Miranda lotion down and put on crotch-less panties. She decided not to wear a bra because the skimpy silk robe that didn’t even cover her ass or panties would cover her breast a little. She took the rollers out of her hair and combed her fingers through them watching her hair fall to her shoulders.

She sat on her bed and pulled her lace garter belt above her panties. She rolled the socks up her legs and connected each to her garter belt. She walked into their bathroom and did her make up. She normally did light makeup but not today. She did a full face with a Smokey eye. She put eye lashes on and red lip.

She walked back into their bedroom and grabbed her black round toe stiletto heels and put them on. Grabbing her small silk and lace robe. Where the lace was over her breast so you could see them clearly. Miranda heard a car door shut.

She looked a her self in the mirror and admired before walking downstairs. She would have to wear something like this again when she wasn't a walking incubator.

Before he could put his key in Miranda unlocked the door and pulled it open smiling.

"Baileyyy-" Mark said looking her up and down then smirking.

Miranda eyes widened looking at the faces of Derek, Mark, and Owen. Derek and Owen were trying their best not to look at her, but were failing miserably. Mark didn't care. She didn’t even know if he blinked.

Miranda quickly scooted behind the door and leaned her head over.
"What in thee Hell are yall doing here?" Miranda shrieked out.

"For the party." Derek answered his face red holding a bowl of something.

"What party?" Miranda questioned.

"The super bowl party potluck that you and Ben are hosting.

"We don't host parties." Miranda responded furious.

"Are you going to let us in?" Mark asked holding two cases of beer.

Miranda didn't know how she was going to do this but she was furious and when she made it up the stairs Ben was going to get an ear full.

"Okay I'm going to shut this door and give me 30 seconds to get to the stairs then put your food on the kitchen counter and make your selves comfortable in the living room." Miranda said shutting the door.

She move as fast as she could to the stairs and walk up them hearing the door open.

Miranda walked into her room and slammed the door shut.

She picked up her phone dialing Ben's number.

"Benjamin Warren." Miranda growled.

"Hey baby did Shepherd, Sloan and Hunt show up yet?"

"Yep they sure did and I answered the door naked." Miranda said irritated.

"Huh what? You did what Miranda?"  Ben asked concerned.

"Why are there people at our house Benjamin." Miranda asked clicking her teeth.

"Hold on Miranda I'm pulling into the drive way now." Ben stated.

Miranda listened as he was shuffling. He must have gotten groceries.
She heard the front door open and he hung up the phone.

Ben walked into his house and put his coat at the front door. He walked to the kitchen sitting the bags down. Then he walked into the living room and saw everyone sitting with looks on their faces.

"Mmmm mm mn." Derek said shaking his head and Owen laughed.

"We would like to see you get out of this one. I'm surprised she even let us in." Derek continued.

"Man she greets you at the door like that?" Mark said smiling.

"Shut up." Ben said taking the stairs by two.
Ben opened their bedroom door and took a deep Breath.

"Hey baby." Ben said quietly.

His eyes widened when she stood up and he licked his lips eyeing her hungrily. Damn she was walking sex. He thought.

"Benjamin Warren." Miranda yelled loudly.

"Miranda Bailey."  Ben said seductively and she stared at him.

"You answered the door like this?" He inquired getting upset that they saw her like this.

"Yes because I thought it was you. I was trying to greet my man at the door."

Ben smirked and walked over pulling her into him grabbing her ass and Miranda moaned.

"Uh uh No Benjamin. Explain to me why are people showing up to our house."

"Miranda I told you about a super bowl party. Almost two weeks ago." Ben told her seriously.

"When?" Miranda questioned putting her hands on her hips.

"Right before I." Ben started.
"Before you what?" She practically yelled.

"Before I did this." Ben pushed Miranda gently back on the bed and spread her legs open putting them over his shoulders.

"Ohhh Bennn that doesn't -shit- count." Miranda moaned as he began licking her folds.

"Mmmm?" Ben asked.

Miranda tried to look up at him over her stomach but was failing miserably.

"Ben go ask our guest to leave." She moaned out loudly.

"Miranda." Ben mumbled against her outer lips causing her more pleasure. " I can't do that especially when we agreed to host and more people are coming." He paused and she whined grabbing his head and pushing him further into her center.

Ben took one long lap and she nearly fainted. "Oooh my god, Bennnn." Her hands immediately clutched the sheets and her head fell back on the pillow.

Ben licked her teasingly, just slow licks from bottom to top. Miranda writhed around in a sweet agony. He made sure he was rough enough to be felt, but soft enough to still tease her more than please her. Ben used his thumbs to open her folds gently as he blew a stream of cold air over her swollen lips. He could feel her warmth radiate and it bewitched him. There was no more holding back. He lost it and let his tongue explore all around her folds. It went from gentle and predicable to erratic and rough in a moment. Miranda's back arched up off the bed as best as she could and she let out a stream of obscenities.

"Benjamin! Fuck!" She grabbed his head and shoved his face farther into her depths. Ben let his hands roam up to her breasts and grabbed hold. She moaned at his touch and bucked her hips slightly.

"I love these panties." Ben said licking her more. Ben sucked her clit into his mouth and nibbled lightly adding pleasure causing Miranda to arch off the bed cumming. Letting out a loud high pitched scream and a Damn Benjamin Warren that he was sure everyone downstairs heard.

Miranda laid back and caught her breath  while Ben stood back up on his feet licking his lips.

I had plans for us tonight. Plans that I was not willing to forfeit." Miranda whined.

"What were you thinking?" Ben questioned almost drunk.

Miranda smirked and sat up looking down at how hard he was through his jeans.

"Well I wore red lipstick for a reason." Miranda answered back popping her lips. "I figured we could start downstairs and I would suck you until your eyes roll back into your head and swallow every last drop, but Oh well." Miranda said sliding off the bed walking to take her outfit off.

Ben eyes bulged out of his head at her statement.

"Miranda we could always do that tonight." Ben offered.

"No you don't get it ,until you get it." Miranda called from inside of the closet. She wanted to laugh when he huffed.

"Miranda I'm taking a quick shower. Your shirt I bought you last week is on the bed."

Then it hit Miranda he showed her the shirt last week and he did talk about a super bowl party. She was trying to have sex with him because she was unbelievably horny and they hadn't in 5 days.

Miranda put her blue and green Seahawks jersey on with black leggings and fuzzy socks. Walking downstairs as the doorbell rung. She eyed Derek, Owen, and Mark hard daring them to say a word about earlier.

Miranda opened the door then smiled. "Chief."

"Hey Bailey how you doing?" Richard asked holding a covered dish and chips.

"I’m doing great." She smiled letting him in.

"You can put your dish on the counter in the kitchen." Miranda pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

Miranda walked into the kitchen and saw a huge bucket of ice with beer in it on the floor.
"Who put this on my new hardwood floors?" she muttered rolling her eyes.

"Miranda you know your not supposed to be bending. Bend from your knees." Ben said walking into the kitchen.

"I know babe." Miranda said standing back up quickly.

"Are you cooking on the grill." Miranda asked.

"You know it." Ben smiled kissing her cheek. "I’m getting ready to get it fired up right now."

"Okay great because I want a cheeseburger and two hotdogs." Miranda said licking her lips.

Ben laughed and nodded. Miranda walked back into the living room to cut the fire place on when she was almost trampled over by Jackson and Karev.

"Hey watch it. Didn't you all's mama's ever teach you about not running in doors." She yelled.

"Sorry Bailey." Alex said quickly and then Jackson.

"The kitchen is that way. Set your food and drinks down in there." She huffed before walking into the living room and cutting the fireplace on.

Miranda sat beside Derek and Richard.
"Bailey this was nice of you to throw this party." Richard said smiling.

Miranda turned to him and gave him a look that said everything he needed to know.

"If it wasn't for Ben none of them would be in my house." She stated firmly.

"You said them. That excludes me." Richard laughed.

"Sir you were always at my apartment for dinner." Miranda smiled at him.

"Your right. We haven't done it in a while." Richard said sadly.

"Aww Sir we can do it again this week coming up." She told him seriously and Richard nodded.

After about 30 minutes everyone was filling her house. Meredith and Christina were making tequila shots in her kitchen. Callie and Arizona just arrived. There were nurses and other doctors here. She had a house full and the stupid game hasn't even started yet.

"Hey Is it true you opened the door naked?" Callie laughed.

"I’m going to kill Mark." Miranda mumbled.
"Yes friend. I had on lingerie and I opened the door thinking it was Ben." Miranda blushed.

"How is that going? Last thing you told me was valentines day. " Callie asked.

"Its going wonderful." Miranda said combing her fingers through her hair smiling.

"And the sex?" Callie questioned.

"Phenomenal." Miranda smirked. "If I wasn't pregnant already I would be." Miranda laughed.

"How are you both managing to do that? With this." Callie said putting her hands on her stomach.

"It hasn't gotten in the way. When it does we will slow up. We literally have had sex everywhere in this house." Miranda responded and laughed when Callie's face scrunched up.

"Even in his gym?" Callie laughed.

"Even in his gym." Miranda responded back. "I initiated that one."

"Wow. When is the baby shower again and what’s the theme?"

"It’s at the end of next month and its a princess theme." Miranda said getting up from her chair walking to her office and Callie followed behind her. "Here is the invitations."

Twice the blessing, twice the fun, two little miracles instead of one. Our Twincesses are on their way.

"This is too cute Miranda." Callie exclaimed looking at the words in gold, pink and purple.

"Thank you. It was between princess theme or thing one and thing two from Dr. Seuss." Miranda said smiling.

Miranda and Callie walked back into the living room just in time for the game to start. Miranda sat down and watched. She scanned the room and her eyes landed on nurse Liz. She sat up some and frowned.

"Who the hell invited her." She thought to her self the continued watching the game.

She laughed as all the men kept grunting and complaining when their team fumbled and or loss possession of the ball.

Miranda kept dozing off and would wake up every time they would cheer. When she looked up in the middle of the second quarter she noticed that nurse Liz was no longer standing in her spot. Miranda glossed over the room to see where she had moved to, but didn't see her.

She stood up and slowly made her way to the kitchen to where Ben was still cooking on the grill. When she got to the doorway of the kitchen she frowned and she watched as Liz was talking to Ben while he was trying to look at the tv in their kitchen and focus on the grill. She couldn't hear what she was saying because the house was so loud.

All she could hear was thank you and she reached to rub his left hand. She did notice that Ben moved it.

Miranda walked fully into the kitchen and stood by the counter and cleared her throat loudly. She watched as the two jumped and Ben looked at her quickly.

"Am I interrupting something." Miranda asked raising an eyebrow.

Ben eyes widened at her statement. Miranda was pissed. He didn't know if it was the grill ,but it felt like he could physically feel the heat radiating off of her.
"No baby. Your not interrupting anything." Ben said.

"It seems like I am." She countered looking between the two.

"No I was just leaving out." Liz said looking scared.

"Sure you were" Miranda said rolling her eyes. "Learn some house etiquette. Guest don't come into other people's kitchen and I don’t remember anyone saying that the food was ready." Miranda said rudely.

"Miranda that was mean." Ben responded when Liz left out.

"I could have said worse. What was she thanking you for Benjamin?" Miranda asked raising her voice.

"She asked me if she could get her burger medium. I told her yes and she said thank you. No more and no less." Ben said flipping the burgers over.

"She was doing entirely too much. This is a damn party she takes what she gets. She doesn't get a request like this is some damn restaurant."

Ben wanted to chuckle, but knew how serious she was.

"Why would you invite another woman that likes you to my house?" Miranda asked.

"Our house. " Ben retorted.

"Our house. It doesn't make that much of a damn difference." She demanded.

"I didn't invite her. She probably was invited by one of her nurse friends in there." Ben said sincerely.

"I wish I knew who so I can ask both of them to leave." Miranda responded dryly.

Ben sat his spatula down and came over wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her neck then lips.

"You were jealous." Ben smirked.

"I was not jealous. Man please." Miranda said hitting his arm.

"You saw her talking to me and you were jealous." Ben laughed.

"I was not jealous. I was about to catch a case and be on trial for a double homicide. Because the both of you were two seconds from being thrown in that grill." Miranda said seriously.

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