Red's Day 1

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((A/N: I honestly cannot believe I have continued to have the motivation to write this. Thank you guys so much for all the support! Honestly it's the only reason why I'm still writing it.❤))

No pov~

You smile as you kick your feet on the couch waiting for Red to come pick you up. You were going to stay in Underfell, Red's home universe for the next three days and you were really excited. You were going to be able to meet his friends and family.

You giggle as Killer ruffles your hair as he walks by. "Got all your things packed up?"

You nod, holding up your small (F/C) suitcase and duffle bag. "Yup!" Killer gives you a light smile and sits down beside you.

"Error's been really worried, so I thought I'd check in on ya. Just so I can force Mama Error to calm his butt." Killer says casually.

You smile and pull out the phone Error gave you and show it to Killer. "I have the phone Mama gave me, and I promise to have it on me the entire time."

Killer chuckles and ruffles your hair again. "Thanks, sib. I'm pretty sure that'll calm him down to know that. And Dust too, even if he won't say anything." You smile and give Killer a tight hug. "I'll be careful, don't worry."

The sound of something ripping distracts you as you glance over to see Red, Black, and Cross walk into the room from a tear in space. You grin and hop up from the couch.

Nightmare walks in and watches you run up to Cross and you give him a huge hug. "Cross! There you are!" Cross smiles lightly as he pats your head, hugging back gently.

"Hey, kid. You ready to go?" Cross asks you gently as he moves to put his knife back. You nod excitedly and look over to Red. Red has a nervous look on his face as he stares at something behind you. You glance over, only to see Nightmare, Dust, and Error who found their way over. "PAPA!" You shout happily as you rush over to Nightmare and tackle him in a hug.

Nightmare picks you up easily as he smiles. "Hello, starlight. You getting ready to go?" You nod as you nuzzle into him. You may like hanging out with everyone else, but you miss Nightmare.

Nightmare glances up at Red and stares him down. "I'm not too worried about you hurting the child, but I need assurance from you specifically that you will not let anyone else from your universe harm them."

Red, glances away for a second, pulling at his red turtleneck nervously. "*Come on boss, I'm smart enough to know what happens if I don't."

Nightmare sighs, and shakes his head. Error glares at him. "ThAt MaY bE sO bUt, I fOr OnE wOuLd FeEl MuCh BeTtEr If I cOuLd HeAr YoU pRoMiSe ThAt If AnYtHiNg HaPpEnS yOu'Ll CoNtAcT uS fOr HeLp."

Dust hums as he summons one of his sharpened bones and begins to play with it. "You know, if you want I can follow them and make sure that nothing happens."

"Or me, I could do that!" Killer interjects, smiling a bit unsettlingly.

"No. As nervous as this little visit makes me, the child will be looked after and the less of us there, the less likely Dream or any of the rest of them will start something." Nightmare says, gently placing you on the ground. You take his hand as you and Nightmare walk up to Red. "However, I hope you know that if anything happens to this child, nothing in this multivere will stop me from hunting you like the dog you are, clear?"

You huff and pout, pulling at Nightmare's arm. "Paaaaapaaaaaa! I'll be fine! Stop scaring him!" You whine. Nightmare smiles as he kneels down to your level. "I know Moonlight but, I hate seeing you hurt. You have the phone Error gave you, correct?" You nod. "The special pen I gave you?" You nod again. "The locket from Cross?" You nod again, rolling your eyes slightly. Nightmare smiles. "Good. If anything happens, you know how to get to us then." You huff as you pout cutely. "Papa!"
"I know, I know. I love you."
"Love you too, Papa!"

Black Roses (Overprotective!Bad Guy Sans' x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now