

He leaned in his hot breath fanned my ear, "you better control yourself there Ror, don't want little Isaac popping a boner". I looked across from me at Ivy's youngest brother who's gaze never once left my cleavage. Laughter bubbled out of me, probably wasn't helping poor Isaac's case as my boobs bounced to the rhythm.

He hopped out of his seat, "I need to go to the bathroom", he announced and rushed off. I snickered, not holding back my laughter.

I was fat. After dinner, I was completely bloated. Thank god these weren't real jeans, I would have popped a button. We were all sitting in the living room surrounding the fire that was on strictly for aesthetic purposes and Ivy and her mom just finished handing out cobbler.

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