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No pov~

Nightmare looks over all of his subordinates.
"Alright you idiots. This child here is (Y/N). I consider her a child of my own. If I find out any one of you harmed them in anyway, there will be consequences. Am I clear?"

"Got it boss."
"She's so cute!"
"So... No free exp? Dang it."
"*Aye aye."
"... Ok."
"No PrObLeM bOsS."

Nightmare glances down at the human.
"Ok (Y/N) the one on the far right in a dark cloak who has yet to say anything is Death."
Nightmare points over to Death, who lazily waves a hand in greeting.

"Right next to him with a chunk of his skull missing is Horror."
Horror glances up at hearing his name and waves up at the kid with a creepy smile.

"Next to him we have a hooded, insane, idiot of a skeleton named Dust."
Dust keeps glancing over at the air behind him for some reason, however the child seems to notice something. They stare at it for a second before glancing at the next person Nightmare points out.

"The overly happy child who is constantly crying black tears is Killer."
Killer's already unnaturally wide smile seems to grow as he waves energetically at the other child.

"The one in black and red armor is Blackberry, but we all just call him Black."
Black smiles lightly and gives a nod in greeting.

"The one with a collar dressed in black, red, and gold is Red."
Red gives the child a smirk. The human seems fascinated with the golden tooth, the shining on his teeth catching their interest.

"The black and white skeleton who seems to be avoiding all color in his clothes is one of my two right hand men, Cross."
Cross blinks and nods his head in polite greeting, Chara who is floating next to him waves at the child and makes a silly face that the small human couldn't help but laugh at.

Cross looks confused, as do most of the skeletons.
Nightmare gives the child a confused look.
"The ghost person made a funny face."
Was the only explanation that they received as the child points at Chara.
Cross's eyes widen in realization.
Nightmare looks deep in thought.
Death has a surprised look on his skull.
Dust raises an eyebrow.
Chara points at themselves I questioning.
"*You can see me?*"

The child nods their head. Chara smiles and floats up to the child excitedly.
"*Oh my gosh! You're the first human that has been able to see me! This is so cool! Hey wannabe friends? My name's Chara.*"

The child blinks in surprise.
"U-hm... Yeah, sure. My name is (Y/N) it's nice to meet you Chara." The child gives Chara a blindingly sweet smile.

"Alright, that's enough of that. You two will have plenty of time it get to know each other after I finish the introductions and my short breefing."
Chara hangs their head slightly.
"*Sorry boss.*"
Chara floats back over to Cross. Nightmare rolls his eyes.

"Back to what I was doing, the last skeleton is Error, my other officer."
Nightmare says finishing off the introductions.

"Now, (Y/N) here is extremely curious and very friendly. So, to make sure you all are comfortable with each other you each are going to spend three days with the kid to get to know them. Today is a free day, feel free to come over and introduce yourself as you see fit. Now, any questions?"

It was quiet for a moment before Error raises a hand.
"UhHh... WhO's HaNgInG oUt WiTh ThE kId FiRsT?"

Nightmare thinks for a bit and shrugs. "I don't know just yet. I'll inform you of that tomorrow morning."
Error nods, satisfied with his answer.

Nightmare glances around before sitting up and setting the child down. "Alright, dismissed."

With that all the skeletons broke formation, Horror and dust teleport off somewhere, Cross walks to the back of the room, Black and Red walk over to each other, Death, Killer, and Error all make their way over to Nightmare and (Y/N).

"Hey kid. Remember me?"
The child nods, confirming Death's claim.
Death smiles, "Great. It's been real, it's been fun, and it's been real fun, but I got to go. See ya kid."
Death ruffles the child's head.
"Awwww... I was hoping we could play some games together Mr. Reaper..."
Death blinks in surprise, then smiles lightly.
"Don't worry kid, we'll play some games next time I'm around."
The child nods, and gives Death one last hug before he disappears in a puff of black smoke.

Killer runs up to the child, quickly engulfing them in a hug.
"No fair Nightmare! You were keeping this precious kid all for yourself?! Learn to share!"
Nightmare rolls his eyes.
"I did no such thing. They were in a coma until just a few minutes ago, also... Let. Them. Go."
Killed eyes went wide and quickly, and carefully set the kid down, obviously terrified.
Nightmare gives him a short glare before glancing Dow at the child, who seems to be catching their breath from the death-grip hug.
"You ok Moonbeam?"
The child glances up and nods.
"Yup! I'm fine Papa."
Nightmare smiles, relieved.
When the two look up Killer seems to be in a bit of a panic.
"Oh no! I didn't break them, did I!?!"
The child jumps up and looks just as panicked now.
"Nonononono, I'm fine, see? Oh no, please don't feel bad, it's ok!"

Nightmare couldn't help the small, content smile on his face. It wasn't their fault, but they still apologize like no tomorrow. Yup, this really is his kid.
"WhAt'S gOt YoU sO hApPy BoSs?"
Nightmare glances over to Error.
"My kid, what else?"
"FiNaLlY sInKiNg In ThAt ThEy'Re ReAlLy HeRe, HuH?"
Nightmare looks over at Killer and (Y/N) who are now talking excitedly about something or another.
"ThEy'Re A gOoD kId. I tHiNk ThEy'Re GoNnA gEt AlOnG jUsT fInE wItH uS aLl."
Nightmare nods, "Yeah, me too."


Killer, in your talk with him, had found out that you didn't know what video games were, and he would not stand for it. So, he took you and dragged you to the living room and introduced you to Super Smash Bros, and Mario Kart.

It only took you three rounds before you were beating Killer, and soon, Dust, Horror, Black, and Red were all taking bets on who would win, and eventually (after some smack talk from Horror) Dust and Horror joins in on the fun.

By the time Dinner was ready, you had 25 wins, and 5 losses. Horror and Killer had won once each, and Dust had won twice, an NPC had one only one time, and Did almost broke the game when that happened.

"I still don't see how it won! Horror and I were about to cross, when out of nowhere that flippin' NPC came outta nowhere and stole my win!"
"Hey, who says you're the one who would've won?"
"Oh shut up, not of you it was one time!" Killer yells out exasperated, "And here I was thinking that you two would be arguing about how a literal five year old beat you, not some NPC."
"That's different. They're the Boss's kid, so of course they won. An NPCis just a bucket of bolts that shouldn't be able to fo something like that."
"Heheheheh! I'm the Kart Queen!"
"Yeah, you sure are princess."
"I'm a princess?!?"
"Well, you're Dad is a king,so yeah! I guess that would make you a royal heir."
The child pouts.
"But I don't wanna be a princess, or a prince. I wanna be the head of the guard! Captain (Y/N) (L/N)!"
"Sounds good kid."

Black Roses (Overprotective!Bad Guy Sans' x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now