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"Oh my God I'm on the way Miranda. How far apart are the contractions?" Ben asked hopping up out of the Bed.

"They are 10 minutes apart. Ben baby grab my bag out of the closet and my bedroom shoes. Also grab the bags for the babies and their car seats." Miranda said listing out everything.

"Okay I love you and I'll be there shortly." Ben told her sweetly.

"I love you too and see you in a bit." Miranda breathed out through a contraction.

When Miranda had finished changing, stopping once for another contraction that had her bent over, the nurse put an IV into the back her hand, and hooked her up all kinds of monitors.

"Miranda." Callie smiled brightly.

"Hey Torres." Miranda said leaning over the bed trying to stretch and keep the pain at bay.

"Grey told me you were in labor and I am so angry with you still." Callie said.

"I know you are mad it was spontaneous and we agreed on another wedding slash barbeque. You will receive uhhh aghh invitation to that one." Miranda said groaning breathing extremely hard. "Torres help me." Miranda gritted her teeth.

Callie immediately walked over and rubbed Miranda’s back soothingly in circles.

"Come on let's walk around the room and then we will try the birthing ball." Callie stated.

Callie helped Miranda around the room, holding her up as contractions hit.

They sat and stretched and did different types of breathing exercises with the birthing ball.

"Where is Ben?" Callie asked Miranda as she bounced on the ball slowly with her hands raised.

"He's on the way. I talk to him not to long ago." Miranda informed her.

Callie nodded and told Miranda to take a break from the ball and that maybe she should try and sleep for an hour.

"Good idea." Miranda chimed in sweating.

Callie helped Miranda to her hospital bed and took a cold rag to wipe up her sweat.

"I'm going to go get Dr. Ryan." Callie told her.

Miranda looked at the time sitting up in the bed some. She grabbed her phone dialing Ben, but got his voicemail. "Ben Warren this is your wife. Who is in active labor with your babies. Call me back please."

"Okay Dr. Bailey put your feet up for me." Dr. Ryan said walking into the room.

Miranda complied and Callie walked back in.

"Oh sorry." Callie said holding her hand over her eyes.

"It's fine Torres. It's not like you haven't seen one before. Miranda panted. Then her and Callie laughed hard.

"You are dilated 6 centimeters only 4 more to go. I will be back to check on you." Dr. Ryan said taking her gloves off and leaving.

Callie and Miranda talked for a while. Then they heard Callie's pager go off.  "What is it Callie."

"It's a 9-1-1. I have to go." Callie said standing up.

"Can you do me a favor and page Ben for me I have been calling him."

"Will do." Callie smiled.

"I just need to get to my wife." Ben said trying to lift off the table.

"Doctor Warren lay back." Richard said feeling on his abdomen.

"Miranda is in labor and I need to get-" Ben stammered out he couldn't even think straight his eyes were heavy and he was in pain trying to stay awake.

"Bailey's in labor." Webber said out loud. He knew this wouldn't be good.

"Somebody page Robbins."

"Chief you paged." Arizona and Callie said walking in at the same time.

Ben." Callie exclaimed "oh no this is bad, this is bad." Callie rambled.

"Torres I need you in here? Left arm is possibly broken."

"Why did you page me chief?" Arizona asked confused.

"Because someone needs to go up and be with Bailey."

"Okay I'm on it." Arizona replied leaving out

"What the hell happened?" Callie asked.

"A car ran a red light and hit him head on." Richard replied. "Hunt went to the scene and is in the process of retrieving the car seats and bags."

"Bailey." Arizona chimed knocking on the door.

"Robbins." Miranda stated opening her eyes and looking at her.

"How do you feel? Can I get you anything?" Robbins asked.

"How do I feel? Two girls are about to make their way out of my vagina. Can you get me a new vagina." Miranda said raspy.

"Matter of a fact can you find my damn husband." Miranda shrieked grabbing her stomach.

"Bailey just breathe, let me page the nurse for ice chips."

"I just need you to call my husband. Who should have been here by now. He said shortly." Miranda huffed.

Arizona made a face then quickly massed it.

"I saw that face. Do you know where Ben is?" Miranda said sitting up.

"I don't I will go see and get you some ice." Arizona said quickly walking out the room and Miranda rolled her eyes she knew something was wrong.

Miranda stood on her feet and walked slowly to the bathroom.

After Ben's arm was sewn up Callie put a cast on it. Derek ruled Ben's injury to be a concussion and Richard stated that he had a tare in the muscle of his abdomen.

They cut the light off in his room and requested he rest for a while they would wake him. When Miranda is about to push.

"Did you hear about the cute anesthesiologist."

" yep he was in a bad car accident."

Miranda eyes widened listening to the two women talk. Her husband was in an accident.

"Dr. Bailey we brought you ice." One of them said from out side of the bathroom door. When they left Miranda sat on the edge of the bed.

"Oh God why does this keep happening to me." Miranda thought as her eyes immediately began to water. She was praying that he was okay because she honestly didn't know what she was going to do without him.

Miranda slid off the bed and found her flats. She grabbed onto the pole where her Iv medications were hanging from and walked slowly out of her room.

She was making her way to the elevators. When she saw Arizona. Miranda moved a little quicker leaning against a wall until she was gone.

She got inside the elevator and pushed for the ER floor.

Miranda walked out and pushed the double doors open. She was sweating hard and almost fell over when the pain hit making her knees buckle.

"Dr. Bailey." Alex called rushing to her holding her up.

Miranda exhaled thankful he caught her.
"Mmm Alex Where is My husband?"

"I don't know I-I."

"Save it. I know he's here just point me in his direction or is he in surgery?" Miranda asked panicky.

"No he isn't in surgery." Alex said sadly.
Miranda wondered why his tone of voice changed.
"First exam room." Alex told her. "Do you need help getting there.

"No I’m fine I can walk, next contractions won't be for 4 minutes."

Miranda walked to the examination room and looked through the window. The lights were off and he was laying back. There were no iv's hooked up or monitors on. It was just him. He had two white bandages on his face.

"Oh my God." Miranda said grasping the windowsill.

"This was it. She was a widow." She thought quietly to herself crying. She stepped into the room and just stared.

"Miranda I'm not dead. I'm okay. Just a concussion and a broken arm." Ben spoke softly. He knew when she entered the room that it was her immediately. She was waddling slowly and she gasped hard.

"Benjamin Warren, you scared the crap out of me." Miranda said wiping her tears.

"I'm not going anywhere, remember till death  do us part." Ben slightly chuckled.

"Well I thought this was it." She said walking over and leaning on his bed to support herself.

"I love you." Ben told her finally opening his eyes to look at her.

"I love you -oh Damn- too." Miranda said sweating profusely and looking up at him.

"Get up here." Ben said scooting over but groaning.

"No you're hurt and in pain." Miranda stated.

"You're in pain too Miranda."

"Just a lil child birth." She tried to joke.

Miranda slid onto the bed and laid in Ben's arms.

"What happened babe?"  Miranda asked kissing his chin.

"I was on the way here two blocks away at the intersection where mercury and Atlantic cross and the light turned green so I started driving,  but some idiot ran the red light."

"God I would have killed him if something would have happened to you." Miranda said furious.

"It's okay Baby. I'm okay, but not the car."
"I wanted you to get another car, but not like this." Miranda said playfully.

"There you are?" Arizona said walking into the room.

"Don't talk to me Robbins you knew he was down here and kept trying to give me some damn ice." Miranda crossed her arms.

"Bailey. I didn't want you to worry and besides Callie and Webber knew too." Arizona added.

"Wow just throw us under the bus." Webber said walking in with Callie.

"Right." Callie said crossing her arms.

"All of you are uninvited to the next wedding." Miranda smirked as she heard a bunch of come on and No's around the room.

Miranda and Ben were pushed up to her room in maternity and in two separate beds beside each other.

She was now 9 centimeters dilated and just waiting on the last one. She was tired of the birthing ball, stretching and walking. Her legs felt like noodles. She just wanted them out of her already.

Miranda thrust her hand out at Ben and silently demanded that he hold it across the railings of their beds. He did as he was told as they waited for the OBGYN.

"Are you-"

"Ahhhh!" Miranda shrieked as another major contraction hit her again. Ben winced as she squeezed his hand hard, pretty much cutting off the blood flow in his hand. "God this hurts." Miranda yelled.

"I know it does, but-"

"How could you possibly know that? Are you pushing a baby out too, Benjamin?!" She snapped furiously. Her face was all red and wet from all the pain induced screaming.

"No, but.." he trailed off, sighing heavily. "Miranda, I'm just-"

"I’m sorry honey, it just hurts." Miranda apologized. In this moment Ben knew she wasn't in her right mind. One minute she was angry and the next she was sweet.

"I think I'm ready." Miranda said sitting up.

"Where did Dr. Ryan go?" Ben questioned.

She rolled her eyes as the pain from the contraction subsided "I don't know where the hell she ran off to, but she's been gone for like 5 hours already." Miranda hissed.

Ben tried his best not to laugh. She was so dramatic. "I paged her she should be here in a few minutes." Ben told her softly rubbing her hands. He hated not being able to get up and help her and even more he hated seeing his wife in pain.

"Alright Miranda Let me check." Dr. Ryan moved down towards Miranda's legs and peeked under the sheet laid over her. A few moments later she straightened up, smiling at the couple. "We're good to go." She turned to the nurses, barking out orders.

"Push!" She encouraged

Miranda gritted her teeth, pushing with all her might. She felt like she was being ripped apart down there. It wasn't like that with Tuck. This was worst.

"Come on, baby." Ben cooed, "just a few more pushes."

"Shut up!" Miranda snapped, tears flowing down her face as she tried to breathe. "I'm so Sorry." Quickly followed.

"Its Ok, just breathe," Ben tried again.

Just a few more pushes!"  Dr. Ryan shouted.

Miranda cried out as she pushed yet again, her whole lower body burning with pain as the tears and sweat flowed freely down her face. She turned to glare at her husband again as he tried to encourage her. Her hormones are increase a million fold as she smacked his arm.

"What was that for?" Ben asked incredulously.

"You may not have done this to me, but the fact that you want too." She groaned.

"Oh God." Miranda bellowed. She reached over and smacked Ben's arm again. "You are sleeping on the couch until death do us part!" She told him.

Ben wanted to laugh, knowing that her anger and her words are pain-driven. And the threat itself is completely empty because he knows that she can barely sleep without him to hold her at night. So he nodded in fake agreement. "Whatever you want, Miranda."

"Why are you agreeing?!" Miranda shouted between her pushes. "Do you not want to sleep with me anymore?!"

Ben answered quickly, wincing as her grip tightened further on his hand, "Of course I want to sleep with you every-"

"Well you're not going near my vagina for the rest of our lives, Benjamin!" She snapped

This time, he actually laughed at the absurdity of her mood swings. "Well that's not happening, now push."

Miranda looked like she was about to protest again, but she didn't She pushed with all of her might and then she heard the sound of a wailing baby filled the room.

Miranda fell back exhausted, but she knew it wasn't over yet.

Tears filled Ben's eyes to the brim as they stared at their first child together. She was covered in blood and other things that look absolutely disgusting, but it's still the most amazing thing that Ben had ever seen.

"She's beautiful." Miranda said looking at Ben as they watched the nurses clean her off.

"She is absolutely gorgeous." Ben smiled in a daze. He looked down as Miranda squeezed his hand hard and she was sitting up.

"Dr. Ryan I got to push." Miranda said wincing in pain.

"Okay on the next contractions give me a good push."

Miranda pushed hard. "I got to stop." She said breathlessly licking her lips.

Dr. Ryan looked up at Miranda and shouted through her mask on her next contractions. "Can you give us just one more, good strong push?"

Squeezing Ben's hand tightly, Miranda  gave all the strength, and love she had into a final push. She let her body jerk backwards into the bed, when she heard the beautiful, sharp cry. Dr. Ryan smiled as she held up the baby. "Beautiful baby girl!"

"We're going to clean them up, weigh and measure as well as run a few tests to make sure their both perfectly okay, and then we'll hand them right back to you, okay?"

The couple nodded in agreement, still awestruck by the fact that their babies were now actually here.

Ben looked at his wife, smiling to himself as he watched her watch the doctor with their babies. Her hair was everywhere, some matted to her forehead with sweat. She looked unbelievably tired. But he thought she looked so painstakingly beautiful in that moment, mainly because she had just done the most amazing thing in the world and gave birth to their first of many babies. But also because she has always been the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on.

Miranda fairly felt the nurses cleaning her up, but at this point, she didn't care what they were doing as long as she got some sleep soon. But first, she glanced at the doctor as she came back, carrying her newborns.

"Baby A, 5lbs 7oz and Baby B 6 minutes later 5lbs 12oz." Dr. Ryan said handing Miranda Baby A and Ben Baby B.

The nurses put Baby A in a pink hat and baby B in a yellow one.

"Oh my goodness. They are so beautiful." Miranda exclaimed.
Ben took this opportunity and stood up wincing before climbing on the bed with Miranda so they could look at both babies together.

"They are spitting images of each other, but so different." Ben added staring in both their faces.

"Ava and Alexus Warren." Miranda said softly then looking over at Ben.

"I love it." Ben smiled.

"I love you Ben Warren."

"I love you too Miranda Warren.

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