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"So, any news?"

Taeyong hummed. He walked towards his bed and sat, on the side that was facing Jaehyun's bed, on the edge. He shrugged and gave a smile.

"He's fine with it...Just need a warmup, that's all," Taeyong answered.

Jaehyun nodded, "I feel like he's overwhelmed."

The hybrid just came back after he and Ten talked about him and Jaehyun. Ten didn't even know Jaehyun's his roommate until now. It was something Taeyong just forgets to tell and ended up surprising him in an inappropriate time.

"Well, he did overreact."

The man nodded. He was doing something on his laptop while seated on his bed and in his casual clothing. Taeyong was fine with short answers, Jaehyun has his focus on other things anyway. The hybrid was about to go and do something else but the man stopped him.

"Where are you going?" Jaehyun asked.

Taeyong shrugged, "Just...thought about doing something else. You're busy anyway, I thought I'm disturbing or something."

"Nope, actually...I'm done," the man said before he shuts his laptop down and closed it.

"You're lying. Don't do things in a hurry because of me," the hybrid uttered back with his ears going down. It was cute in Jaehyun's perspective.

Jaehyun chuckled and looked back at the hybrid, "No, I'm not. I've been doing this since I came back here."

Taeyong smiled at him and ears perking up, "Good for you. You did well today. Do you want to go out? My treat as a reward."

The man tilted his head to the side with a dimple smile on his face.

"I'm fine with you as my reward."

The hybrid rolled his eyes playfully, "You are cheesy."

Jaehyun opened his arms wide for him, "Power hug, please."

Taeyong pouted and his ears going down again, "You don't want to go out?" he asked before he stood from the bed and went let his body be engulfed in Jaehyun's arms, leaving no space between them. The boy wrapped his arms around the man's neck and felt really good to have someone hug you tightly.

The man hummed, thinking, "I'll be working on my project overnight. We can go out this weekend if you want."

The hybrid looked back at the man, not even getting bothered about how close their faces are right now. Their noses almost touching and Jaehyun wants to rub their tips.

"As a date?"

The man nodded, "Our third date."

Taeyong smiled widely, "Okay. That's exciting."

"You should be," Jaehyun said before he lets his cheek press against Taeyong's, his arms still around the hybrid's waist.

"Are we going to stay like this?"

"One more minute."

Ten was running down the hallways like it's his last day on earth, trying to catch up with the time since he wasn't able to tell Johnny about him going to be super late. He had to stay in class because of sculpting that was due that day and he couldn't leave so he ended up finishing it and forgot about Johnny.

He cursed under his breath and hoped that the man wouldn't get mad. He knew it'll happen and worse, Johnny would just go and leave him. He waited long enough, maybe he left already. Nevertheless, Ten still went over to the field where their permanent meeting place would be while he wore his beanie.

Ten looked ahead and stopped to look at Johnny from afar. He was surprised to see him still there. He looked like he has been patiently waiting. There seemed to be no trace of annoyance or anything. Johnny was just casually seated...with his camera on hand, taking some pictures and looking at them.

Somehow, a smile crept on Ten's face.

"Hey...uhm, this is awkward," Ten uttered when he had the courage to walk up to Johnny.

The man looked at him and placed his camera down, "You're very early, kitten."

The hybrid sat down and sighed, "Should you really be keeping that nickname?"

Johnny shrugged, "Why? It's looks good on you."

"Anyway, I'm so sorry. I just had to finish something in class. I could've tell Yuta or Jaehyun or someone to tell you, but it...wasn't the case--"


Ten stopped and furrowed his eyebrows at him, "What?"

Johnny handed out his hand to him with his chin propped on his other one, "Let me have it. Why? Are you hiding something?"

The hybrid frowned and grabbed his phone before he gave it to the man, "None, of course! Why do you even want it?"

The man didn't say anything. He just looked in it with the hybrid watching him. He doesn't know why but hopefully, he's not trying to pull out some tricks on him. Johnny typed something, took him a few seconds before he gave it back to Ten.

"This is your number?" the hybrid asked.

Johnny hummed, "It looked like you want to ask me for it but you were too shy."

"Ha ha, that's cute, hotshot. I'll just text or call you or something," Ten said before he kept his phone back into his bag and, grabbed his notebook and borrowed book, "So, photography?"

"Yeah...? It's my major."

This sudden change in Johnny makes Ten think what food he ate this lunch. Maybe he heard good news, or something good happened. It could've been the weather too, who knows.

"That's cool. You were enjoying while I was gone," the hybrid said as he flipped through the book.

Johnny didn't say anything. He just waited for Ten to start tutoring. He wasn't still fond of being with the hybrid around but atleast he's able to tolerate it. They'll be spending the semester together, every day like this and might as well accept the fact that he'll have, needs, to comprise with Ten.

He was still thinking if he could keep up with this. He just failed the subject because of personal reasons. He could do and study by himself but things just had to be different. This just started because he was too ignorant and ended up being with the one hates the most.

"Hey, hey, you can't stare at me like that."

Johnny snapped out and frowned, "I'm not staring at you."

Ten had a teasing smile, "It hasn't been a month, you already like me."

"Aren't we going to start?"

The hybrid rolled his eyes, "Fine, since you don't want to talk about it."

Why would I even like him? It's impossible.

A/N: please don't hesitate to comment what you think about the story so far!! I accept constructive criticism!!

Thank you for reading!!

Love lots ♥

Kitten's Bully-JOHNTENWhere stories live. Discover now