Error's Day 2

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No pov~

You walk behind Error into the Anti-void. Your hand twitches, wanting to hold his hand. Error explained his fear of being touched yesterday, so you restrain yourself. Error was carrying a laptop and a very large bag of popcorn. The bag was almost as big as you were.

Error sits down in the pillow fort you made with him yesterday and pats the spot next to him. "SiT dOwN. I'm GoInG tO sHoW yOu My FaVoRiTe MoViE, bUt YoU cAn'T tElL nIgHtMaRe ThAt We WaTcHeD iT. He PrObAbLy ThInKs YoU'rE sTiLl ToO yOuNg To WaTcH iT, bUt I tHiNk YoU'lL bE aBlE tO hAnDlE iT, wHaT dO yOu ThInK?"
You sit down next to Error, and snuggle into the many blankets and pillows with a determined look. "I can handle it!"

Error gives you a light smile. "GoOd." He pulls up the laptop and begins to set up the movie.

As you wait, you decide to take out your new phone to find out how it works. You look at the little camera looking icon on your phone and click it. You blink in surprise as it shows the ground beneath you onscreen. You glance over at Error and smile.

You look around on your camera filters and settings, with the lense of your camera pointed at Error. He glances up looking at you slightly amused, but mostly confused. "WhAt ArE yOu DoInG?" You couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably as your camera shows Error with bright pink kitty ears and whiskers. "Taking a picture of you." You answer honestly. Error snorts amusedly at your antics and goes back to working his computer.

"GoT iT." Error says shooting out his strings to hold the laptop at a hight where you both can comfortably see what is on screen. You tilt your head as you read the title out loud; "The Princess Bride?"

Error nods. "YuP, mY fAvOrItE mOvIe." You smile and snuggle deeper into your pillow pile as Error opens the bag of popcorn and places it in-between the two of you. Error smiles as he presses play and snuggles down into the pillows and blankets as well.


"INCONCEIVABLE!" You yell out in a fit of giggles. Error chuckles at your out burst. "ShHh... ThE sWoRd FiGhT iS nExT." You smile as you watch the masked man unsheath his sword. He just looks so cool. "Hey, Error? Do you think I can learn to use a sword." "DeFiNiTeLy, JuSt LaTeR. NoW, bE qUiEt I wAnT tO wAtCh ThE mOvIe."
You nod and go quiet again watching the master swordsmen dual all over the rocky cliff.


"NO! BAD HUMPERDINCK! YOU CAN'T KILL WESLEY!" You scream at the laptop as you watch in horror as the prince take away fifty years of Wesley's life. You could feel yourself start to cry. Buttercup was waiting for him, he couldn't die! "CaLm DoWn, KiD. ThE mOvIe'S nOt DoNe YeT." You cross your arms and glare at the laptop, but decide to wait and see what happens.


"×Not anymore, the king's stinking son fired me.×"
You giggle. You decide that you like Miracle Max, he's funny.

"×Hello, my name is Ingio Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.×"
You smile as you watch Ingio finally face his father's killer. You can feel an involuntary shiver and goosebumps along your body. "Yeah, you get him Ingio." You whisper quietly to yourself.


You fall into your back as the credits start to roll. You can still feel the large grin on your face. That was probably the best thing you've seen since waking up other than your dad's face. His goopy, goopy, face. You giggle. "The R.U.S's." you whisper out. Error looks down at you with a smug smile. "I tAkE iT yOu LiKeD tHe MoViE?" You laugh and throw your limbs into the air. "Yeah! It was the best!"

Error chuckles. "YeAh, GlAd YoU lIkEd It." You roll over to face Error, a smile on your face. "Mr. Error? Thank you for the phone, and for today." Error glances up from his knitting project that he just got out. "It WaS mY pLeAsUrE, kId." You smile as you feel yourself yawn. The comfortable pillow fort, the feeling of safety, and wearing yourself out by getting so invested in the movie are all coming together band making you sleepy. You close your eyes and snuggle into your pile of softness and drift off.


Error looks over at the kid, they've been quiet for a while and he's starting to get worried. Error finds you in your kingdom of plush, fast asleep. Error smiles to himself as he pulls one of the many blankets over your sleeping form. "GoOdNiGhT, (Y/N)."

Error turns back to his knitting needles and looks down at the blanket he's making. It's (F/C) and extremely soft. He's also making it out of his strings, so if they ever go missing with the blanket he'll be able to find them. He may just be paranoid, but he feels as if you are in danger. Error shakes his head. He needs to focus. He's going to make you a blanket and stuffed animal versions of all the skeletons in the castle. This will improve the likelihood of them having one of his creations with them so he can find them. Stars he hopes this is just his paranoia acting up.

Error looks over at you again. He raises a hand and a menu pops up, he clicks the Check option. With that, a beautiful soul appears. It's base color is a neutral grey, but the soul has designs and what looks to be etchings with all sorts of different colors singing through those patterns. Error's only ever seen a soul like this once before. The soul trait, is Empathy. It's a gorgeous soul, but it is extremely fragile, it is very easy for the human who has it to be hurt and close themselves off from the world, making all the colors shining through the grey base to be never seen again and turning Empathy to Apathy.

Error sighs as he turns back to his work. Originally he wanted to protect you because Nightmare wanted him to. Now, he feels the need to protect you because he knows just how easily you can break, and he's come to like your presence in the castle. Before you woke up everyone cared about each other, yes but, there was always a feeling of begrudging camaraderie. Like, no one actually thought that we all wouldn't betray each other. Now, though? That air of forced trust seems to have disappeared.

Error guesses it's because they see each other take care of and care about you. It kind of confirms that they can, and do care about others. You probably don't even know how important, just your presence is in the castle. Error smirks as he ties off the last string on his blanket. It had a base color of (F/C), and a large, gorgeous picture of a black rose in the middle of it. Error turns to where you are sleeping and wraps you up into the blanket, then picks you up in the blanket. Really the only reason he's not freaking out is because he can convince himself that he's not actually touching you, just the blanket. Although the little bit of extra glitching couldn't be helped.

He walks out of the Anti-void and into your room. He sets you down on the bed and covers you up in the blankets as you clutch onto your new knitted blanket with fisted hands, snuggling into the blanket in your sleep. Error smiles and pulls the covers over your head for just a split second so he can "kiss" the area of where your forehead would be with the blankets in the way to keep himself from freaking out. "SeE yOu SoOn (Y/N)."

With that Error walks outside and closes the door behind him, a small smile on his face.

Black Roses (Overprotective!Bad Guy Sans' x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now