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"Ten? Come down, honey, please!"

Ten heard his name being called by his mother so he stood from his chair, currently working on a sketch to be submitted on Monday, and went out of his room. He ran down the stairs and went to the kitchen. He then saw his mother writing down something on a piece of paper.

"I hope you aren't busy," she said.

Ten shook his head, "Not much, mom. Is it groceries?"

"Yeah. Your sister is studying for her board. Is it okay if you go this time?"

The hybrid nodded, "Yes, of course. Wait, I'll just get a jacket."


Ten headed up his bedroom and grabbed a cardigan, as well as a beanie, before he goes down again. He grabbed the list and money given by his mother. He told his mother he'll be on his way. The boy went out of his house and just started walking to a grocery store.

He can maybe work on the sketch this Friday night and start polishing over this weekend.

He looked at the long list given to him and hopefully, everything he needed would in the store. Soon, he was infront of the grocery store and walked in as the doors automatically opened. Ten grabbed a cart and started looking for things by aisles.

Ten kept mumbling the things out, reading the labels and putting them in the cart. He pushed and went to the other aisle, to the snack section just because he wants to eat while he sketches. He looked and tried picking some but his attention went to a familiar person that was on the same aisle.

"Out of all stores, huh?" Ten smirked with his arms crossed, "You must be following me."

Johnny huffed, "Must be bad luck," he said and started picking snacks, same with Ten.

The hybrid's eyes noticed the bottles of alcohol inside the man's basket.

"Drinking alone?"

The man didn't reply to him and just do whatever his business is. He didn't like being with the hybrid almost 24/7.

"You know, it can't always solve things out," Ten said.

Johnny raised an eyebrow at him, "You really like putting your mind into other's businesses, huh?"

The hybrid sighed, "Look, if you're still mad because I threw the coffee at you, then I'm sorry--"

"I don't need your apology."

Then Johnny angrily walked away from the hybrid. Ten was left dumbfounded. He just wanted to apologize after he saw how Johnny looked angry a while ago at the university. He just felt like apologizing to him, which surprised himself, but it ended bad than he imagined. Maybe he should stop sticking his nose to everything.

At the same, Ten kind of wanted to understand Johnny. It's unusual, yes, for him who verbally beat up every bully he encountered but he hated to admit that Johnny was different from them.

For the first time, he'll try and be patient with Johnny. Maybe Johnny just needs someone who can understand him the most.

"What are you even thinking, Ten? An asshole will always be an asshole," he whispered to himself.

But then again, people can change.

Ten clicked his tongue, grabbed a few bags of chips then pushed the cart to the cashier. He mentally said to himself that he'll have a talk with Johnny if he's still around. Mentally promising and preparing himself to be patient and try to be calm.

He looked around, trying to find for the tallest guy inside the store but seemed like Johnny already left in a hurry. Ten sighed. What will he even say to him?

Good thing he isn't here anymore.

Taeyong was still in the study area, studying Anatomy for his quiz next week. The professor didn't even take his time to teach them then told them they'll be having a quiz next meeting. College has been kind of a headache but it is his freshmen year. He still needs to warm up and adjust himself to the new environment.

He wanted to study Physical Therapy but he has to take a health-related course before he could go and take physical therapy as his major. Taeyong took nursing instead and hopefully, he'll be able to graduate.

"Is this seat taken?"

Taeyong looked up and saw the man smiling with dimples, "Oh, Jaehyun."

"Hey, studying already at the first week of classes?" Jaehyun asked and sat on the seat infront of the hybrid, placing an Engineering book on the table.

"Well, I need to. I'll be having my first quiz next week," the hybrid answered.

The man nodded, "What subject?"


"Nice. I heard most nursing students has a love and hate relationship with Anatomy."

Taeyong chuckled, "I can relate to them...Why are you here, by the way?"

Jaehyun hummed, "Studying."

"For a quiz?" the hybrid asked.

"Advance study."

Taeyong's smile became wider and laughed, trying to be quiet as much as possible since they are in the study area. Jaehyun watched and chuckled at the hybrid's reaction. He sighed as he looked at the book he has.

"Yeah, you're right. Advance studying is stupid. This is just props," the man uttered, "I just borrowed tools from the electronics laboratory and saw you here."

Taeyong hummed, "Computer Engineering, right?"

Jaehyun nodded, "It's quite a handful but I'm getting there."

"So, you just came because I'm here?"

"It's kind of like that."

The hybrid lets out a small chuckle, "Maybe you need something."

"I'm just going out later and sleep at my friend's tonight," Jaehyun said.

"Oh, there's no curfew until midnight, am I right?" Taeyong asked.

The man nodded, "Yeah, but...you know, it's a party and there's alcohol. I don't want my roommate to see me drunk."

The hybrid hummed, "You can do whatever you like, but thank you."

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow then," Jaehyun said.


The man stood up from his chair and thought about returning the book. Taeyong was watching him but was confused why Jaehyun hasn't walked away. Jaehyun turned and looked at the hybrid.

"I'll be leaving later night, so I still have time. Do you...mind grabbing some smoothie or something?"

Taeyong was dumbfound but he just smiled and nodded.

"Sure, why not?"

Jaehyun felt glee, "Great." 

Kitten's Bully-JOHNTENWhere stories live. Discover now