The Truth.

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Death sighs as he pulls out two large files from his cloak.  He looks around at the audience gathered. Dream, Ink, Blue, Ocean, Outer, G, Classic, Nightmare, Cross, Error, Red, Black, Dust, Killer, Horror, Life, and (Y/N). It was quite a large audience full of extremely important and powerful people. Despite being a god himself, Death was a bit nervous.

"Let's start with what truly happened in dreamtale, hmm?"

The others nodded and watched in surprise as Death opens the slightly smaller of the two files.

"First, I suppose I should explain exactly what happened to Nightmare. Then I'll move onto Dream.

"Nightmare was often shunned and even abused by the townspeople because of his position as the guardian of negativity. As such, he began to develop serious trust issues and a self loathing.

"As his brother was often the one he was compared to, he thought of his brother as perfect, and did not wish to burden him or force him to turn his back on his friends in the village for him. So, Nightmare never told Dream of his issues.

"Now, Dream on the other hand was constantly praised for anything and everything he did making him develop a perfectionist personality as well as a hero complex. He was consistently told he was the hero and his brother was the villain. With nothing else to suggest otherwise, he began to believe this.

"This got significantly worse when Zelus began to talk and chat with Dream, framing Nightmare for some minor trouble in town and making sure Dream fixed it, solidifying their roles in Dream's mind.

"However, one can only take so much abuse before they break. And Nightmare, broke by trying to prove he could be the hero too by trying to take care of his brother's side of the Tree of Feelings. Instead he accidentally corrupted an apple and threw off the balance enraging and terrifying the villagers. In a desperate attempt to save his own life, Nightmare planned on eating one of the apples for a temporary magic boost, but with the rush of pure negativity, and power, he got addicted and soon are the entirety of the apples on the tree after infecting all of them.

"Dream had also realized that his brother was in a tight spot and was going to help him, but was far too late and had to watch as his brother lost his mind, killing all but one of the villagers."

Dream snaps his head up in shock and shook his head. "No,no,no,no. That's impossible. He killed them all! I saw it myself!"

Death glances at (Y/N). "Not quite. There was one survivor, (Y/N) (L/N). The child who helped Nightmare not feel so alone. He met the young child while they were running from their abusive father. And due to a misunderstanding, Dream returned what he saw as a hurt, frightened child to a seemingly worried parent. That parent hurt the child so much on the night that they were returned that the fell into a coma. Nightmare saved that child one last time and put a spell on them while they slept, so that that child wouldn't age until they awoke."

Dream shakes slightly as realization dawned on him. He... He wasn't the hero. He never was the hero. He was the villain to his brother and an innocent child. What... What had he done?!

Death sighs and glances over at Life who kneels next to Dream and pulls him into a hug. "Calm yourself, my child. Yes, you have done some horrid things in your ignorance, however there is nothing that can be done about the past, instead look to how you may improve in the future. You are not perfect, and your true friends and family do not expect you to be. So, calm yourself. There is still much for you to hear."

Dream leans into the support that Life is giving him, letting her words sink in. He stares off into space for a few moments before nodding.

"Excellent. Now, we may move onto the matter of (Y/N) (L/N) and her family history. This child is the daughter of Harmony (L/N) and Steel (L/N). Steel and Harmony were married for three years when they had (Y/N). They were quite the lovely couple back when they were dating, however as soon as they were married, Steel decided to show his true nature. He became a drunkard and an emotionally and physically abusive husband. His greed got to the point where he sold Harmony off to a secret society where they experimented with the nature of the soul and how to change it at will. Zelus was also a part of this scheme as it was him who gave the curious humans the idea. A human weapon who can use any magic at will.

"With the help of human trafficking and greedy people like Steel many humans and monsters were handed over to the society. Harmony was the most successful of the unfortunate victims, as in she survived the first nine months. And she did all this, while pregnant. Then, four days after she gave birth, Harmony decided to escape with her child. She managed to make it to the lobby before she was cornered. Then, in a final desperate attempt to at least save her child from the torture she went through, she used all the unstable magic within her soul to create a huge explosion that whipped out the society as well as herself, leaving the child as the only survivor.

"Unfortunately, Harmony was not aware three of the doctors were out, and we're the ones who returned (Y/N) to Steel and promised him a large scale of monthly support if he raised the child for him until their 10th birthday in which they planned to continue experimentation on them and turn them into the perfect weapon."

Nightmare grits his teeth in anger as he glares at the ground. If he could kill all those bastards again, he would. He'd make it as slow and painful as possible. However, Nightmare wasn't the only one thinking such thoughts. Most everyone was. The only exceptions being Blue, who was instead terrified for the child. And Ink, who didn't know what emotion he was supposed to exhibit in this situation.

"And with that, I believe that is all the information you need to know. Now... I believe a certain few people must apologize for actions they have made."

Classic nods and nudges G and Ocean who also nudges Outer. "*Sorry we got involved in something that didn't concern us. We were just worried, but we should've asked questions before jumping to conclusions."

G nods, glancing away in embarrassment. "Yeah, what he said."

Outer laughs nervously as he rubs the back of his head. "Whoops! My bad. Sorry guys, kiddo. Didn't mean to make the situation worse...."

Ocean nods his head. "Sorry fer the trouble, lads."

Nightmare waves a hand. "It's fine. You acted on partial information. Not your fault."

Dream looks up at Nightmare with tears flowing down his skull. "I- I am so sorry. I- I didn't- I wasn't- I should've- I- I- I-..." Dream stares back down at the ground clutching the hem of his shirt, at a loss of what to say. What could he say? Nothing could atone for what he did to his brother.

Nightmare sighs as he walks up to Dream, and flicks his forehead. "Hey. Stop putting the blame only on yourself. Yes, you contributed, but you weren't the one tearing me down for years. I don't think I can forgive you. Not for a very long time. But, I don't think I can hate you now either. Give it some time. Okay little bro?"

Dream sobs into his hands as he nods, this time tears of joy streaming down his face. For the first time in a very long time, he was called brother by someone who he used to admire so very much.

You smile as you walk up to Nightmare again, hugging his leg. "Thank you for starting a new chapter for us, Papa."

"Of course. Anything for you, moonlight."

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