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No pov~

Nightmare sat under the shade of the Tree of Feelings, also known to him as mother. He was simply reading a new book on magical theory, minding his own business when another rock hit the side of his skull. He winced at the stinging pain, and the snickering of his harassers.

Nightmare glanced up only for a moment to glare at the idiots, then went back to his book. They weren't worth it. He never understood how his brother got along so well with these... Creatures. They were rude, disrespectful, and greedy.

Dream always did experience a different side of everyone though. Maybe it was because he was the guardian of positivity. Or was it because Nightmare was the guardian of negativity. Maybe both.

Nightmare fortunately wasn't bothered for another few hours.

When he was bothered again, it was because someone was running up his side of the hill. Nightmare quickly got up in a defensive position, only to be surprised when he saw a young child of maybe three years running up his hill.

The child's emotions were incredibly strong. They were hurt, scared, worried, slightly angry, and hopeful. The child was also hurt physically. They were covered in bruises and cuts and incredibly dirty. They looked malnourished and their clothes were dirty and tattered.

The young child kept looking behind them as they ran. They seemed to be chased and that's what they were scared of.

Nightmare was more shocked when the child ran up to him and hid behind him.
"P-please sir! You have to hide me!"
Nightmare looked down to see the child with tears in their eyes.
"Hide behind the tree, but do not touch it."

The child nods quickly and does as they were told.

Nightmare turns back to the open field to find that a new soul was climbing up the hill. This time it was a male, probably in his late twenties to early thirties. All the emotion that Nightmare could feel off of him was rage.

Nightmare glares down at the man as he marches up to him.
"Where is he/she?"
The question was a low animalistic growl.
"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have no idea who you are talking about. Now back off."
Nightmare made sure to keep his tone polite with an underline threat.
"A kid just ran up this hill. Now where is he/she?"
"Once again, I have no idea what you are talking about sir. They may have ran back down the other side, or went into the nearby forest, but I did not see a child."
"For your sake I hope you're telling the truth you scum."
Nightmare simply glared at him as he ran down the other side of the hill.

"You can come on out now."
The child peeked out from behind the tree and scampered over to Nightmare.
"Th- Thank you so much s-sir!"
The child had a bright smile painted across their face.
Nightmare was taken aback by their sincerity. No one had ever thanked him before, not even his own brother.

Nightmare couldn't help the genuine smile that crossed his face.
"What's your name kid?"
"O- Oh! It's (Y- Y/N)"
"Well then, (Y/N) how would you like to stay with me?"
The child's eyes light up.
"Can I really?!"
"Of course. Let's go get you cleaned up."

-----------------5 months later------------------

Nightmare smiled as he watched (Y/N) run around in the field. The kid played by themselves for the most part, which Nightmare feels slightly responsible for. But they didn't seem to mind, so it was fine.

"Nighty! Nighty! Look! Look!" The child yells as they run up to Nightmare, a flower crown in their hands. The flower crown was made up of Purple, Blue, and (F/C) roses.

Nightmare smiled as he put his book down. He's been doing a lot more of that lately, and he doesn't mind one bit.
"Is that for me?"
Nightmare chuckles lightly as the child carefully places the crown on his head, over his normal crown.
Their smile almost blinds Nightmare with how bright it was.
The child exclaims proudly.
Nightmare stares up at the child with a kind and gentle warmness that he had never given anyone before. The child now seems flustered shuffling their feet.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because you're my favorite being in the multiverse."
The child's face erupts into a bright red blush as the burry their face into their hands.
"Daaaaad stoooooop!"

Black Roses (Overprotective!Bad Guy Sans' x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now