“Yeah mama I’m sorry I can't come this year." Miranda said sadly.

"But Miranda you haven't been home for the holidays in years." Her mother said back .

"Mama I know I’m sorry ,but with Tuck and the baby. I don't think I need to be traveling much."  Miranda responded.

"What baby?" Elena gasped.

Miranda eyes widened quickly thinking. "Did I say baby? I meant Tuck." Miranda said nodding as if her mother was standing in front of her.

"No you said Tuck AND BABY." Her mother said sternly.

Miranda knew she couldn't go back on it now. So she exhaled hard.

"I’m pregnant mama." Miranda said softly confirming.

"You and Tucker seeing each other again?" Elena exclaimed.

"No Ma'am I divorced Tucker Jones 3 years ago for a reason. Miranda and Tucker will never be a thing again." Miranda said firmly getting upset.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me. You were seeing someone. Let alone serious enough to get pregnant. Why wouldn't you tell me ?"

Miranda knew she should tell her mother the truth about the pregnancy and Ben but she faltered.
"I don’t know Mama I just-"

"How long have you and this mystery man been seeing each other and how did you meet." Elena asked her.

"We have been seeing each other for uh almost a year and we met at work." Miranda responded.
"He's a doctor?"

"Yes an anesthesiologist."

"Well go on and tell me more about him?" Her mother told her.

"His name is Benjamin Warren, but he goes by Ben. He's 34 year's old and he has lived in Seattle all his life.

"He sounds like a catch."

"Mama He's the sweetest man ever. He is so patient and catering. Tuck loves him and he loves Tuck. I really couldn't have found better."

"Its nice that he works in the medical field and has the same profession as you. He sounds like a really nice guy." Elena commented.

"Since you will not be coming for Christmas. You and Ben will be here for new years."

"But mama we have-"

"I don’t want to here any excuses. You both will find the time and that's the end of it."
"Yes Ma'am." Miranda said rolling her eyes

"Miranda Bailey don't roll your eyes at me."

"I didn't even roll them." Miranda said dramatically into the phone.

Miranda finished up her conversation with her mother and sat her phone on the counter.  Cutting up apples angrily. Miranda heard the front door open and she waited for Ben to make his way into the kitchen.

"Hey what's wrong you look stressed?" Ben asked sitting the mail on the counter.
Miranda walked over and hugged him and she sighed when he wrapped his arms around her.

"Ben we have to go to my parents house in Baltimore Maryland and they think you're my boyfriend." Miranda huffed into his chest.

"Miranda I can't hear you" Ben said into her hair.

Miranda leaned back some before saying "I was talking to my mother and I let it slip about the baby. Which she needed to know, but I wasn't going to tell them yet until I figured out what to say. "

Ben nodded and waited for her to continue.

"Anyway she figured you were my secret boyfriend that I was hiding and I didn't tell her otherwise because I didn't want to go through the whole artificially inseminated and all the questions." Miranda said.

"So your mother thinks we are together." Ben asked confirming.

"Precisely and we are expected to be there for new years breakfast and day. I tried to get us out of it, but if we don't come they are just going to show up here."

"Okay Miranda it shouldn't be that hard."

"I don't think you understand. You have to meet my parents then my entire family both sides for new years breakfast."

"Oh." Ben said shocked.

"Yes exactly. First we arrive the day before ,then the next day we go to church that night and bring in the new years. After that we will have breakfast at 1:30 in the morning with the family."

"We will get through it together."

"Together." Miranda repeated.

" I will request the days off." He told her.

"Thank you Ben for everything. You have been nothing short of amazing since I met you."

"I am pretty amazing." Ben retorted laughing.

"Don't let it go to your head." Miranda said hitting him.

"Ben if you fall off that ladder I will hurt you." Miranda told him sternly. She didn't understand why he wanted to put up Christmas lights. Christmas was in 6 days.

"Miranda I got this." Ben said hooking the next one.

"Okay because I do not want to go to Grey Sloan tonight. Are you even supposed to be putting lights up in all this snow."

"Nobody's going to the hospital. Go back inside Miranda its cold out here. I will call you out when I’m done."

"Are you sure because I seen on tv where the man was doing it by himself then he got electrocuted and was hanging there and his spouse didn't know." Miranda told him seriously.

Ben laughed "Stop watching so much television I got this."

"Okay I’m going to go check on dinner."
After about an hour Miranda had finished cooking and was waiting on Ben. She didn't want to go outside and bother him after she said she wouldn't. She tried to wait patiently but that was becoming harder. What if he wasn't ok?

"I’m going out there. I don’t care what he says." Miranda mumbled to herself.

She stood up from her bar stool and started walking out of the kitchen to their front door. When Miranda was half way there the door flew open.

Miranda eyes widened caught red handed she put her hand on her back and winced.

"What are you doing Miranda?" Ben questioned knowingly.

"Nothing." She replied quickly
"So you weren't coming outside?" He questioned.

"No. I was just walking this way and paused because I got a cramp in my back." She rushed.

"Aww let me help you with that." Ben asked walking towards her. He took his gloves off and began to rub her back massaging it lightly.

Miranda stood and leaned her head back. His touch felt amazing and she really ought to be a shame of herself for lying like that.

After about five minutes Ben asked "did that help?"

"Yes thank you. Your hands worked wonders." she told him.

"Do you want to see the lights? If you want to just sit down and rest that's fine."

"No I want to see the lights." Miranda smiled brightly.

Ben grabbed her coat and scarf helping her put them both on. While she grabbed her gloves. He led her outside through the snow all the way down their driveway until they got to the street.

He turned Miranda around and he watched as a huge smile crept its way onto her face.

"Its beautiful Ben. I love the bushes and the trees too."

Miranda felt like a kid all over again. Everything was so gorgeous and it gave her the oohs and ahss.
Miranda eyes widened looking to the left in the yard. Instead of having the lit up reindeer in the yard. It was a stethoscope lit up.

"How did you? Where did you find that?" Miranda asked pointing to it.

"I made it." Ben responded sheepishly.

"Oh my goodness when did you have time to do that?" Miranda inquired.

"When I was in the garage and you kept asking what was I doing?

Miranda smiled she was really just tired of hearing all that noise.

"Its beautiful. Lets go eat dinner and get out of this cold." Miranda said grabbing his hand.

"You don't want to play in the snow." Ben asked wiggling his eyebrows at her.

"No I do not." Miranda said sternly.

"You sure?" Ben asked reaching down in the snow
"Benjamin Warren you wouldn't?" Miranda said firmly eyeing him and the snowball he just made.

Miranda gasped when the snowball flew and hit the top of her coat and Ben laughed at her reaction.

Miranda squatted down holding her belly through her coat and grabbed two hand fulls of snow gripping them hard; she flung it at him hitting his chest and stomach.

Ben laughed and got more snowballs and hit her leg and one flew by her head and her mouth flew open.

"Ben Warren." Miranda said shocked and made more snowballs hitting him as many times as she could. Every time she ran out, she made more and continuously hit him.
Ben held his hand up in defeat, but she still kept hitting him.

"Miranda I'm sorry." Ben said laughing.
"No your not." Miranda smirked.

"I am. I am Miranda. I promise." Ben said in front of her grabbing her hands.

Miranda gave in and squealed when Ben carefully pulled her to the ground.

Miranda was laughing hysterically as Ben put snow on her.

She hit his legs and pushed him over straddling his waist.

Ben instinctively put his hands on her hips and held her there and she caught her breath.

"Ooh Ben the baby is moving." Miranda said smiling.

She unbuttoned her coat and Ben took his gloves off. Miranda grabbed his hands and put them on both sides of her stomach.
Ben smile feeling the movements.

"He or she is very active." Ben commented laughing.

"The baby is probably trying to figure out why their mother and father are playing so much." Miranda snickered.

Miranda and Ben both turned their heads as they heard someone clear their throat.

"Tucker?" Miranda said shocked.

"Miranda." Tucker said back with an apparent attitude looking at her straddling Ben's waist.
Ben slid from under her and stood to his feet to help her up. Miranda placed her hands in his and he pulled her up.

"Mommy." Tuck said running to her legs.

"Hi baby." Miranda said trying her best to bend and hug him back.

"Tucker what are you doing here?" Miranda questioned.

"I called you 20 minutes ago and texted letting you know I needed to drop him off tonight because I will not have time to do so in the morning. I also called because I was trying to make sure this address you sent me weeks ago was the right one."

Miranda turned to face him fully before responding. "Yes this is my house." She stated and she felt Ben's hands wrap around her waist aggressively and protectively. If she turned her head she would probably see the same fire in his eyes exceeding the one that Tucker was displaying.

"You're pregnant?" Tucker asked with his jaw clinched.

"Ben can you excuse us?" Miranda asked turning to face him.

"Are you sure?" Ben asked with his Jaw clinched as well and as she thought it would be.

"I'm sure." Miranda told him sweetly.

Ben let go of her waist kissing her cheek and grabbed Tucks hand going inside of the house.

"Who the hell is that Miranda? " Tucker asked sternly.

"Isn't it obvious?" Miranda asked looking down at her stomach. When Tucker didn’t give a response she continued. "He's the father of my baby."

"Your having a baby with a man that you are not married to ?" Tucker asked perplexed.

"When your with the right person things happen." Miranda said happily.

"Right." Tucker said rolling his eyes.
"Whatever I’m leaving." Tucker said walking away.

Miranda rolled her eyes as well and walked in the house.

On Christmas eve Miranda walked into the house just getting off work from an overnight shift .She walked into the kitchen and set her stuff down. Ben would be at work all day and wasn't getting off until tonight. She was waiting for the construction people to come and install Ben's Christmas gift.

She was getting an indoor grill installed in the kitchen and she paid extra for them to do it all in one day and on Christmas eve.

They were going to cut a hole in the wall by there back door in the kitchen leading to the outside and build the brick up.  Making vents so the smoke would travel outside.
After they arrived Miranda showed them exactly where she wanted it at and they got started. Saying it would only take them 8 hours.

Miranda nodded and went upstairs to take a bubble bath. She got out of the tub and she rubbed lotion on her legs and arms and then applied stretch mark cream to her stomach. She got under the covers and took a nap.
When she woke up she put on a sweater, jeans and ugg boots.

She wanted to go to the store and get somethings to cook for Ben for Christmas dinner tomorrow even though she wasn't going to be home until late that night.
"Hey is it okay if I go to the store?" Miranda asked the head of the construction team.

"Yes of course. Ma'am." He nodded his head at her.

"Okay thank you because some companies have policies that you have to be home." She replied grabbing her coat.

Miranda got to the store and began picking up her items. She bought ham, turkey wings, collards, the ingredients for macaroni and cheese, yams, and dressing. She also bought stuff to make a sweet potato pie and a cake.
Miranda got back to her house and cut some music on as she began cooking.

She was almost done when her phone rung.
"Hey Ben." Miranda said sweetly wiping her hands on her apron.

"Hey Miranda I'm just checking on you. I haven't heard from you all day." Ben said looking up at the next bed in the on-call Room.

"I’m fine . I took a nap, went to the store and that’s it." Miranda responded.

"What's all that noise." Ben questioned listening to the background.

"Oh that. I am at the mailbox and the Jefferson family next door are getting some work done to their house. That noise has been driving me crazy all day." Miranda told him lying.

"Wow I’m sorry." Ben said sincerely he knew she needed her rest especially just getting off a 10 hour shift.

"No It’s okay. I already talk to him about it and he said they should be done in a few hours." Miranda replied.

"You talked to him about it ?"  Ben inquired.

"Yes David our next door neighbor."

Ben did not like their next door neighbor at all. He was always staring at Miranda or offering to help her with something.
They talked on the phone some more until Ben took a nap before his next surgery.

When Ben got home that night he walked straight up stairs to his bedroom falling asleep quickly.

Miranda opened his room door and quietly walked over to his bed. She tapped him lightly 3 times trying to wake him up.

"Ben, Ben. "Miranda whispered getting louder each time.

"Mmmm." He called out sleepily.

"Wake up."

Ben jumped up out of his sleep realizing Miranda was calling him.

"Hey what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked looking at her concerned.

"Ben I'm fine. I promise. I just wanted to give you your Christmas gift before I go to work." She told him seriously looking at his chest.

"Oh okay." Ben smiled "You didn't have to get me anything for Christmas Miranda."  He began.

"But I wanted too. Come with me downstairs." Miranda said breaking her eyes from his naked chest.

Ben followed Miranda downstairs and she led him to the doorway to the kitchen.

"Okay wait. Close your eyes."

Ben did as told and she pulled his hand bringing him fully into the kitchen.

"Alright you can open them." Miranda instructed.

Ben opened his eyes and he saw a red bow across a large open space. With cast iron cooking grids in there and under it was open space.

"You didn't?" Ben said rushing over and Miranda was smiling nodding her head.

"This is grillwork’s indoor grill." Ben grinned.

"Yep you can use charcoal or wood. And this wheel right here you turn it for your vent and it goes outside." Miranda told him.

Ben picked Miranda up and spun her in the air.

"Ohh okay. Bennn." Miranda laughed and half whined
"Don't shake us up like that." Miranda said referring to her and the baby.

"I’m sorry." Ben said laughing and putting his hands on her stomach.

"And sorry to you." He whispered leaning down.

"Miranda thank you so much this is the best gift ever." Ben smiled down at her.

"We can have steaks or burgers on Sunday." Ben said excitedly.

"I already bought you some." Miranda stated.

Ben brought Miranda over to their Christmas tree filled with gifts mostly all of Tucks.
And he grabbed an orange box.

"Bennnn. Louis Vuitton." Miranda squealed.
She opened the box quickly pulling out the purse.

"Ben it's beautiful." Miranda exclaimed.

"I hope you like it. I know you said you wanted a bigger purse." Ben said sheepishly.

"I love it thank you." Miranda said hugging him.

"Oh shoot. I'm going to be late. I made you Christmas dinner already. It's in aluminum pans in the refrigerator. You just have to heat it up." Miranda said sitting her new purse back under the tree.

Ben walked Miranda out to her car and they told each other Merry Christmas.

Ben got back in the bed until his phone rung.

"Hey curt." Ben mumbled.

"Hey so we got a situation." Curt said

"What situation?" Ben requested sitting up.

"Well mom said she didn't feel like cooking this year. So her and dad are coming over to your house for Christmas."

"They are what?" Ben belted "You gave them my address?"

"Yes and I will be in attendance too."

"What time are you all coming?" Ben asked frustrated.

"Its 2 right now. So 5."

Ben rolled his eyes getting out of bed.
"Curt what the hell man."

"Is your girlfriend home and okay with company?"

"She is not my girlfriend. You know that."

"But mom and dad don't. They think she's your girlfriend who is pregnant with your baby. That you are keeping hidden away from them. I quote." Curt laughed.

"No she is not home she is at work." Ben stated.

"What are you going to cook fast?" Curt asked.

"Miranda cooked Christmas dinner yesterday So I could eat today. I’m just going to heat that up."

"Okay bro see you in a few hours."

Ben tossed his phone on the bed and got up taking a quick shower.  He put on a red sweater and some jeans then he walked downstairs. He was glad Miranda had decorated the house three weeks ago.

She had a Christmas reef on the front door. The living room had of course their huge Christmas tree. 3 stockings over the fire place with garland and a reef reading merry Christmas in cursive above it.

There was a little sleigh in the center of their coffee table. The kitchen had decorative red and green dish cloths and a snow man cookie jar.

Last but not least in their dining room she had a red table runner with a garden pinecone center piece with white candles and lights.

Ben took all the pans out of the refrigerator and put them in the oven heating them up.
"Miranda made enough food for a small army." Ben thought to himself. After a while the food was heated up and the house smelled wonderful. It reminded him of going to his grandparents house for the holidays.

Ben heard the doorbell ring and he rushed to the door.

Hey Ma and pops." Ben said greeting them. He hugged them both and ushered them in.

"Here let me take your coats." Ben said grabbing them.

"Curt is pulling up." James said walking to the living room.

Ben waited a few seconds with the door open watching his brother jog up the drive way.

"Hey man." They both said simultaneously.

Its beautifully decorated in here." his mother complimented.

"That’s all Miranda's doing." Ben said proudly.

"Where is this Miranda?" Patricia asked.

"She is at work." Ben stated.

"On Christmas?" She said shocked.

"Yes Ma'am I had to work yesterday and she had to work today."

"What did she get you for Christmas." His mother inquired.

"She got me every man's dream. If you all would follow me." Everyone got up going into the kitchen.

"She got me this." Ben said standing by his grill.

"An indoor grill." His father exclaimed. Ben nodded smiling happily.

"Oh man she's a keeper." James said patting him on the back.

'When did she give it to you or show you I thought she was at work?" Curt asked.

"She woke me up early this morning and showed me it. she got it installed Yesterday while I was at work."

"It sad that she had to work on Christmas. How can yall spend time together with the hours you two work and adding a baby."  His mother questioned.

"We make time and will make time when the baby comes. " Ben said seriously.

"Let's eat." Curt said Turning to the pans of food on the counter.

"Ben you made all this." His father asked.

"No Miranda did." Ben said grabbing plates out the cabinet.

"She cooks too. You hit the jack pot." James said and Patricia hit him.

"Save Miranda some macaroni and Cheese that's her favorite." Ben said as everyone made there plates.

"Oh my God your dining room is beautiful. Where did she get this center piece from?" Patricia asked.

"I’m not sure , but I'll ask Miranda tonight." Ben stated.

Ben started eating his food and his mother smacked his hand.

"Say your grace Benjamin.” She scolded.

"This food is so good." Curt said digging in.

The family ate an conversed for a while and moved into the living room.
Miranda opened up the front door and heard laughter and chatter.
"Ben." Miranda called out taking her coat off.
"In the living room baby."
"Did he just call me baby?" Miranda thought to herself.
She walked into the living room and her eyes widened. She scanned the people in the room. It was his family. Ben was a good mixture of his mother and father and his brother was just a young version of Ben's dad.
Miranda blushed before saying Hello to everyone.

"Mom , Dad and Curt this is my girlfriend Miranda. Miranda this is my mother Patricia, my dad James and my brother Curt." Ben said eyeing her trying to get her to play along.

Miranda eyed him back "Hi its so nice to meet all of you." Miranda said smiling brightly and walking in the room to hug all of them politely.
When she got to Ben she kissed him on his cheek and hugged him fully.

"The decorations in you all’s house is beautiful." Patricia told her.

"Thank you so much." Miranda smiled taking a seat.

"Where did you get your dining table center piece from? If you don't mind me asking." His mother asked her.

"I don't mind at all and I made it."

"Woww." She responded shocked and Miranda nodded her head.

"How was work?" Ben asked her sitting on the arm of the chair beside her.

"It was great. I’m just glad to be getting off early. Richard came in and took over my shift." Miranda said.

"That was good. Are you hungry? I can make you a plate and heat it up." Ben told her seriously.

I can get it myself.  How was the food?"

"The food was delicious." Curt chimed in and James nodded wildly agreeing.

"Baby I can get your plate." Ben said and Miranda love the way it was falling off his lips.

"Baby No I got it I need to wash my hands and freshen up after getting off work any way." She said back.

"Lets kill two birds with one stone. I'll make your plate and you go do all of that." Ben stated extending his hands pulling her up.

"How far along are you?" Patricia asked.

"I will be 6 months in two weeks." Miranda smiled.

My first grand child." James added.

"Are you two hoping for a girl or boy?" Curt asked.

"I really want a girl." Miranda said and Ben nodded.

"I just want a healthy baby." Ben shrugged his shoulders.

"And right now that baby is pushing on my bladder. "Miranda laughed "so if you will excuse me."

That night Miranda and Ben cleaned up after their company left.

" I don't think your mother likes me Ben? Miranda sighed fixing the pillows on the couch.

Ben laughed "yes she does. Why do you think she doesn't?"
"Because she rolled her eyes every time you called me baby or when your dad and brother complimented me." Miranda explained "oh and I also heard her whispered comment " If the baby is his."

Ben raised an eyebrow he didn't hear that and Miranda did a good job hiding it. Her face normally reads what she's thinking.

"I’m sorry Miranda I will check her on that. But I honestly think that she's jealous because all my life she's been the number one lady and now she's not.
"Were not even together." Miranda expressed.

"We may not be together but you come first." Ben said confidently.
Miranda smiled he always said the right things.

Ben came down the stairs and into the living room looking for where he sat his keys last.
“Your keys are right there.” Miranda pointed to above the fireplace.
“you’re a life saver.” Ben said grabbing them.

"You look nice." Miranda said licking her lips nonchalantly.
"Thank you." Ben smiled.

“where are you going?" Miranda said putting her book down.

"Knox set me up on a date." Ben stated fixing his cuffs on his shirt.

"A what?" Miranda asked

"A date." Ben repeated chuckling. He took in Miranda and she looked incredibly sexy wearing glasses.

Miranda frowned but quickly smiled hoping he didn't see it.
"Do I know her?" Miranda mumbled.

"Nurse Liz." Ben said waiting for her reaction.

"McKee?" Miranda scrunched her nose up.


"Oh well I hope you uh have fun."

Miranda paced the floor and sat up and down repeatedly for hours. What in the hell was taking him so long. Dates don’t normally last that long. She thought to herself.

"He's probably having sex with that girl." Miranda thought as her mind raced.
The only thing open this time a night is gas stations and legs.

Miranda gasped as she heard a car door slam, she waddled quickly to the couch grabbing a throw blanket and pillow.

She stuffed a pillow between her legs and threw the cover on top.

When she heard the front door open she stayed as still as possible. When Ben walked into the living room he peered over Miranda. He was kind of hoping she would be up.

"Ben was that you?" Miranda said groggily.

"Yes, sorry I woke you up."

"No its okay. I needed to go upstairs anyway." Miranda said sitting up and stretching.
"Oh how was your date?" Miranda asked trying to sound genuinely concern.

"It was ok. You want some ice cream?" Ben said.

"Ok why just okay?" Miranda inquired getting up following him into the kitchen.

"I mean she wasn't my type. I went on the date because Knox set it up. I didn't want to go back and tell her no." Ben expressed grabbing their bowls.

"I would have." Miranda stated flatly sitting on the bar stool and Ben laughed.

"I didn't want to hurt her feelings. She's the meanest nurse in my department and she schedules my days." He responded putting ice cream in their bowls.

Miranda looked perplexed like she was trying to not say what she was thinking.
"If she messes with your schedule let me know." Miranda insisted.

"What are you going to do?" Ben questioned.

"Don’t worry about what I’m going to do. Just know I will handle it."
Ben nodded and laughed curious to see that in action

"Ben hand me the whipped cream and chocolate syrup."

"How much do you want on there?" Ben questioned.

"I want a lot. I like a lot of sauce." Miranda licked her lips and Ben stared at her shaking his thoughts away.

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