Chapter 7

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Rory's Pov

We were already several drinks deep when Emily and Ivy sauntered in from the porch. Their conversation must have been a success; Em's familiar radiant glow had returned, and Ivy's smile was even wider than when she had arrived. They strolled in, arms linked, exuding confidence.

"We could hardly hear ourselves outside, sounds like a ragger in here" Ivy laughed. I hadn't realized how loud our music had been, we were too busy distracted in our own ridiculous conversation.

"Wanna beer Ivy?" Mason's voice was several octaves louder.

"When have you known, Ivy Albert-Reed to pass up a beer?"

I got up grabbing another six-pack from the fridge and handed her one.

" Ya'll, still know how to play cheat?" Emily grabbed a pack of cards that was on the coffee table.

Certainly, if we had any close neighbors, they would have been annoyed by our rowdiness. But that's the beauty of living in the country- no one's nearby. We laughed and danced well into the early hours, maybe past one or two in the morning.

"And that, that, that my fr- friend is a CHEAT." I slurred at Emily who was still sober, claiming to have three queens. She laughed and threw her cards onto the deck. "Nah, pick these up". Laughter bubbled from my throat as the room started to swirl a bit.

"Mason, Mace, Macy boy, it's your turn!" Ivy exclaimed as she got up to grab a glass of water, almost falling face down in the kitchen. He shouted "One king guy", unaware of his volume.

"Gosh, Mace, quiet down they'll hear you", I giggled as I moved to sit beside him. Resting my head on his shoulder. I felt the warmth surrounding me, making me feel all cozy inside. His fingers, adorned with silver rings, gently ran through my messy hair. I smiled and glanced at his flushed face; his complexion was tinted a rosy hue from alcohol consumption. It was almost like it was before, almost.

"Oh, my god, this, this is our song!" Ivy went to turn the toggle up on the stereo system. "TAKE ME TO YOUR BEST FRIEND'S HOUSE! ROLL AROUND THIS ROUNDABOUT".

"OHHHHHHH YEAH", Em continued, grabbing Ivy's hands as they twirled.

"Come on", I said dragging out my letters, pulling on Mason's arm. "Dance with me", I pleaded, giving him puppy dog. In return, he just laughed and wiggled up from his spot.

"TAKE ME TO YOUR BEST FRIEND'S HOUSE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I jumped up and down on the couch, finally at eye level with Mason now.

"I loved you then and I loved you now", he sang the lyrics with a wide smile, watching me with lustful eyes. It felt just like old times. I smiled at the boy in front of me, I wasn't aware of how much I had missed everyone, especially him. Just being in Mason's presence made me happier. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. Em's blonde hair bouncing around her, and Ivy's smile made her look blissful. They giggled mercilessly while Mace looked at me under his sweaty mop of hair, his eyes sparkled. This was perfect.

Till bile rose to my throat, and I puked all over the hardwood floor.

I don't remember much of what happened next, but I found myself sitting on the cold bathroom tiles after an eventful session. Thankfully, despite our close proximity, I didn't manage to upchuck all over the beautiful boy. The mere thought of doing so would have sent me into a spiral and I would have died of embarrassment. Mason stayed with me the whole time, holding my hair back and rubbing circles on my back. Now, I'm definitely aware of our situation, and embarrassment creeps its way back in. Why did I ever think I could outdrink a six-foot-three man? Mason had just witnessed me heaving into the porcelain bowl for half an hour. Damn if that isn't hot what is?

"I am so sorry, that was disgusting. You didn't need to stay", I said, resting my head against the side of the tub. It felt cool and refreshing against my heated skin. I watched from under my lashes, as Mason got up and wet a face cloth. His fingers gently grazed my neck, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. His actions gave me goosebumps. Mason was silent as he moved my hair from the nape of my neck and draped the cold washcloth against me, pressing ever so softly to ensure it stayed in place. My breath caught as I looked up at his doe-like eyes, his focus trained on the task at hand as he bit his lip in concentration. He was always so caring. Our eyes met, and he smiled.

"I haven't seen this Rory Skinner since blackout Fridays, after home games".

Well, that killed the mood, I groaned recalling memories of my high school drinking habits. Come to think of it, it was almost always Mason that came to take care of me after one of those reckless nights. "I haven't seen her either", I muttered. My phone pinged. It was a message from Ivy; she was going to crash on the couch, saying she was too plastered to make it home. Glancing at the clock, I noticed it read 3 in the morning. Even though I had party girl tendencies, I always hated the morning after.

"Geesh, better get to sleep, it's pretty much already morning", Mace drawled as he looked over. I nodded. With Ivy staying over, she took Mason's bed away from him. That was unless he cuddled up to Emily on the single in the guest room. Or, I suppose, there's Dad's bed. But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Mason stood up with his hands extended down towards me. I made grabby hands at him, acting childish, earning an eye roll as he dragged me by my arms up from the floor. And we walked towards my pink monstrosity of a room.

I flicked the light switch and flopped onto my bed. My eyes followed Mason's as he scanned the photos and keepsakes that lined my walls, several pictures featuring the Fantastic Five from pre-K all the way through high school. A grin never left his face as he skimmed over pictures from prep rallies to all five of us sharing a cheesecake at Mrs.AR's dinner. I smiled, that was a whole other time when my lactose intolerance didn't seem to exist. Exhaling at the thought, I unclipped my bra and slid it out from under my shirt, releasing a small gasp of relief. The plop of the material must have pulled Mason out of his trance. He looked at me as I snuggled under the covers, patting the space beside me, "stay". He glanced at me, then back to the bed, then back at me, and finally once at the door.

"There's no other place to sleep, Mace. We are adults. Be mature." I deadpanned. He just laughed.

"Okay, Rory", he said, flipping the lights off. I heard him shuffling for a few minutes until I felt the bed dip. Mason's body heat warmed the entire bed. I don't know if it was from pure exhaustion or lingering liquor, but I eagerly scooted closer to him, pressing my backside against his front. As if he knew what I was doing, he slung his arm over and allowed me into the curve of his body, becoming the little spoon. My breaths became shallow, and my eyes started to flutter close. "You know, I'll always take care of you Sunshine", his voice barely above a whisper. I smiled and kissed the heel of his hand as a response. And that was the last thing I remembered till I drifted off to sleep.

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