Multiverse 2 [Edited]

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I'm changing the text stile a bit. Art is not mine.

Me: "it's ya boi Angie back at it again!"
Todoroki: "But your a girl?"
Me: "It's a meme, just have Kaminari explain."
Todoroki: "Ok."

Multiverse loading..

This weird feeling in my chest.

Nezu: "I have gathered enough information to know that this is either about a heart attack, or love."
Me: "Love."
Inko: Aww that's so sweet! I wonder who it's between!
Me: "It's actually about you two."
Izuku: "W-WHAT?!"
All might: *spits out blood from shock*
Aizawa: *genuinely surprised*
All for one: *clenches fist*
Inko: "Oh my...."
Nezu: "This information is very, interesting ..."
Me: "Ok! It's starting!"

It showed Nezu walking down the street, Normal as usual, but this time things will get much more interesting.
Kaminari: "oof that got to hurt"

He had collided with something, or should I say someone. He looked up and saw a beautiful woman, she had long green hair and green eye, her skin was like porcelain, clear and smooth, she was tall and thin, just from looking in her eyes he could tell that she was a kind woman. As soon as she lade eyes on him she immediately stumbled up and offered him her had, apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry!" She repeated like a broken record on repeat. "It's quite alright, accidents happen." He said taking her had, it felt so soft and small, like if her were to grad any harder it would break. "I'm Inko
Midorya." She said a little nervous "Nezu" he replied, how come she wasn't looking at him or staring because of his appearance? Fascinating... maybe he should study her more closely?

Mineta: "Wow Midorya you moms ho-" *gets slapped*
Bakugo: "Why is he talking about her like she is some zoo animal!?"
Me: "He's curious, now let's watch the rest if it!"
All for one:  "she is just as beautiful as I remember..."  (I gave him his face back)
Shigaraki: "why dose sensie(I spelled that wrong and I know it) look so sad?"
Kirogiri: "he knew her once, he loved her but his job tore him away from her, so he raised her memories and she fell in love with another is but Izuku is still his son, don't tell anyone I told you this."
Shigaraki: "ok"

"Maybe as an apology you would allow me to treat you to a cup of tea this Saturday?" Inko's eyes widened at the offer. "Oh it was my fault for bumping into you but if you insist, we're do you want to meet up Nezu-kun?" 'Nezu-kun?' He felt his face warm up, but why? "How about the cafe that opened recently? It's called 'Tea Time'." The cafe was extremely popular at the time, they survived tea, biscuits, and other sweets. It was run by a man with a mist quirk, a blond girl with a blood related quirk, a man with a disintegrating quirk, and lastly a man with a fire quirk. He Was Endeavors son, but he was for disowned for dating Hawks and had planned to moved in with him, so wen his "Father" disowned him he just said "ok I was going to leave anyway." Got his bags, said good bye, and left. Like a boss. "Oh that would be great! I'll meet you tomorrow at 6:00"

Kaminari: "Smooth."
Me: "Very"
Kirishima: "Agreed

As soon as she left he called a meeting consisting of All might, Eraserhead, present mic, midnight, recovery girl, and Endeavor. "Did something happen?" Asked all might. "Yes but it's not a threat." "Then why did you call us here?" Endeavor the flaming dumpster said. "I herd people usually ask for help when things like this happen." Recovery girl looked concerned. "What thing dear?" Nezu took a breath and held it in for a moment before opening his mouth. "I think I just agreed to a date."
"WHAT!?!" The Rome roared with questions. But Aizawa was able to ask his question above the others "Were did you meet them?"
"I was walking to UA wen I bumped into her, she had green hair and eyes, she was wearing a creamy white turtleneck with blue jeans, after we had bumped into each other we both apologized, she didn't comment on my appearance, she helped me onto my feet and, her had felt so fragile I thought it was going to brake if I held it to hard, and her skin was so clean and clear of any blemishes, no makeup,so I think her quirk May be having porcelain skin, but I have to look into it or ask her, she was very kind and sweet" he felt his face warm up again. 'Am I....blushing?'
Me: "oh definitely"
* is currently restricting Bakugo from killing Nezu*
Nezu: "this seems very interesting so far."
Inko: " I have to agree, it's interesting to see what other versions of ourselves would do in these situations,as well as what would have or not have happened"
Nezu: "Exactly"
Me: " How are you taking this Midoriya?"
Izuku: "It is interesting but I can't get my head around Nezu, the principal of UA, dating my mom."
Me: "Oh we've barley scratched the surface"
Everyone: "wait what-"

"Oh sorry, I was rambling" Nezu said embarrassed. Everyone had just one thought. 'He really is in love'
~Time skip to the date~
Nezu was I the cafe early in a fancy suit waiting patiently for his date with the green headed beauty that called herself Inko Midoriya. Then she walked into the cafe immediately attracting everyone's attention at her stunning natural beauty, she only added a little blush to her porcelain cheeks, and that was more then enough. She was wearing a simple dark red dress and black heels only raising a centimeter or two off the ground, she had a black purse around her shoulder was a black strap holding the purse and its contents up slightly above her waist.
Everyone's eyes widened at the sight Inko in her youthful days. *insert jelly Midnight*
Uruaka: "Wow miss Midoriya your Beautiful!"
Inko: "why thank you, I wish I kept my figure though"
Izuku : "your still Beautiful mom!"
Inko: " Awww thank you sweetheart"

After a light hearted conversation Nezu decided to ask about her quirk. " What's your Midoriya-San" Inko answered. "Please call me Inko, but my quirk is telekinesis I can attract lightweight objects to me" Nezu looked surprised. "Oh, I thought it had to do with porcelain." Now it was Inko's turn to look surprised. "Why did you think so?" Nezu then replayed what most would call flirting but he was obvious to the fact. "Because you skin is clear and smooth, like porcelain."
Inko turned into a blushing mess stuttering wildly, she managed to squeak out a "th-th-thank-k y-you!" After there wonderful time they had to part ways, "bye Inko-Chan" "bye Nezu-Kun!"
But before she quickly leaned down, and kissed his cheek. Nezu's face was completely red.
Girls: "AWWWWW!"
Nezu: "well that was Interesting"
Inko: "other me is so nice!"
Izuku: "Mom!"
Then it showed 7 year old Izuku with bare ears and a mouse tail, with Nezu and Inko in front of him sitting on a couch. "And this how I met your mother!" He said snuggling up to Inko.
Izuku: *pasts out*
Me: "Well that's all folks, and someone get him some milk"
K done

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