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Ben I don't want to wear a crown." Miranda pouted.
It was the day of their baby shower and Miranda was dressed in her pink fitted mermaid floor length dress.
Arguing with Ben about wearing a gold crown.

"Miranda it goes with the theme." Ben responded walking out of their bathroom.

Miranda looked him up and down in his royal blue suit he looked handsome and incredibly sexy. She inwardly moaned. If her parents weren't staying in her guest room she would take him right now.

"Miranda stop looking at me like that." Ben said firmly.

"What Benjamin?" Miranda asked looking over her eyelashes biting her lip.

Ben stalked over and grabbed her thighs pulling her close to him. He leaned down an captured her lips ruining her lipstick.

"Mmmm Benjamin." Miranda moaned loudly.

Ben was pulling up her dress when they heard a knock on their door.

"Miranda you two are going to be late to your own baby shower." Elena said.

"We are coming mama." Miranda said unwrapping her arms from around Ben's neck. Pulling her dress down as it pooled to the floor.

Miranda pecked Ben's lips before walking over to the mirror fixing her lipstick. She handed Ben a wet wipe to wipe his mouth.

Miranda made sure she and Ben was presentable before pulling the door open.

"Mama you look beautiful. " Miranda smiled seeing her mother with her gold dress on and her button saying grandma to be.

"Thank you. You look beautiful as well." She smiled back.

Ben walked out holding his and Miranda's crown.

"Mommy I'm ready." Tuck called out walking out with his granddad.

"Oh my goodness. You look so handsome my little prince." Miranda cooed and touched the crown on his head.

"I love his crown Ben." Miranda said turning to help him tie his necktie. Ben put his on top of his head and Miranda felt the familiar tingle in her stomach. He was definitely a king she thought to herself.

"Come on everyone before we are late." Ben said walking to get his keys.

The family arrived at the huge hotel and they all went inside.

"Here put this on before we go in." Ben said handing her the crown.

"Fine." Miranda replied placing it on her head.

Ben opened the door and Miranda's face beamed.

"Oh my Goodness this is so beautiful." Miranda said looking at all the decorations.
It was pink and purple Balloons with gold streamers and little royal carriages on the table. It kind of looked like their nursery.
Miranda loved the dessert table with the two huge cakes. One was pink and white and the other was purple and white. Both cakes had Gold crowns on the top and an A for their daughters names that was still undecided they just knew it would start with an A.

Miranda looked at the room full of their friends and family and smiled. She truly loved them.

Miranda saw Ben's parents and walked over so she could introduced them to hers.

"Mama and Daddy this is Ben's Parents James and Patricia."

"Mom and Dad This is Miranda's Parents William and Elena Bailey." Ben said cutting in.

Miranda watched as her mother's face looked distant. She probably shouldn't have told her about Patricia's comments.

"It's nice to meet you both." William said nodding then shaking hands with James.

"Its nice to meet you both as well." James said.

"Excited for the arrival of the babies?” James added.

"Yes super excited although its not our first grandchild.

"If your daughter could stay married long enough." Patricia muttered under her breath so no one could hear.

"Care to speak up? What was that about my Child?" Elena said sternly raising an eyebrow.

"Okay mom let's just go find our table shall we." Miranda said grabbing her arm and walking in the other direction.

"Come on William." Elena said over her shoulder and he excused himself walking off.

"Mom I'm not going to tell you again. Stop disrespecting Miranda." Ben said turning to face her.

"She is the woman that I choose and who I am head over heels in love with. She is going to be around forever because she is my forever and I am going to marry her. I want you to be around and I want to include you in my life, But not if you are going to continuously disrespect the mother of my children and future wife."

"I’m sorry Ben. It’s just that ever since Miranda showed up. You never call anymore and you don't come over. You just spend ever moment with her."

"Mom I’m sorry and I will do better." Ben said hugging her and kissing her cheek. "You need to apologize to Miranda." He added.

"I will." She said nodding.

"Okay now where is Curt?" Ben asked.

"Late as always." James said chuckling and Ben shook his head.
Ben talked to his parents for a little while longer before he walked over to Miranda who was talking to her friends.

Miranda smiled seeing him as he wrapped his arms around his waist.

He pulled Miranda away and rocked her back and forth while she laid her head on his chest.

"Babe nobody dances at a babyshower." Miranda said laughing.

"Well we do. I'll dance with you anywhere." He laughed.

"That's so sweet." Miranda said leaning up to kiss his lips.

"I'm sorry about my mom's comment." Ben told her seriously.

"Its okay Ben really. She will come around and like me eventually."

Ben looked confused.

"What? Miranda questioned.

"Nothing that was just positive." He ssif laughing.

"And I can't be positive." Miranda retorted

"Baby you're like a dragon. You spit and breathe fire." Ben laughed hard and Miranda hit him stepping out of his embrace.

"You think its funny to compare me to a dragon." Miranda asked wide eyed.

" Miranda it's the truth and we both know it." He laughed some more while she rolled her eyes.

"Well I don't find it funny." Miranda said snarky then turned as Arizona started talking.

Miranda was excited to play the baby shower unscramble game.

She pouted when Richard and Callie tied.

"Baby you know you don't get the prizes right." Ben asked seriously.

"It's my baby shower." She huffed.

After a few more games they brought Ben and Miranda food and she licked her lips hungrily.

"Where are the meatballs?" Miranda pouted on the verge of tears looking down at her plate. Then examined Ben's plate for them.

"There isn't any." Ben stated.

"How come?" Miranda said with wide eyes.

"I asked you what did you want on the menu." Ben asked

"I didn't think I had to specify or specifically say Meatballs. That's the perfect combination with macaroni. My God have you not been to a baby shower before." Miranda exclaimed.

So let's start opening gifts." Callie said excitedly handing a gift to Miranda.

Miranda took the gift and opened it then smiled when she saw two onesies. Born together  friends forever.

"This is so cute."

Miranda opened all the presents, and loved each one. It was the best baby shower she had seen. After much conversation and chatter they all went to their homes. Miranda had Callie follow them because they couldn't fit all the gifts in their trunk.

Later that night Miranda was sitting on her bed watching her hot boyfriend change clothes, she loved seeing him change clothes just to see his body.

"Miranda." Ben said her name In a warning tone.

"Benjamin I want you." She huffed then licked her lips.

"Your parents are here and Tuck." Ben noted.

"I promise I'll be quiet." Miranda said pleading and biting her lips sexually.

"You aren't capable." Ben laughed getting on the bed.

Miranda pulled her nightgown over her head and straddled him.

"We can at least try." Miranda said and moaned loudly when Ben touched her breast.

The next month Ben woke up early. He had been planning her proposal out for weeks and today was the day.
Miranda was lightly snoring with her hand on his chest. Ben gently lifted her right hand and slid her promise ring off.

He looked on her night stand and grabbed her necklace he bought her a few months ago and put the ring on the chain.

He walked back over to his nightstand and pulled the ring box out.

Miranda turned in her sleep and he grabbed her left hand sliding the ring on.

Ben walked into the bathroom and got dressed leaving out of their room.

He went out the front door and sat on the hood of his car. He called the company and told them that he was ready because he knew Miranda would be up by 7 am. She was always up early.

After about an hour he was still waiting.

"Hey sorry man she isn't up yet just keep flying. I'll pay the extra." Ben told the pilot through a radio. He didn't know how she was still asleep the airplane was loud as hell.

Miranda rolled over in the bed and yawned stretching.
She reached over in the bed and touched Ben's empty spot searching. She sat up some and looked around their room.

"Baby are you in the bathroom?" She called out but got no response.

Miranda reached for her lamp. She noticed the ring on her hand and stared for awhile.

Then she brought her left hand beside her right hand. She looked at the line around her ring finger that was left from her promise ring and then back to her right hand and she let out a loud scream in excitement smiling hard.

"It so beautiful and huge." she said out loud to herself.

Miranda slid out of bed and looked at the nightstand. She saw her promise ring on her necklace and squealed.

She walked into the bathroom to use it and brush her teeth. Grabbing her robe she walked out of their Bedroom.

"What the hell is that noise?" She said walking down the stairs.

"Ben." Miranda called looking into the living room.

"Benjamin." She said in the kitchen.

"Where is he." She thought to herself as she walked to the front door.  Miranda opened the door and saw Ben sitting on the hood of his car.

"Ben I have been looking all over the house for you. What are you doing out here? “She asked stepping on the porch.

Ben smiled and got down on one knee pointing up. Miranda eyes glanced up at the sky and saw the plane with a banner.

"Miranda Bailey you are out of this world. Will you marry me?"

"Oh my God Ben Warren. Yes yes yes!" She squealed. I'll marry you ! She exclaimed rushing over kissing his lips multiple times. Ben kissed her back passionately.

"I love you Miranda Bailey." Ben spoke softly against her lips.

"I love you too Ben Warren. So much.." Miranda said kissing him again.

"How did you get it right when I walked out the door?" Miranda asked excitedly.

"He has literally been flying that plane back and forth all morning. I didn't think you would sleep in late today." Ben said sheepishly. "You never sleep in late unless we have late night activities."

"Sorry I was really tired." She smiled.

"Its okay, baby. I hope your well rested." Ben said with a wink.
Miranda smirked catching his drift.

"I love this ring. It's so gorgeous. I was trying to find you and accept the proposal. This was so romantic I love you."

Miranda and Ben walked back into the house.
"I have reservations for breakfast at The greenhouse."

"Oh my God. How did you get reservations there it takes months to get that.”

"I have been planning this for months." Ben smiled.

"Months?" Miranda repeated.

"Months." Ben confirmed.

Miranda got dress in a blue dress and Ben put on a blue polo shirt and jeans. The two left going to the restaurant. Once they ate and had a good time talking. They got back into the car.

"Let's get married." Ben said turning to face her.

"We are Benjamin. I accepted your proposal." Miranda said confused.

"No Let's get married today." Ben said smiling.

"Today?"  Miranda questioned with wide eyes.

"Yes today. I want everyone's name to match on the birth certificate of the girls."

"So wait a minute. You want to marry me so we can all have the same last names." Miranda pouted playfully.

"No I want to marry you because I love you more than anything in this world and it will be sentimental if our names matched."

"I love you more than I can hold in my heart and yes I'll marry you today or any other day."  She kissed him passionately.

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