Multiverse 11 redo

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Me: "I'm back and feeling good enough to update this!"
Midnight: "That's wonderful to hear!"
All Might: "Glad to see your better!"
Me: "Thank you, but I also have bad news."
Deku: "What is it?"
Me: "after a few more multiverses I'm going to end this, and you can all go back home, don't forget about me wen this is over ok?"
Everyone nodded, even the villains.
Me: "Ok. Let's start! Well, again."

Midorya Izuku woke up this morning, with an odd feeling, like something was going to happen....something big.  And he was right, for today he had a field trip to the USJ! He was so excited! He looked around to see different zones throughout the structure. Then he saw a purple and black portal open in the middle of the USJ.
Hundreds of villains came from the portal

Shigaraki: "Yes! This is we're I come in!"
Me: "Sure is."

Before he could react he was sucked into a portal and falling into water. He sank to the bottom and was faring just fine.
Out of the corner of his eye he sees a villain with a shark quirk coming after him at fast speeds, Izuku jumps up in the air, he looks around to see Aizawa taking on some kind of bird monster on his own. He felt something grab him and pull him to the ship. He looked up and saw Tsuyu. She was one of the first people he had made friends with, besides Bakugo. "Are you ok Midorya? Kero." She asked with her had outstretched to help him get up. Izuku nodded his head and took her hand pulling himself up. "We need to help Aizawa!" Mineta (Who I almost forgot) yelled in disagreement. But it was too late as they were already explaining the plan to him. Izuku had shape shifted into a dragon, and with Mineta and Tsuyu on his back he flew of to Aizawa.

Miro: "How did you get here?!"
Eri: "I was here the whole time!"

The 2 got of of Izuku's back and went to help Aizawa up. "Oh my look at this touching seen!" Then a he lunged forward at Tsuyu. Izuku grabbed her out of the way, then he felt something, it was weird and fuzzy. Wen he opened his eyes he was towering over Shigaraki. "Tsuyu are you? We? Am? I'm- your ok? Wait.....what's wrong with your- my arms?" Their arms were connected but split of at the elbows, there clothes were combined to make a quiet fashionable hero costume. "What happened? Calm down I did this with Bakugo once...on accident but, hold on let me just!-" the two fell apart and landed on the ground.
Shigaraki stood there, unable to move. 'I-It's like my video game! Wen they fuse they got even mor powerful! I need it!' " Nomu! Grab the green haired boy!" Ths Nomu grabbed Izuku, little too hard.


Izuku had poofed, nothing left of him but a shining gem in the Nomu's hand. Tsuyu, Mineta, and Aizawa looked distraught, as there friend had just been poofed into a cloud of dust. Shigaraki grabbed the gem with 4 fingers as the USJ gates opened to reveal a handful of heroes. "Kirogeri! Get us out of here!" Both him kirogeri, and Izuku. Tsuyu tried to reach Izukus gem with her tongue, but the portal already closed. "MIDORIYA NOOOO!"

Tsuyu: "I couldn't save him.."
Deku: "Hay it's ok! I'm sure the other me is fine!"
Tsuyu smiled. "Thanks Midorya, Kero"

~At Villain base~
"So what do we do with this?" Asked Dabi, tossing it in his hand as if it were a tennis ball. "What if it's like an egg?! We should put in on a pillow and see if it dose anything!" Toga said taking the gem and grabbing a nearby cushion and placing down the gem. Shigaraki turned to Toga with boiling rage. "It's not an egg! It's a gem! That won't work-" Before he could finish his sentence the gem started glowing and floating in the air and stared shifting into a human like form. Then there was a green haired boy in its place. Izuku was dressed differently then he remembered, he looked at himself, his clothes were extremely different his eyes widened and he blushed in embarrassment. He saw the 4 people in front of him, he forgot they were villains for a second and asked. "Excuse me, but we're am I?"

(Izuku's outfit, his hair is the same

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(Izuku's outfit, his hair is the same.)

To be continued....

Kaminari: "AWW COME ON!"
Bakugo: "I have to agree with Pikachu for once."
Me: "The next part will be soon hold on."

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