Horror's Day 1

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You recovered from your cold pretty quickly with the help of Black's scientist friend, Undyne. So, you got home to the castle in time for dinner. Nightmare, true to form had yelled at Black for letting you get sick.

The thing that surprised you, however was the fact that Horror was there, making dinner for you all when you got back.

You smile excitedly as you always loved his cooking. He knew just how to cook everything and just the right amount of spice that needed to go into each dish.

You run up to Horror with a wide smile. "HORROR!! You're back!!"

Horror sets down the spatula he was using and turns to you. He kneels down and catches you as you lunge at him with a huge hug.

"I missed you so much! Where did you go? Cross said you went back to your universe for a bit, is that true?? Why did you need to go back for such a long time? Do you have a brother? What's he like? And why is there blood on your apron?"

Horror chuckles quietly at your rapid fire questions. He sets you down and grabs a step ladder, letting you climb up in order to help him cook.

"Well, I did go home. I needed to stay at home for a while to help set up some friends with some "ingredients" I found. Yes, I do have a brother. And he's really nice. He cooks for everyone in town and beyond when he can. I personally don't like eating his food, mostly because I hate the "ingredients" used in the food they make down there."

((A/N: Okay, explanation time. I've noticed that a lot of people don't understand Horror too much. Originally in horrortale the premise was that magic is becoming less abundant in the underground making it difficult to make monster food. SO, in response the monsters in the underground start using other monsters and humans as a food source. Everyone, except Horror. See, Horror is inane like the rest, but he refused to eat the new food source, basically starving himself which is why he's insane. It's the hunger, so Horror isn't a cannibal like most of the fandom calls him. He's just starving. Okay? Fantastic.))

You stare at Horror in confusion. "Why don't you like the ingredients? I was told I couldn't be picky with my food."

Horror smiles sadly at you and ruffles your hair. "For here, that's a great idea. But, you really shouldn't eat anything from my home. It could make you really sick."

You shrug and look back at the ingredients cooking in the pot. "What's for dinner?"

"A noodle soup and dumplings."

You grin happily at the news. Horror's dumplings are the best. "What can I do to help??" You ask excitedly.

Horror chuckles and guides you through a few of the next steps.


Nightmare finally came back into the dining room with Black about an hour and a half later. Just as you and Horror finished up setting the table for dinner.

"Oh! Hi Papa! You didn't hurt Uncle Black, did you? He didn't mean to get me sick, and it's not his fault the heater went out..."

Nightmare smiles lightly and shakes his head. "He only got a lecture for now moonlight. Don't worry."

You smile and nod as you place the final plate of food on the table and rush over to your seat, eager to eat.

Nightmare follows, albeit much more calmly than your energetic self. And Black slowly trails behind, obviously still weary of what might still befall him.

One by one, everyone takes their seat. You thank Horror for the meal, and quickly serve yourself a large helping of the meal you've been looking forward to for about a week now.

Black Roses (Overprotective!Bad Guy Sans' x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now