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Emma moves to the right but gets pushed back into something hard. She groans and slowly starts to open her eyes. She is meet by a bare chest and she looks up to she Jason fast a sleep. She starts to blush at the thought of yesterday night. The kissing in front of the door, him slamming it shut and pushing her against it. She hides her face into his neck knowing that the only thing they did yesterday night was kissing. a heated make-out session ending up on her bed. Memories from last night came flashing back at her.

He pushes me hard against the closed front door and puts my hand above my head while start kissing me. Hard. Hot. Possessive. And I absolutely love every second of it. A moan escapes from the back of my throat and I earn a groan from Jason. He pushes his body hard against mine making me moan again. His lips starts moving to my jaw, neck, shoulder, collarbone, back to my neck, jaw and ends again on my lips.

His hot wet kisses burns on my skin where he just was with his full pink lips. One of his hands moves from the door to my waist, to my ass. He squeezes it and I gasp, while he takes the opportunity to push his tongue in my mouth. Again a loud moan sounds from me and he groans again. His hand leaves my hand and they fall to my sides, but then moving to his neck. His hands are placed on my thighs and pushes then up, making me rapping my legs around his waist.

With his hands on my ass and starting to kiss me jaw and neck with hot wet kisses, he walks up the stairs. To my room. When he places his mouth on a spot a loud moan escapes my mouth yet again and I throw my head back. He opens my door and shut it loudly with his foot. Dropping me on my bed he climbs on top of me, back to the sensitive spot on my neck, but this time sucking the spot hard. My hand goes to his hair and I moan his name.

He leaves the spot and leaves a trail of wet kisses around my neck with his hands on the bed next my head. His lips are back to mine and we roll over, with me on top now. His hands on my waist and mine on his chest. He pushes his self up and leaves my lips for a second. He pulls his shirt over his head and throws it somewhere in my room. My hands finds his bare chest and his hands goes under mt white T-shirt. After sometime he pulls away, breathing heavy like me. He looks at me with lust in his eyes. '''You're not ready. I know. We need to stop now otherwise I don't if I can stop.'' He says and lays his forehead against mine with his eyes closed, still breathing heavy. I nod my head, kissing him one more time

''What are you thinking about, sugarplum?'' Jason low voice brings Emma back to reality and she blushes at what she thought about, ''Nothing'' She speaks up fast. Jason smirks and leans his head on his hand. ''Know I want to know what you thought about, you're blushing.'' He smirks and Emma shakes her head, closing her eyes. ''Did you thought about my lips on your neck, your jaw?'' Jason speaks softly against Emma's ear. Goosebumps are all over her body and she swallows hard, shaking her head no.

''I think you're lying to me, sugarplum.'' He speaks again and start to move his lips over her skin on her neck, moving his nose against her jaw. She takes a shakily breath and swallows again. Jason moves his body on top of her and starts kissing her neck en jaw. A moan leaves her mouth when places his lips on her sensitive spot on her neck. ''Goodmorning, sugarplum.'' He smirks against her skin moving his face close to hers. ''Goodmorning.'' She speaks soft with her eyes on him. ''You're beautiful, sugarplum.'' He speaks and start kissing her.

''Hmh, I would pay millions to wake up like this for the rest of my life.'' He speaks against her lips. She smiles small and giggles. ''You don't have to pay millions for that.'' she speaks up, ''You only can pay with happiness and love.'' She says kissing him again. He smiles and moves his head back, breaking the kiss. ''I can do that.'' He smiles. Suddenly Emma's face turns serious and Jason frowns, ''What is it, sugarplum?'' he speaks.

''Where were you this week?'' She asks and he sighs, knowing he can't hide it forever. ''I went to see my family. After my mother passed away a few years back, it has not been the same. Dad it working his ass off and forget he still had a family, me and my little sister Gabby. So sometimes I go there to have some family time.'' He sighs. ''My little sister isn't doing best, she misses her mom and dad is almost never home. It is hard for a fourteen girl.'' Jason speaks and Emma hugs him. ''I understand her, it is hard when that happens, but I will assure you she will be fine.'' Emma speaks and he smiles, ''I know''

''Come on, let's have breakfast.'' Emma speaks and leaves her bed. ''What are you looking at, come on?'' Emma asks when she opens her door. ''You look absolutely sexy with only my shirt on and those fluffy socks. So I'm enjoying my view'' Jason smirks and stands up. Only wearing the grey sweatpants he had on last night. Emma blushes and shakes her head. ''Come on Jassie, let's eat.''

''Oh my god! Stop calling me that!''

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