Chapter 19

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It was five-thirty when my alarm went off. No sane person should be up this early, but I promised Mason I would drive him to the airport. It was a statement I made before our fight, one that I wasn't looking forward to. Originally, I thought that saying goodbye to Mace would kill me, but in reality; I wanted him gone so badly.

I spent hours pondering the conversation we had. Did he like me more than a friend? Good for him! What did that mean? I was at a loss for words. I admitted that I am in love with him, am in love, present tense! God, he was so dense, but if he truly did have romantic feelings for me, he would have confessed. Right?

We didn't sleep in the same bed, and I wasn't sure if I was glad or sad about it. A part of me wanted everything to go back to how we were, erase all sexuality. I wanted the comfort; I wanted my best friend back. Mason was too leery; treating me like I was delicate, able to break at any moment. I guess in his stay he has witnessed me one too many times a mess.

I could hardly breathe on the way to the airport. The toxic silence was eating at my lungs, I rolled down Lazy Sue's window, trying to aid the situation. But nothing seemed to help. I stole a few glances at Mason; his handsome face showed almost no emotion. His eyesight was focused on the road ahead, I knew that blank stare meant he was deep in thought. I couldn't help but trace his features with my eyes, so I could remember the amazing man that sat in the passenger seat. His dirty blonde hair hung a little too long, covering his eyebrows. I was envious of his long eyelashes (much longer than my own), which framed his gorgeous hazel eyes. You could never get sick of observing his large orbs, it seemed like every time you looked in them you discovered a new earthy tone. They were hypnotizing. Just below was his slightly crooked nose, which gave him a model-like side profile and lead to my favorite feature. His plump lips were a slightly pink color, parted ever so slightly so his tongue could dart out and lick them with moisture.

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down in anticipation, probably nervous.

It was a miracle we made it to the airport in one piece. There was so much on my mind I wanted to say but no words left my lips. We went through the airport as much as we could together till we wound up at our crossroad.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you Ror." Is he joking? We are not parting like this. I threw my arms around his neck, feeling him tense up before his arms wrapped around my waist.

"You know your welcome here anytime Mason, don't be silly," I whispered in his ear. He pulled back slightly so our faces were meters apart.

"I'm really sorry Sunshine, for your dad and then for me fucking things up." I could see the guilt in his eyes as he spoke, his hands were still around my waist, making sure I wasn't going anywhere. And I wasn't. I didn't want to leave his embrace. I felt warm and safe with Mason. I felt like I was at home.

"You didn't fuck anything up Mace, okay?" I pulled his face closer to mine. "We might not be on the same page but that will never change our friendship. We are best friends okay? And even when we are old and when you're sick of me, I'll still call you to remind you of it." I swallowed to keep the tears down.

The intercom crackled and announced the boarding of Mason's plane.

He squeezed me harder relishing in the moment. "I love you Mason Scott, no matter the circumstances okay?"

Mace nodded vigorously, I stepped on my tiptoes to land a sweet kiss on his cheek.

He prolonged our intimate embrace until he couldn't and gave me one last bone-crushing hug. Before he stalked off towards the entrance, he idled for a few seconds.

"I am in love with you, Sunshine".

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