Miranda pulled into the parking lot of her doctors office and got out quickly slamming her door.

When she got inside she looked around.
"Can I help you Ma'am. Do you have an appointment?"

Just then Miranda saw exactly who she was looking for Sharon McKee.

"You!" Miranda exclaimed pointing at her. Miranda watched as the guilt flushed her face.

"Umm Follow me Ms. Bailey." Dr. McKee told her ushering her to an office.

"You can have a seat." She said nervously sitting behind her desk.

"I prefer to stand." Miranda said crossing her arm with an attitude.

"I am pregnant and would you like to tell me why?" Miranda exclaimed loudly.

"I’m sorry Ms. Bailey. There was a mix up of the charts and the woman next door to you had the exact same initials as you. She was coming in for an artificial insemination. So I accidentally artificially inseminated you."

"How do you accidentally put someone else's sperm in someone?"

"I’m sorry it was a horrible accident."

"So I’m pregnant with a married man's baby. That's just great."

"Actually we used the wrong one on you it was supposed to be the married man's specimen but the initials got mixed up so it someone else's." Sharon said clarifying.

"How could you be so reckless and so careless? You didn't think to tell me? I'm suing you and this whole damn facility. I will have it so you will never be able to practice medicine anywhere ever again in the United States." Miranda said sternly as her voiced boomed scaring the woman.

"I’m sorry once again, there are options that you can do to terminate the pregnancy."

Miranda ignored her statement. "Have you informed the man who's sperm you used?" She questioned.

"No not yet I have to inform my boss Dr. Phillips and she will contact him."

"Good because I’m going to need his information when I sue you." Miranda said snarky.

" excuse me for a moment." Dr. McKee said getting up.

She went to inform her boss and they called Ben in.

Ben came in and he sat down in the office chair. He wondered what was so important that they called him in.

"Good morning Dr. Warren." Dr. Phillips said with files in her hand walking to sit behind her desk.

"Good morning. " he responded nervously.

"Okay let me get straight to it. I called you in because there is something very important that I have to discuss with you and it cant wait." Valerie said.

Ben nodded his head and she continued.

"One of my doctors accidentally mixed up the initial on your specimen and accidentally artificially inseminated a woman getting her pregnant."

"Come again?" Ben asked confused.

"A woman two months ago came in for a different procedure and the charts were mixed up. The woman next to her had the same initials as she did and also the woman's husband had your initials. So she was wrongfully artificially inseminated."

"Wait a minute let me get this straight you use my sperm accidentally on a random woman who wasn't even trying to get pregnant and now she's pregnant with my baby? Is this a joke?" Ben asked seriously.

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