Cross's Day 1

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No pov~

You snuggle down into your mountain of stuffies you got from Mama Glitch, your new nickname for Error. You had woken up about half an hour ago, much earlier than you usually do, but couldn't bring yourself to get up. So, you decide to snuggle your new stuffed dolls.

You hum lightly a satisfied, sleepy smile on your face as you begin to wake yourself up from the post sleep haze that you were in. Most who might have seen your small form buried under a mountain of blankets and stuffies, with the small smile on your face wouldn't have been able to keep themselves from cooing at your adorable face.

You blink your eyes open as you smell the distinct sent of cinnamon rolls in the air. Your grumbling stomach convincing you to finally get out of your snuggle pile.

You walk out of your room into the kitchen, only to be surprised that Cross was making the rolls, and not Horror, the castle's usual cook.

You quietly sit down at the table, your new blanket still wrapped around your small form. "Where's Horror?" Cross glances back at you calmly. "He's back in his home universe. He usually goes back there every other week for a few days, usually with some food from here for his bro." Cross explains as he continues to work on the sausage and bacon he is currently cooking. You nod then glance around. "Where's Chara?" Cross chuckles lightly. "He's still sleeping. He's not a morning person."

You hum as you close your eyes, when you suddenly open them with a furrowed brow. "Wait... In Killer's and Dust's stories there was a bad human named Chara too, why is that?" Cross chuckles quietly.
"That's because those humans were from a different AU. Error told you about those, right?" You nod, still confused.
"I guess. Like how you guys are all named Sans, but go by your nicknames to help with confusion, right?" Cross hums in confirmation.
"Yup. Just like that." You kick you feet, still in deep thought.
"Okay... So why are those Chara called they or them and not he or she?"

Cross glances over at you, looking like he was debating on telling you something or not. Cross finally shrugs, having come to a decision and setting down the bowl he was using and pulling out a chair to sit across from you. "Well, here's the thing kid; some kids are born as either a boy or a girl. Sometimes a girl will really want to be a boy because of some science stuff or a boy will really want to be a girl. Then sometimes a boy or girl will really not want to be a boy or a girl. The kids who don't want to be a boy or a girl will want to be call they/them and stuff that doesn't sound boyish or girlish."

You close your eyes and hum before opening up your eyes. "Sooooooo... I should ask if someone wants to be called a boy or girl or something else?" Cross chuckles lightly and ruffles your hair. "Not necessarily. Just call them what they want to be called if they tell you differently. Okay?"

You nod your eyes sparkling with determination. "Yeah! I'mma try my best!" Cross smiles softly before ruffling your hair and walking over to the counter, continuing his work. You watch, intensely as he works, obviously interested in what he's doing. It looks so cool! Plus he's making yummy food. You absent-mindedly wonder if Horror will let you cook with him. You smile as you remember his yummy cooking, he really knows how to make anything taste good!

You were brought out of your thoughts as you see a blurred mass of colors take shape next to Cross that slowly form into Chara. He yawns and stretches. "*Morning Early bird.*" Cross rolls his eyes lightly at Chara. "Good morning grumpy pants."
"*Oooh!~ Are those cinnamon rolls?!*"
"Yes, yes they are."
"*Can I eat them? Please??*"
Cross sighs and rolls his eyes. "Fine."

Chara seems to notice you sitting at the table finally. "*Oh. Good morning to you too, kiddo.*" You smile and wave at Chara, still hugging one of your dolls, which just so happens to be Killer's at the moment. "Morning Chara!" You chirp happily.

Chara floats over to you and sits in the chair to your right, well as much as a spirit can. "*Cool doll you got there, did Error give it to you?*" You nod happily.
"Yeah! He made one of everyone! There's one of you and Cross, Papa, Black, Red, Dust, Horror, Mama Glitch, Death, Killer-" You pause to show your Killer doll to him. "And he even made one of Papa before he was goopy."
Chara giggles as he hugs you, kind of. He pulls away quickly and grins. "*We HAVE to play with those dolls of yours together soon.*" You nod your head and hug your Killer doll close to your chest. "Definitely."


You smile as you and Chara were on the floor of your room playing with your dolls in your doll house. Cross was sleepy and was taking his afternoon nap, so you and Chara were playing dolls in your room together happily.

You pause in your play and let out a yawn. You hated to admit it, but these lat few days have been tiring you out. Chara pauses and looks up at you. "*You tired? Want to take a nap?*"

You rub your eye and nod. "Nap with me?" You ask as you try to keep your eyes open. Chara smiles lightly. "*Yeah, sure. No problem.*"

He helps you into bed and crawls in next to you, pulling you close. Your eyes slowly slide close as you mutter quietly to Chara, "Night big brother."
Chara gives you a light squeeze, muttering a good night back before you slip into dream land.


Chara stares down at your sleeping form quietly. He knew you were tired, but he also knew that even at your young age, you've developed a form of insomnia. He noticed you had a hard time sleeping without someone you trusted near you, so he stayed with you even if he wasn't tired.

He sighs as he runs a hand through your hair. He's already lost several siblings, he won't loose you too. He hopes that that damned scientist will stay away from the little family he and Cross found, he's not sure he could take this one being ripped from him as well.

Cross smiles lightly as you snuggle into him in your sleep. And you simply made everything seem so right, the entire castle seems more alive, more comfortable, just better over all. Even without realizing it, you had changed everything for most everyone. Your happy, trusting, empathetic, little self had single handedly eased tensions and built and strengthened bonds. You had brought out the best in every single person here by simply being your best self.

Chara closes his eyes a small smile on his face as he imagines a world where everyone he had ever cared about, his old and new families sitting together, happily talking and playing. You, Frisk, and himself all growing up together, and never having to be reset to a certain age to start all over again. Nightmare, Error, Cross, Asgore, and Toriel all chatting and getting along. Dust and Killer teasing Asriel and Papyrus and Black chatting and sparing. Red and Alphys talking science. Horror teasing Undyne.

And without even realizing it, Chara fell asleep, dreaming of a beautiful reality where all the people he cares about get along and don't have to do horrible jobs and suffer or die constantly.


Nightmare could feel the tears briming at his eye. He stares down at his paperwork confused. Why was he crying, or about to cry at the very least.

Nightmare closes his eye, only to be met with a dream of someone in his castle. Everyone was there interacting with versions of all the key points in most versions of the underground. There was also a version of you playing with a version of X-Chara and Frisk.

Nightmare opens his eye and stares down at his paperwork, a pained smile on his face. In some twisted way, he was glad Dream never noticed his pain, that he had fell into the role of the town's hero so hard, that he made those assumptions about him. Because, without all that pain and suffering, he would never have found these people that cared so much about him. He would have never helped them all when they most needed it, and he most definitely not been able to keep the multivere stable like he has been.

He hates the fact that he never would have had the best things in his life without every single one of them hurting so much, for so long. He hates it, because he's grateful for it. Because it's what brought him this little family that actually cares about him.

'Dream, wherever you are. I really hope you realize how happy I am here, because I know you'll hate the fact that your villain brother can have a family, and be happy, you prick.' Nightmare thinks to himself smirking as he accidentally breaks the pen he was holding.

Yes, he may be his brother's villain, and he may only be seen as a villain by everyone else in the multivere, but as long as he has his little family here; he's fine being the villain.

Black Roses (Overprotective!Bad Guy Sans' x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now