Chapter 18

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Rory's pov

I felt sick to my stomach. A wave of queasiness rolled through me. Finally, I'm outside and inhaling fresh air. For starters, I'm shocked at how easy it was for me to admit my feelings to Mason. I confessed that I was in love with him. My mind was whirling with a million and one possibilities, I needed to clear my head.

My feet had a mind of their own, as I ended up at the stable. Ranger was neighing for me when he heard me approach. I undid the latched and brought him outside. Once I situated the staddle, I hopped on.

In a couple of minutes, we were at our spot in the meadow. The crisp air brought a chill to my spine. Only now did I realize that I was dressed in only a big sweater, that was like a dress. My bare legs froze with goosebumps. Fall was around the corner the field was covered in mud and there was an abundance of colorful leaves swirling around.

The best thing about the meadow is that you can see absolutely nothing for miles. There's a bit of a hill at the end of my view and I know just down from there was the house Mason grew up in. My heart wrenched at the thought of the man that I left back at the house. I couldn't believe it when I stumbled upon that message. I mean I don't know why I'm surprised, he is the total package. Initially, I was shocked he wasn't in a relationship; I knew it was too good to be true.

A tear slipped down my cheek, my frozen fingertip wiped it away. Once again, I'm heartbroken by the same boy. Fuck. Ranger moved his neck to look behind us at something. Squinting I notice a figure coming closer.

"Jesus, he couldn't leave me alone to drown in my thoughts?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Sunshine?" I could hear the tentativeness in his voice as he slowly got closer. His words were met with silence. I closed my eyes as I let the wind tangle my hair and whisper in my ears.

Shloppp shloppp

My attention snapped to Mason, who was by my side. I had no intentions of wanting to talk or make up. I hated that I was so hurt and affected by his lack of transparency but in all honesty maybe it was needed. Less than twenty- four he would be on a flight back to New York. It's going to be easier to stay upset and ignore my feelings when they aren't mutual. He can't hurt me anymore. He can't.

"Aurora? Please". I couldn't bear to look at him, pleading.

"Mace- please, please do not start." I made the fatal mistake and gave in, Mason stood there in the mud arms crossed, looking up at me.

A glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes, "Sunshine! Please listen to me! I need to explain myself. I don't want this". He cleared his throat, "what I've done to create a wedge between us. I cannot lose you as my best friend Ror." His voice cracked.

I looked up at the sky, the clouds started to darken with rain. A large droplet landed on my cheek. And then another on my forehead. The rain started to pour down faster and faster. I let out a laugh. The water started to soak my sweater making it cling, like a second skin.

It started to downpour, my legs were numb from the cold. "Let's go inside at least, you'll get sick."

Of course, he cared too much. Even when I wanted to hate him I couldn't. He's held half my heart, then and now. "Okay", my lip shivered. "Okay".

After a hot shower, I felt refreshed and pulled my wet hair into a bun. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My cheeks were flush, and my eyes were swollen. Not only did I look rough but my throat felt like sandpaper, from the lack of hydration.

I grabbed a pair of sweats and a hoodie. Breathing in, I knew I had to face Mason. I could hear him clattering around downstairs in the kitchen. You're a big girl Rory you can do this. You can do this!

I siked myself up and turned the handle. My feet had a mind of their own as I found myself in the kitchen. Hunger taking over my actions. I stepped off the last step, the mouth-watering scent of tomato soup flooded my senses. Mason was busy over the stove stirring, his grey waffle shirt fitted around him perfectly, showing off his attractive, massive, back muscles.

He turned around suddenly feeling my eyes on him. Mason sent me a wary smile as he finished up his job. The silence was uncomfortable, but I knew the alternative would be much worse. I was thankful when he placed the ceramic bowl in front of me, wordlessly. Immediately, I dove my spoon into the red substance, shoveling it in by the mouthfuls. I had to suppress a moan, who knew Mason could make a damn good bowl of soup. I was in the moment when he slid a grilled cheese sandwich my way; man, I was starving.

He took a seat beside me. Although I wasn't sure if he enjoyed his meal, the entire time his eyes were trained on me; watching my every move. And I did everything in my power to not make eye contact with him.

"Rory", his voice was quiet. He ran his fingers across my wrist, instant tension pulsed through me. Under my lashes, I gazed at him. Sadness obscured his eyes.

"Baby. I-I- I don't know where to start."

"Not this again, Mace, really-"

"Let me get what I need to say out, without interruptions. Please".

Reluctantly, I nodded.

"Megan is a friend of mine, okay? And one day we hooked up, it's kind of been a repetitive thing. I have no romantic feelings, it's simply platonic, plus sex."

He waited for me to say something, but I just kept my head down. I nodded accepting his words. Mason drew in a deep breath.

"And I really want you to know that every experience I had with you; I never took it for granted. The last thing I want you to think is that I used you. Once you said those words to me, I was crushed Ror. You really think that lowly of me?" His eyebrow rose in question.

I looked at him, "Mace I-I don't know". I admitted.

Urgently he grabbed my hand. "I never meant to lead you on or anything like that, you gotta believe me Aurora."

I soaked up his confession, my lips still pressed.

Mason clasped his hands together placing them behind his head. He tilted back onto the back legs of the chair, balancing. "Rory, being here. It-it makes me. I mean I realized that you really do mean more to me than a friend."

My eyes bulged out of their sockets, what the fuck Mace? I swallowed a lump in my throat. Patiently, I waited for those three words. Those three words, that would mean everything. Those three words, that would change my life. But they never came.

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