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"Thank you." Miranda said as Ben held the door open for her and Tuck.

"You don't have to thank me." Ben smiled.

"How many?" The hostess asked them.

"Two adults,  one child." Ben told her.

"Can we get the highchair." Miranda added.
The woman nodded and showed them to a booth.

Ben put Tuck in the high chair for Miranda. And they both scooted into the booth sitting across from each other.

"Good evening my name is Sharon and Can I get you three something to drink." She asked sitting down crayons and a coloring sheet.
"Can I have an Arnold Palmer and apple juice for him."  Miranda said and Ben ordered sweet tea.

"How was work today ?"  Ben asked her as he watched her help Tuck color on his picture.

"It was good just a little tired today." Miranda responded.

"It had to be more exciting you did an HIPEC. You were thrilled. When you called me saying that you were doing one. What's changed?"

"Richard Webber is what's changed." She told Ben disappointed.

"What happened?" Ben said trying to understand.

"My whole career he has been my mentor. He has been grooming me to run the hospital and to be just like him and better. He's one of my best friends and I look up to him like he's my father. So when I looked up into the gallery today I expected him to be there. It was a ground breaking surgery the press and the news was there. " Miranda expressed to him.

Ben hated that she felt like this and he wondered what Dr. Webber was doing that he wasn't there.

"I’m sorry Miranda, but if it makes you feel better I was there in the front row watching and you did an excellent job and I cant wait to see your beautiful picture and name in PubMed and AMA."

Miranda smiled at him brightly and blushed at his compliment. "I know I saw you, thanks for coming and for this pep talk."

"Any time." Ben replied and the waitress came back with their drinks.

"What can I get you?"

Miranda ordered a Triple prime cheeseburger with fries that she had been craving all day and chicken strips and fries for Tuck. Ben ordered a hickory bacon burger.

"How was your day today?" Miranda asked him.

"It was great. I had two surgeries and then I went and watched a ground breaking one happening in OR 2." Ben said smiling showing his perfect white teeth.

Miranda smiled at him again. He knew how to make her feel good. Ben excused himself to the restroom.

Ben walked to go find their waitress. "Excuse me I need to add something to my order." Ben told her.

"Of course." Sharon said standing at her monitor.

"Okay can I just reorder my exact meal and put it to go. 30 minutes when I leave here my girlfriend is going to be hungry." Ben said chuckling.

"Dr. Miranda Bailey." Some one called out.
Miranda turned her head to find the voice that called her name.

She smiled when she saw him. "Dr. Samuel Bennett." Miranda said pushing her self forward hiding her huge stomach under the table.

"Still beautiful as ever." He said smiling.

Miranda blushed hard. The last time she seen him they almost kissed.

"How's those panic attacks treating you?" Miranda said witty.

"It's asthma." Sam retorted and Miranda laughed.
"This is your son?" He questioned.

"The one and only." She said smiling.

Sam looked at the table and noticed two drinks.
"Oh I’m sorry are you out on a date? Or you got back together with your ex husband. "

"No I’m not on a date. I'm single and out with my baby uhh of my best -- friend." Miranda said quickly trying to think of what to call Ben. "And absolutely not to your last question." Miranda added.

Ben was walking back to the table and he saw Miranda talking to some man. He knew that she knew him or liked him because she kept smiling an blushing and she wasn't a warm person to talk to strangers.

Ben watched a few moments more he didn't know why, but he quickly gained an attitude and his Jaw clinched together. He didn't want her talking too or seeing anyone. Ben approached the table and he met Miranda's eyes.

Miranda looked at Ben and she noticed his expression. He looked upset.

He cleared his throat behind Sam so he could move out the way.

Sam moved and Ben slid into the booth eyeing Miranda.

"Dr. Ben warren this is Dr. Sam Bennett. Dr.  Sam Bennett this is my friend Dr. Ben Warren."

"How you doing man." Ben said nonchalantly.

"Great." Sam nodded. "Okay Miranda it was nice seeing you again. I will leave you all to dinner I was just picking up some soup."

Miranda smiled at him before replying. "Bye Sam and take care of your self." Batting her eyelashes at him.

Ben could have been sick.

Sam reached into his wallet and pulled out his card handing it to Miranda "Call me sometime."

Miranda nodded and took the card setting it on the table and Sam walked away.

"Wait Sam how long are you going to be in town for?" Miranda asked catching his attention and at the same time Sharon was bringing their food to the table.

"I was requested on a myectomy. So I'll see you at the hospital this week."

Miranda honestly didn't want to run into him again especially at work where her stomach would be on display.

"I’m glad your back into cardio." Miranda told him. She looked over at Ben who was tapping his finger on the table in an annoyed manner.

"Thanks to you! I'll see you around beautiful."

"Beautiful." Ben repeated. Miranda and him were just friends and not together,  but he felt disrespected.

Miranda eyes left Sam and turned back to Ben ,Tuck, and her meal.

Miranda noticed Ben was quiet for a while as he started eating. Tuck didn't want to be in the highchair anymore so Ben took him out  and sat him on his lap. While helping him eat.

"Was he one of your ex's?" Ben asked breaking the silence.

"Who Sam?" Miranda asked knowing exactly who he was referring too.

Ben nodded his head with his eyes saying you know who.

" No we never dated. He liked me though." Miranda told him amusingly. "We almost kissed." Miranda finished.

"Why didn’t you all date ?"

"I was in the middle of a divorce and I wasn't looking to date or ready."

Ben nodded his head.
"Are you going to call him? " Ben asked not really wanting to know the answer.

"No I’m pregnant, nobody wants to date or be with a pregnant woman." Miranda told him seriously.

"But are you interested in this Sam character though?" Ben asked probing her for information.

"What's with all the questions?" Miranda asked dipping her fries in ketchup.

"I'm just wondering." Ben stated

"You don't want me to date do you ?" Miranda asked curiously.

"No of course not that's not it. It is , but it isn't." Ben said getting frustrated with his words.

"I'm just looking out for your best interest." Ben stated quickly.

"Well I appreciate that Benjamin, but I’m a grown woman." Miranda responded playfully.

"I can see that." Ben laughed looking her over.
Ben watched Miranda pull the card with Sam's number over to the left of her and before he knew he knocked his glass of tea on top of it.

"Oh shit I’m mean shoot. Ben said glancing at Tuck then Miranda.

Ben grabbed napkins putting it over top of the tea. He watched as the waitress came and cleaned it up with a rag. Then she left and came back with another glass of tea.

"I’m sorry Miranda did it get on you?" Ben asked her and Tuck was giggling.

"No It didn't I'm fine." She told him.
They left out the restaurant and Ben strapped Tuck in his car seat. He bought one for his car so they didn't always have to get hers out of her car.

Miranda hummed along to the music and watched Ben drive. " Ben I can't believe I’m saying this but I’m hungry." Miranda said turning to him and pouting.

Ben smiled and took one hand off the wheel reaching to grab the bag on the floor. He pulled it up and sat it into her lap.

"You didn't." She squealed opening the box.

"I know you." Ben said smiling and glancing at her.

"You know me." Miranda repeated shocked. They weren't even together and he knew her better than Tucker. Miranda finished her burger as they were pulling up to her apartment building.

"Move in with me." Ben told her seriously putting the car in park.

"I’m not moving in with you, I barely know you man." Miranda stuttered out shocked.

"But you know me enough." He told her rubbing her hand that was on the arm rest.

"I have a child." Miranda said drawing it out.

"You have a child wow Rick right? I think I met him." Ben said sarcastically.

"You are not a funny man." Miranda said smacking his hand.

"Just move in with me."

"No and first of all your apartment isn’t even enough space for all of us."

"I know that’s why we should get a house." Ben said.

Miranda scuffed. "Have you lost your mind?"

"No I just think it would be a good idea if we are both in the household together raising the baby and It would be great for Tuck too." Ben responded seriously turning fully to look at her then Tuck.

"Benjamin are you thinking at all? If we move in together eventually you are going to find a girlfriend and get married all of that jazz. That leaves me with trying to find another place to stay with two children." Miranda said sitting up fully and taking her seatbelt off.

"I don’t want to rent the house we find. I want to buy it. I would put your name on the deed and if that ever happens the house will be yours." Ben said proudly getting out the car walking to her side to open the door.

"You would give me a house?" Miranda said in disbelief grabbing onto his hand so he could help her up.

"Of course. I would never leave you to fend for yourself especially with my child. I promise you the house would be yours. So what do you say?"

"I'll think about it." Miranda responded putting Tucks bag on her shoulder as well as her purse.

Ben carried a sleeping Tuck for her up to her apartment. He walked inside.
"Where do you want him?"

"You can put him in his bed. I'll just take his bath tomorrow."

After Ben was done getting Tuck situated he walked back out to her front door.
Miranda thought for a while about moving in with Ben the whole way up to her apartment. She weighed the odds. she liked having him around and spending time with him. She wouldn't be home alone all the time and he could help her with Tuck.

"Benjamin I'll move in and find a house with you, but I get the master bedroom." Miranda said before he opened the door.

Ben smiled turning around laughing.
"Deal." He responded kissing her cheek.

Miranda and Ben had been looking at houses when ever she had time or they both got the chance. They had seen 6 already. Ben liked them but Miranda didn't like any of them. He was hoping that she would like this next one.

This house is great," Jake said. "It was just put on the market. I have to admit I haven't had the chance to look at it myself, but I've got the stats." He opened up a folder and began reading off a description of the house. "It's got five bedrooms and three baths. It's got a two car garage and a great backyard. All new appliances.

The house is only about five years old so it's in great shape. And it's in a great neighborhood."

Jake opened the front door and they walked inside. The room they walked into was a large, empty living room. The floors were a dark hardwood and the walls were bare. A large fireplace was against one wall and was obviously the focal point of the room.

"It's nice," Ben said as he began to look around.

"Gas heat. Central air. The five bedrooms and two of the baths are upstairs. This house is in excellent condition." Jake continued.

Miranda was quiet a she walked through the living room and into a second room.

"That could be used as a separate parlor or office," Jake suggested.

Miranda stared at the wall for a moments trying to picture where she would want everything to go.

"It's big enough for my office," she stated.

Ben smiled and then sighed in relief he was tired of looking at houses. Unlike at the last house, Miranda didn't linger in the room. She knew right when she saw it that it would suit her needs. Instead, she made her way into the kitchen. She glanced quickly at the appliances and checked out the tile and the pantry. She smiled and then made her way up the steps that were off to the side of the kitchen and waddled upstairs.
Three of the bedrooms and one of the bathrooms was to one side while another room along with master bedroom with the attached bathroom was off to the other. Miranda slowly made her way into the master bedroom. It was probably larger than the bedroom in her apartment and the bedroom in Ben's apartment combined. Next, she walked to the other side of the house to look at the three extra bedrooms.
The first one on the right would be perfect for the nursery. Miranda walked to the next bedroom. She looked in and smiled. It would be excellent for Tuck. She turned back around, not even bothering to look at the last two bedroom or the bathroom. Instead, she made her way back down the stairs. Ben was standing in the kitchen.

"I like it," Miranda said.

"It is nice," Ben agreed.

"It's perfect." Miranda reached for his hand. "It's us." She finished gesturing between him, her and her stomach.

Jake walked into the kitchen, still looking at his folder.

"Electric stove. Energy efficient refrigerator.. The tile was…"

"How much?" Miranda interrupted.

"Excuse me?" Jake asked.

"How much are the owners selling the house for?"

"It's a little more than the price range you gave me," Jake answered.

"How much ?" Ben repeated.

"They're asking four hundred thousand, but we could possibly get it down to three hundred and ninety."

Miranda's eyes widened. "That's way above our /your budget," she  said.

"As I said…" Jake began.

"We'll take it," Ben said.

"We'll…what?" Miranda asked.

"We'll take it."

"Benjamin, we agreed that three hundred and fifty thousand was our absolute limit and that was pushing it."

"I can buy this house, Miranda. It's not a problem. You love it. Its perfect for us. So I’m getting it."
"Benjamin." Miranda said pouting.

"Mirandaaa." Ben said drawing out the syllables in her name. She wished he wouldn't do that. Her name sounded wonderful coming out of his mouth.

She did love this house and she didn't want to see anymore.
"Fine. I get to pay a bill then and buy some of the furniture." Miranda told him. She had been trying to get him to let her pay a bill or something dealing with the house for weeks,  but he always turned her down. She didn't want him to just give her a house for free. People do those kind of things for their spouses and she was not.

Miranda just got out the shower when she heard the doorbell ring.
She wrapped a towel around her body and walked out of her room yelling down the hall.
"Hey are you expecting someone?"

"No."  Ben responded walking out his bedroom.
He looked Miranda up and down and followed the water dripping down her body and disappearing by the towel.

"Jesus." Ben mumbled.

"Can you answer the door. I need to put my clothes on."

Ben nodded still staring at her. He walked to open the door and was surprised to see 3 of Miranda's friends standing there with grocery bags and what looked to be overnight bags.

"Ben right? What are you doing here?"  Callie asked walking past him. Arizona and Teddy followed.

"Uh I could be asking you the same." He responded looking at her questioning.

"Ben who was at the door?" Miranda called from upstairs.

"Excuse me for a second." Callie said following Miranda's voice up the stairs finding her bedroom.

"Callie what the hell and what are you doing here?" Miranda exclaimed holding her bra against her breast.

"Please its nothing I haven't seen before. What's Ben doing here?" Callie asked smiling.

"Torres go back downstairs and I'll be out in a minute."
Callie held her hands up in defeat walking out closing her door.

Miranda threw on a shirt and a pair of shorts. Sliding on her bedroom slippers she walked downstairs and her eyes widened seeing Arizona and Teddy.

"What are you all doing here?" Miranda inquired standing beside Ben.

"Ladies night." The three said simultaneously.
And Miranda groaned.

"Its your turn to host." Arizona chimed in.

"Did I agree to that?" Miranda asked with an attitude.

"Yeah. Remember last week I brought it up to you. I said its your turn to host Ladies night and you said mmmhm Whatever." Teddy said explaining.

"Altman you knew my whatever meant no and how the hell did yall get my new address?"

Callie smiled sheepishly "you gave it to me when you asked me to turn your paperwork in. It was an employee change of address form."

Miranda rolled her eyes.
"Callie why are you so nosey?"

"Maybe you should work on clarity Miranda." Teddy responded to her first question.

Miranda turned to Ben who looked so amused.

"So is someone going to tell us why Dr. Warren is here?" Callie asked.

" He lives here."
"I live here." Ben and Miranda answered simultaneously.

Miranda watched as everyone face looked shocked. So she might as well keep it that way.
"He is the father of my baby." Miranda told them pointing down at her stomach.

"Wow I thought it was Tucker's." Arizona said

"Ugh No." Miranda responded.

" Ben This is Callie my best friend, Arizona her girlfriend and Teddy. I’m sure you met them at work already. " Miranda said properly introducing them.

"Yes I met Torres and Robbins on my first day and I had a surgery with Altman."

"We bought the ingredients for you to make lasagna." Arizona said hopefully.

"Uh uh first you all barge into my house now your requesting that I cook for a night I did not plan."

"Miranda just relax and have fun. I'll cook." Ben chimed in and Miranda turned to look at him.

"No Ben you don’t have to do that we will order something."

"Its fine really and lasagna sounds good." Ben said walking over to the other women taking the bags of food.

Miranda smiled widely at him. "I noticed your bags are you all staying the night? I can get the guess room ready." Ben said eyeing them.

"Uh it no need we normally all pass out in the living room." Callie said smiling.

"Okay." Ben nodded going into the kitchen.

When Ben disappeared from the room. Everyone eyed Miranda letting out whispered squeals.

"That’s your baby daddy? Why didn't you tell me?" Callie exclaimed.

"He's not my baby daddy he's the father of my child and We haven't really had a good deep conversation since this whole incident." Miranda said pointing at her stomach whispering back.

"I know but. You could have said something. your living in his house."

"The house is actually mine. He bought it for me." Miranda said matter o factly moving her bang out her face.

"He bought you this huge house." Arizona gasped out in a whisper.

Miranda nodded.

"Your having sex with him." Teddy said seriously.

"I am not." Miranda blushed.

"But you want too." Callie chimed in.

"We are just friends who happen to be having a baby." Miranda responded.

"So you don't want to?" Arizona asked curiously.

"Of course I want to especially with these hormones, but like I said we are friends who were strangers. Now I'm pregnant."

"Are you ever going to tell us what happened?" Teddy asked drawing it out and Arizona nodded.

"You didn't tell them." Miranda asked facing Callie.

"No." Callie exclaimed.

"Wow that's a first I’m actually quite proud of you. Its been three months." Miranda laughed.
Miranda filled them in on the story of being artificially inseminated.

"Damn." Teddy said

"Tell me your suing." Arizona responded.

"We are. Our court date is in two weeks."

"Can we get a tour of the house ?" Teddy asked.

"Of course." Miranda said rocking up to get out of her seat.
Miranda walked them through the house, showing them all the bedrooms up stairs except Ben's.
The laundry room, her office, Bens gym, the deck, the huge back yard. Lastly stopping at there huge kitchen where Ben was cooking.

"This house is so beautiful. I like that it so open." Callie said smiling.

"Its huge." Arizona stated.

"Its only 3,149 square feet." Ben butted in.

"Its only." Teddy stammered.

" Why so big? I love the outside too it's beautiful the brick."

"Well we need room for all of us." Miranda chimed in.
And everyone nodded.

Miranda reached up into the cabinet getting wine glasses out.
"Here take these into the living room and cut the fireplace on she told them.
After they left out Miranda slid beside Ben and watched as he cooked.

"What?" Ben asked turning his head to look down at her.

"Sorry that my friends just barged in. We could have sent them away." Miranda told him seriously.

"No it's okay really. Like I said I want you to relax and have a good time with your friends."

"Thank you really." Miranda said smiling.

"Go get off your feet and I will bring you something to drink." Ben told her putting the lasagna in the oven.

Miranda sat down on the couch grabbing her blanket.

"So what's the plans for tonight?" Miranda questioned.

"Drinking, talking, and movies." Arizona told her grabbing a blanket.

"Talking and movies great."  Miranda said flatly.

"Sorry that you can't drink." Callie said laughing.

"I’m fine. I just wish I wasn't as huge as a house already." Miranda said rubbing her stomach.

"You are exceptionally big." Teddy confirmed and Arizona and Callie kicked her at the same time.

"You look beautiful Miranda,  the baby is probably just causing you to eat a lot." Arizona tried to straighten up what Teddy said.

"This baby does require me to eat a lot. I'm hungry every time I turn around and I'm never satisfied. Ben has been giving me healthy snack to get me full. So I wont gain anymore weight."

"How much weight have you gained." Callie asked.

"26 pounds so far."

"Well that’s good your supposed to gain one pound a week during pregnancy." Arizona said.

"I know that , but I’m only 20 weeks." Miranda expressed. She wanted to laugh when everyone made and "oh" face.

"That's not too bad just continue to eat the healthy snacks." Teddy said.

Ben came out the kitchen with Miranda's mock sangria. It had apples, orange and strawberry slices in it.

"Here you go." Ben said handing it to her.

"Thank you. It's so pretty." Miranda said smiling at him.

"Its no problem." Ben said kissing her on the cheek and walking up stairs.

"He likes you." Callie said.

"What no he doesn't." Miranda stammered.

"He does." Arizona added.

"He really likes you." Teddy said smirking sipping her wine.

"That is not true."

"Keep telling yourself that." Callie said smirking.

"Yall think so?" Miranda questioned.

"Definitely." Everyone answered.

"I don’t want to complicate things." Miranda stated.

"What's more complicated then being wrongly artificially inseminated with his baby?" Callie snorted.

"Hey Miranda, I'll be down in the gym while the lasagna is in the oven. I'm bringing my phone down call me if you need something." Ben told her from behind the couch.

Miranda’s head whipped around to look at him. And she took in his gym attire and her body felt hot. Her eyes instantly went to the front of his grey gym shorts and she licked her lips. Her eyes quickly traveled up to his white tank top and read the little logo just do it on his chest. That’s exactly what she wanted to do.

"Huh what did you say?" Miranda asked snapping out of her thoughts and ogling.

Ben laughed "I just said I was going down in the gym.”

"Oh okay." Miranda blushed and Ben smirked walking away.

"Oooh she likes him." Arizona chanted.
Callie and Teddy giggled.

"Could you have been anymore obvious. You broke out into a sweat staring at him." Callie said laughing.
Miranda just huffed and fixed her self in the couch as they cut the movie on.

After a while Ben called out telling them the food was ready and Miranda didn't move.

"Why aren't you getting up?" Callie asked while everyone walked to the kitchen.

"Because this." Miranda said holding up her fingers doing a count down of three.  As soon as Miranda put her fingers down. Ben came into the living room with her plate and another mock Sangria. Callie's mouth gaped open.

"Ben I was going to get up and get it." She told him sweetly.

"It's okay let me help you." Ben responded picking up her empty glass and going to the kitchen.

"Damn." Callie retorted. "He's perfect."

"He really is. He will make some lucky girl the perfect husband." Miranda said refraining from rolling her eyes at the thought of him married.

The four women ate and laughed. Complimenting how good the food was. They eventually pulled out the karaoke machine and sung a few songs before they got sleepy and watched pretty woman before falling asleep.

Ben looked in the living room and saw all the girls knocked out in their pallets on the floor. He looked on the couch and saw Miranda laying on her side, but she looked uncomfortable.

He quietly walked over not to disturb everyone else and picked her up bridal style. Ben carried her up the stairs to her bedroom and laid her down on her side in the bed. He took a pillow and gently lifted her leg placing it under her thigh so she would sleep comfortable tonight.

Miranda woke up turning in her bed to read the clock 7:30am . She was glad she didn't have to work today.

She got up and went to the bathroom washing her face and brushing her teeth. After she finished. She put her robe on and walked downstairs. She chuckled seeing everyone still sleeping. She was glad they were off work today as well. Miranda pulled out the ingredients and began cooking breakfast for everyone.

As she was cooking she felt strong arms wrap around her and she sighed in his embrace. "Good morning baby mama." Ben said in her ear kissing her cheek and moving back from her.

"Good morning Ben, thanks for carrying me upstairs last night. I was not comfortable on that couch." Miranda told him smiling hard.

"No problem I could tell you were uncomfortable." Ben told her

Miranda nodded and as she finished up. Her friends were sitting at the bar.  Miranda made Ben's plate and everyone ate and had a good time talking.

She never wanted company but she always had a good time with the three and was sad to see them go.
"See all of you tomorrow." Miranda said closing the door.

"What's your plans for the rest of the day?" Ben asked.

"I’m going to nap, take a bath, and get Christmas decorations for the house later."

"Do you mind if I join you?” Ben inquired.

"No not at all." Miranda smiled

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