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Miranda walked into her doctors office and signed in. She was getting her IUD removed since it was causing her discomfort and hell she didn’t need it anyway. She hasn’t had sex in 3 years.

"Miranda Bailey." The nurse called out standing holding a clip board.

Miranda stood up grabbing her jacket and purse following the nurse to the back.

She went through the whole process of checking her temperature,bp, and seeing how much she weighed before she was led to one of the rooms.

"Okay Ms. Bailey. Undress put this gown on and your regular physician Dr. Valerie Phillips is not here today but Dr. Sharon Mckee is in."
Miranda nodded upset if they would have told her when she scheduled this appointment she would have arranged for another day.
After about 10 minutes of waiting she came in.

"Good afternoon I’m Dr. Sharon Mckee who will be performing your procedure today."
Miranda nodded.

"Okay first we're going to give you a local anesthetic to numb you. So you shouldn't feel anything."
Miranda sat listening before asking.

"How long does this procedure normally last I need to get to work."

"It only takes about 5 to 10 minutes, but its recommended that you should just go home and rest."

"I’m a physician I know, but I have 3 surgeries on the agenda today."

"Okay well if you will lean back and put your feet up in the respective holsters I will administer the local anesthetic."

Miranda did as told and put her feet up. She winced when she felt the shot.
"Damn." Miranda mumbled.

"Okay , I will be back in a few minutes."
Miranda waited another 10 minutes before the doctor came back.

She watched as she put on gloves and was getting started. Miranda tried to look over to see but the blue covering was blocking her vision.

"You can use those headphones on the side of you if you like. They are complete noise blockers most patients like absolute silence or instrumental music. The music is built in.

Miranda grabbed the head phones and put them on she would have to recommend these to the chief for their patients.

Dr. Mckee got started but paused noticing a string. "She has a IUD." She said out loud.

"Who gets artificially inseminated with an IUD in?"

Doctor Mckee took the forceps and shifted the IUD taking it out.

"Ooh its copper non hormonal. That makes more since."

Miranda laid back staring at the ceiling waiting for this to be over as smooth jazz filled her head.

Doctor Mckee took saline and rinsed her before grabbing the long needle.
She grabbed the tube reading the initials B.W. 3006 and injected the needle filling it up.

She injected it into Miranda’s cervix and she winced grabbing the table trying to look over the sheet.
What the hell. That local anesthetic did nothing because I felt that. Miranda thought to her self.
Once she was done Dr. Mckee began cleaning up the things on the table throwing things in the trash.

"Congratulations and good Luck Ms. Melissa Burton.
Miranda figured she must have forgot she had the head phones in because she was speaking then she smiled and left out. She got up redress and left going to work.

Dr. Mckee walked next door into the room.

"Good afternoon Ms. Miranda Bailey your getting your IUD removed today?" She questioned.

"Who's Miranda Bailey? I’m Melissa Burton and I’m getting artificially inseminated today." Melissa asked confused.

"Oh God." Sharon said as the color drained from her face.
"Can you give me a moment it seems I have my charts mixed up."

Sharon went to the front office and grabbed the files she discarded 30 minutes ago.

"Oh God Oh God this is Bad." 

"What's your husband's name again ?" Sharon asked peering into the room of Melissa.

"Brandon Williams." She responded.

"Nurse Tiffany can you check in the lab and see if we have Brandon Williams Sperm please."

Tiffany came back after a few minutes.

"Yes we have Mr. Williams sperm."

"Okay." Sharon nodded.

She began to think if she still has Brandon Williams sperm then who is the B.W that she just put into another woman and the wrong woman. She walked to the filing office.
And went through all the last name of w's until she found a man by the name of Benjamin Warren.

She read his file he came in last week requested that his sperm be frozen incase he doesn't get married and needs a surrogate later in life.

"Shit shit shit this is Bad." Sharon said again.

"Okay maybe not she might not get pregnant she's in her 30's. She had a IUD for a while. Maybe it will be nothing. Its only a 20% chance that it will take." she said and then went back to her day.

Miranda threw up for the second time today hovering over her toilet. She had to be to work in an hour and she couldn't move. She hasn't felt like this in years. Her breast hurt like crazy and she had a headache.

After she stopped she stood up and brushed her teeth. Then she took a hot shower.
When she arrived to work she got started about her day.

"Wow you look horrible." Callie said behind her.

"Thanks Friend I feel it too." Miranda responded snarky.
Callie laughed.

"Torres lets go get something to eat I’m starving." Miranda said with pleading eyes.

"You want to eat brunch at our usual spot?"  Callie asked.

"Yes and you are driving." Miranda said already walking to the elevators.
When they got to Jack's bistro they quickly found a booth and sat down having their usual chatter.

"Miranda when are you going to get back on the saddle?"

Miranda rolled her eyes. "Callie I’m doing just fine by myself."

"Yeah but you could be doing even better up under or on top of someone." Callie responded quickly.

"Uhh I don't have time to date Torres. I have a son who I spend most of my time with and I have this job that is known to take up a great deal of time. Where does dating fit in there?" Miranda asked raising an eyebrow.

"Make it fit." Callie responded.

"Good afternoon what can I start you ladies off to drink with?"

"I'll have a sweet tea." Callie said.

"And I’ll have the same thing." Miranda said smiling.

"Okay I will leave to go put that in."

"Wait I know what I want already." Miranda exclaimed catching his attention.

"Okay sorry ma'am." He responded flipping his notepad back open.

"I want waffles, two pieces of French toast, sausage links and bacon. Grits and scrambled eggs and a bowl of fruit." Miranda said licking her lips.
She waited as Callie ordered her food before speaking again.

"Ooh and can you bring another thing of syrup this won't be enough." Miranda said finishing up.

Callie looked at her with wide eyes. "Damn Miranda that's a lot of food."

"I’m hungry Torres and all the time. Then I’ll be throwing up in hours its ridiculous."

"Miranda are you Pregnant?" Callie asked lowering her voice some.

"No you have to have sex to be pregnant Callie."

"Well something is going on. You ate a lot when you were pregnant with Tuck too."

"I think my hormones are off or something it hasn't been right since I got my IUD taken out almost two months ago and My cycle has been off as well."

"You should considered doing a full work up to see what's wrong. Callie said concerned.

"Okay I'll do it after my last surgery." Miranda said and watched as a satisfied grin came onto her friend's face.
Miranda ate her food and talked some more with Callie. Then they drove back to the hospital.

After her last surgery Miranda changed her clothes. She grabbed her purse and coat getting ready to leave.

"Nope get the work up done." Callie called from behind her.

"Torres." Miranda whined.

"Bailey." Callie said mocking her tone of voice.

"I'm exhausted Callie I just want to go home and lay down."

"After the work up."

"Fine but your staying so tell Arizona if she had any plans their cancelled."

Miranda got her blood work done and they ran other test. Even checking her urine.

"Okay congratulations your pregnant Dr.Bailey. " Alex Karev said coming in."

"What I don’t understand." Miranda exclaimed and Callie looked amused.

"Your pregnant according to your blood work and HCG levels. And your HCG levels in your urine. You are definitely pregnant. Looks to be about 7 weeks. "
Miranda sat for a moment before she burst into tears.

"Yep Definitely pregnant." Alex and Callie said simultaneously watching Miranda cry.

"You didn't have to lie Miranda. We always talk to each other about anything. Who's the baby's father?" Callie questioned.

"I’m not pregnant it must be a tumor causing all of this. I have not had sex in 3 years."

"Karev." Miranda shouted into the hallway and watched as he came back jogging in.

" Get me an ultrasound."
After a few minutes Karev came back and did an ultrasound on her.

"Okay here is your baby. " Alex said pointing at the screen.

"Oh my God there is a living baby in there." Callie exclaimed at the wide eyed Miranda.

"How the hell did it get in there?" Miranda asked shocked.

"Okay Dr. Bailey so when two adults have sex sperm is released a- ."

"ouch" Alex cried as Miranda reached and hit him twice in the head.

"Get out and keep your mouth close. I mean it Karev. If anybody hears about this you will be doing scut the rest of your career." Miranda said sternly.

"Yes ma'am." Alex said leaving out the room.

"I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant like really pregnant." Miranda said pacing.

"Okay I got my IUD taken out 7 weeks ago , I’m 7 weeks pregnant. She took it out I felt a pinch that hurt.  She said something smiling and left out.

“My doctor office is a obgyn/ fertility clinic." Miranda said piecing everything together.

"Oh my God,  do you think they made a mistake and artificially inseminated you?"

"That has the be the only reasonable explanation."

"What time do they close?"

"They are already closed. I’m going first thing tomorrow morning though. Cause somebody needs to give me some damn answers." Miranda spoke sternly.

"Okay just go home and get some sleep. Its not good for the  baby to be restless" Callie told her.

"There should be no baby." Miranda growled.

Miranda got home and took a shower she stood naked in the mirror looking over herself. She rub her stomach and noticed it was no longer her soft fleshy belly but it was firm which she didn't notice at first.

She crawled into her bed and fell asleep.

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