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((A/N: To make things easier I'm making a key for how everybody speaks.

Hope that helps))

No pov~

345 centuries.

345 centuries since Nightmare had last seen his moonlight.

Nightmare growled lightly as he shut the book he was reading, unable to focus.

"SoMeThInG wRoNg BoSs?"

Nightmare looked up and sighed. "No, nothing. Sorry for disturbing you Error."

Error raised a bone brow, obviously not convinced, but not pushing the subject.

"I wAs PlAnNiNg On GoInG oUt ToDaY. wAnT tO jOiN?"

Nightmare thought for a bit. "Yeah, I could definitely use some time away from the idiots." Nightmare says half joking.

Error snickers quietly. "Ok. I'lL wAiT fOr YoU aT tHe UsUaL sPoT."

Nightmare gives a short nod as Error teleports away. Nightmare gets up off of his throne and walks down the hall to the living room.

Inside Killer and dust are playing videogames, Horror is teasing Dust who is currently losing, Blackberry ((A/n: I'mma call him Black. Sounds better.)) and Red are playing cards, and Cross is watching them.

"Hey Cross, Error and I are going out. Watch the idiots please."

"You got it boss."

With that Nightmare sunk into the shadows ignoring the protests of the others.


"Hey, Dream! Error and Nightmare are destroying another AU."

Dream jumps up from the couch. "Alright, I'll go get Blue you go keep them busy until we get there."

Ink nods and jumps into his rainbow portal leaving Dream to rush off to find Blue.


Nightmare grinned maliciously as he killed another town.

"So BoSs, FeElInG bEtTeR yEt?"

Nightmare looked over, his grin still plastered on his face.

"Oh YeAh. YoU'rE gOoD." Error chuckles.

Nightmare rolls his eye in amusement.

"Stop right there!"

"And here comes the fun police."


Ink glares at the two. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, but I wouldn't have to beat you up if you didn't go around destroying AU's all the time."

Nightmare rolls his eye. "Yeah, and we wouldn't have to go around destroying AU's if you had any idea how the multiverse actually worked."

"BoSs, ChIlL. yOu KnOw It'S iMpOsSiBlE tO tEaCh ThIs OlD dOg NeW tRiCkS."

Error suddenly wrapped Ink up in his strings, and a few moments later Nightmare broke his vials filled with negative emotions.


"NiCe OnE."

"Nightmare! Stop this!"

Nightmare whips his head around and growls. "Dream."

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