First mutivers

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"Ok today we are going to react to our first multiverse!"

The crowd cheered in excitement. Suddenly the screen lit up, The words loading appear on the screen for a few seconds before saying multi verse found.

Shining Gem

Everyone was confused, then it started

A young boy named Izuku Midorya was playing with his friend Katsuki Bakugo. The screen showed two children playing near a small river. The tow boy had quirks, both astounding and eye catching.

Deku: so I'm not a late bloomer in this one?
Me: no!
Nezu: I wonder what his quirk is, I'm sure it's interesting
by the title.
Me: You are right.

"Hay Izu-Chan? Can you show me your quirk auntie said it's about something on your forehead" Bakugo asked, slightly pointing the hair covering his best friends for head. "Kachan! You know I don't like talking about it much less showing it!" Little Izuku yelled slightly pouting. "Come on you can show me! You haven't showed me your quirk sense you got it! And in starting to think your quirkless" Bakugo said stern and grumpily. "Ok ok! But please don't laugh..." Izuku slowly and hesitantly remove the hair from us for head showing a bird glistening pearl that shown in the sunlight.  Bakugo was astounded by its beauty.

Tsuyu: so it his quirk having a pearl in his forehead? Or it it not?
Class 1-A in mind: 'so blunt!'
Me: wel that is part of it but not all of it.
Uruaka: It's so pretty! I wonder how much it would cost!
Me: ok now shush!

Bakugo stared a bit longer before asked more questions. "Can you do anything with it?" Izuku lit up like a light bulb.
"Yes actually!" He put his hand in font of him then his started to sparkle, and a ray of  light came of the the gem on his forehead, suddenly a note book started to form in his hand landing perfectly, and gently in his hand. The spiked blonde haired boy looked upon his best friend in utter shock. Then he started vibrating with happiness and excitement as he yelled "what else could you do with it?!" Then Izuku suddenly looked worried. "Well I can make a spear/trident appear but mommy and the doctor said it was dangerous, but I can try! Just for you!" Then he put a hand on his gem, then out came a spear, taller then both of the boys, to tall, so Izuku put it back in his glistening gem. "THAT WAS SO COOL! CAN YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE!?" Izuku nodes, then he lights up like the sun, forcing Bakugo to look away, after a few moments the blinding light ceases to exist, he looks back and in his friends place was a cat. "YOU CAN SHAPE SHIFT?!"

Me: Yes now shut up.
Nezu: interesting....

"Izuku sweetheart we need to go!" His mom yelled, causing him to turn back into his original form and run to his mother "Bye Izu-Chan!" Then a distant "Bye Kacchan!" Could be heard.

To be continued.........

Kaminari: is that it?
Me: no just got to wait for part 2
Everyone: aww man!

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