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''So tell me!'' Ashley squeals at Emma when she sees her the next day. ''Tell you what?'' Emma ask while opening her locker. ''How did it go after the game with Jason?'' Ashley asks enthusiastic at her. ''Good, I think. He showered at my place, did groceries shopping with me and we ate some pizza's after that. He also told me that when I needed a ride I need to call or text him and he will be there.'' Emma tells her best friend with a small smile.

''Awh, that's so cute! Who would have thought that the bad boy Jason has a soft heart for the good girl Emma'' Ashley squeals again and Emma snickers. ''First, you need to stop with squealing and second Jason has not a soft heart just for me.'' Emma say and this time Ashley snickers. ''Really? He is mean to everyone except you, he can even be mean to his best friends.'' Ashley explains and Emma frowns. ''Really? I don't know him like that.''

''Of course you don't. You always see the good in people and you really didn't know Jason, just his name but not his actions.'' Ashley explains and walks into the first class, math. ''ugh I hate this class'' Ashley comments and Emma laughs, ''You seem to mention that every time'' she comments back and sits on her place. ''By the way, this upcoming Friday is a party and you're coming with me.'' Emma frowns and sigh, ''I don't wanna go!'' Ashley rolls her eyes. ''Why not?'' She asks her best friend, ''Well every time you ditch me for a boy the second we walk into the house.''

'That's true but I always check in with you! I never let you walk alone home!'' Ashley says and Emma nods. ''That's true. Fine I will go but if i don't want to be there anymore we leave right away!'' Emma says and Ashley squeals and claps her hands. ''Sorry, I need to stop that'' Ashley says after a glare from Emma.

The following days past by fast and no sign off Jason. He didn't showed up at school, but answered Emma texts, only one question he didn't answered was where he is? After asking it a few times Emma dropped the question but she dropped an another one.

Are you going to the party tonight?

Emma waited the whole day on an answer, but it never came. The days after the text went absolutely slow and it flustered Emma a lot. ''Come on Emma, he probably is just busy. I heard that part of his family lives in an another state.'' Ashley says while she curls her own hair,. It is Friday evening and Ashley and Emma are getting ready for the party. Emma sighs and puts mascara on her eyelashes. ''Don't be like that Em. Not over a boy! Just forget him, just for tonight and have a good time!''

''Okay, just tonight. Maybe I will drink a few too.'' Emma responds and Ashley gasps. ''Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?!'She laughs and Emma shakes her laughing. ''Like you said. I'm going to forget him and have fun for tonight!'' She says. ''Are you done with the hair straightener? I don't want my hair to by wavy but straight.'' Emma continues and Ashley nods her head. ''Just finished my last strand of my hair'' Ashley says and gives the hair straightener to Emma.

''I will pick your outfit!'' Ashley says and walks to Emma's closet. ''Please something normal, Ashley!'' Emma shouts from the bathroom. ''Yes, yes. Will do!''Ashley shouts back, while picking a cute outfit for Emma. Emma needs to wear something comfortable and cute at the same time. ''Did you found anything?'' Emma asks when she walks into her room. ''Yes!'' Ashley smiles and gives Emma the cloths. ''Get change fast, we already late.'' Ashley laughs.

Emma looks at herself when she is changed. Red shorts, with a white T-shirt and her red chucks. Emma smiles at herself, knowing what her best friend did there. It's cute but comfortable. She applies some lip gloss before she leaves the bathroom. ''Ash, thank you. I love it.'' Emma smiles at her and she smiles back. ''I know you and what can I say, I'm an awesome best friend.'' Ashley says while slapping her hair to the back. Emma shakes her head laughing.

''Come on and lets have some fun. And I promise you. You will have a lots of fun!'' Ashley smirks knowing more than Emma about her night. That sneaky bad boy, she thinks when Emma and her step into a taxi.

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