Chapter 17

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Mason's Pov

I slipped my hand in the water, testing it out. It was a perfect temperature not too hot not too cold. The past few days and especially last night were absolutely amazing. God, I think sometimes I may have pushed a little too hard or flirted too much. But I've always felt that way around Rory. Neither one of us has mentioned tomorrow when I fly back home. I wish this didn't have to end. A wave of guilt hit me as I thought about it. Hopefully, Rory doesn't see this like I'm using her. I never intended to come back here and mess around with her. Being here just brought back memories and dug up old feelings.

Although I would probably never admit it. Oh, wait dumb eighteen- year -old me did, and the proof is on tape. I was so in love with Rory. Like I said, I wanted nothing more than to marry her. I would make excuses to go over to the Skinner's house to see her. Saying I needed help with the homework ( I most likely actually did), I came to watch the ball game with your dad (and you), or here's some leftover pie(I would use any excuse in the book).

Rory was my first love. I guess my first everything. Deep down I think this time we spent together, rekindled my feelings. I desperately wanted to know where she stood. Some actions or the way she looked at me reminded me of when we were in love. I didn't want to sound like a love-sick pussy but I would be shocked if we weren't on the same page.

But it's all for nothing, tomorrow I go back. Reality will settle in, hell it'll sink in once I get off that plane. Megan is coming to pick me up from the airport. Fuck Megan, I need to end things with her. I'll start to picture Rory's face on hers when we fucked, and that's messed up. A tingle swelled through my body. Megan knew what we were nothing more than friends with benefits. And Rory and I weren't even together... But I felt like I was cheating on Rory. What is wrong with me?

"Hey Ror, the bath is ready." I walked into the room, Rory was still in bed with a somber expression. I frowned, coming closer I realized she was looking at my phone. Wonder what's got her in a mood? I hopped into bed and pulled her close. There was tension, once I grabbed her, her body was like a dull weight, not wanting to be moved.

"What's up, Sunshine?" A growing concern filled the pit of my stomach.

"Who's Megan?"

Those two words felt like heavy weights being dropped on my chest. Fuck, double fuck. I ran my hand quickly through my hair.

"Just a friend." My voice came out wary. No, please. I felt like I was going to be sick.

Her eyes were hollow when she looked up at me, there was no sign of emotion on her face.

"A friend who sends you nudes?" She flashed me the screen. I wanted to throw that phone across the room and watch it shatter into a million pieces. Megan meant nothing to me the way that Rory did.

"Rory, you need to know that-".

"I don't need to know anything Mason. You disgust me. You-you". Her chipped nail polished, finger pointed at me as she moved farther away. "You cheated on your girlfriend with me? You made me the dirty mistress?"

My jaw dropped. Now, this went completely south. For the umpteenth time guilt wash up ashore and something told me it was here to stay. Rory's big green doe eyes started to fill with tears. And her lip started to wobble, a very visible trait she had, it's time to cue the waterworks. And I don't blame her.

"Mace", her voice broke, along with did my heart. "How dare you, how fucking dare you, use me as a barrier in a relationship. And now at this time?" Her laugh was humorless. "I was so vulnerable, and you used me." Her words were a whisper as silent tears trekked down her cheeks.

"No! Please it's not like that I swear." My voice raised an octave with urgency.

"Megan and I casually hook up nothing more." I pleaded.

She got up out of bed and threw on an oversized sweater. The grey crewneck fell to thigh length. At any other giving time, I would be flocking all over her. She looked so adorable and innocent; the sweatshirt swallowed her up. But now she looked heartbroken and scared. The protective ego inside of me wanted to keep her safe. How could I keep her protected if I'm the source of pain?

"So, I'm just a hook up to you too?" Her voice came out a mumble.

I wanted to scream no, repetitively; but my throat restricted. So, I violently shook my head.

"I mean, you do leave but I wanted our time we had together to be genuine." The bed was situated like a barricade between us. I wanted to parkour and jump over it leaving no space between us, confessing my undying love. But of course, I didn't. My feet felt like they were glued to the floor, so heavy I couldn't lift them.


"Don't call me that Mason", her tone was venomous.

"The time we spend together really meant something to me. I was putting in my heart and soul, I've always had with you. All the kisses we shared. The comfort you brought me throughout the whole process with my dad. You were perfect" Her breathing is now irregular. I started to walk towards her. She needed to be comforted.

But her tiny hand shot up to stop me. "And here I am making a fool out of myself. I'm embarrassed because all you saw was a quick, easy, fuck". I wince at the harshness in her vulgarity. "While I'm falling for you, Mason. All over again."

My face tried to twist into a righteous smile, I wanted nothing more than to pick her up and twirl her around the room. Then attack her with kisses and throw her on the bed, and make love. It's like my prayers have been answered. I am in love with you too Aurora Skinner. I wanted to scream, I wanted to shout it.

"I love you Sunshine". My voice cracked as if I was a thirteen- year- old boy going through puberty. She turned to hide, giving me no kind of reaction.

"Please, I do not need your pity now! I'm not a sad girl, you can manipulate. I have feelings and you can't, you can't go around stringing me along. I matter. For fuck sakes I matter." Rory gave one last look at me before she slammed the door.

It felt like she took my heart with her, leaving me scrambling to pick up the pieces. White anger flooded my veins, how come she wouldn't believe me. I put my heart on the line, I admitted to her something I've never told any other woman. And she had the audacity to call me out. I tugged at my hair. I thought she could trust me. I fucked up.

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