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Riley's POV:

Later that night, I lay in bed, Thalia, Cierra and Amanda already sleeping. Well, at least I think they were. I couldn't really tell since Thalia had a sleep mask covering her eyes with a design of eyelashes and Cierra was literally hidden under her duvet whilst Amanda had her eyes closed but legs and arms spread out all over the place and she kind of seemed relatively uncomfortable...

I sit up in bed, trying to make as quiet of a noise as possible as I rub my eyes before reaching over and grabbing my phone from the bedside table. I texted James a couple of times but the last time I checked, he hadn't responded and it's now 2:43, according to the time on my phone. I see that he hadn't replied to my texts let alone read them yet although I know for a fact he had been online a while ago bearing in mind he had to check in with his family before he slept which was probably around 11 and I texted him at that exact same time.

I don't expect him to reply after I went to go and do something that required both of us to talk about it first, but it is my body and I'm the one giving birth so even if he disagrees or is upset with my decision, it's my choice and I thought for sure he would have supported me either way. Clearly not though since al he did was shake his head at me and then left me to sit in the room alone as he went back to the team which is honestly quite disapproving in my eyes.

Seeing he had come online, I decide to try talking to him again. I'm not too sure why he was online at this time but then again he's probably thinking about the same thing I was. I lower the system volume on my phone so that when I tap out a bunch of letters on the keyboard it wouldn't make any sounds as to wake the girls up.

You: James, please stop airing me. I get that I did wrong by not telling you I was going through with it first but I did kind of hint it to you earlier in the morning. I told you I'd get an abortion and I know you said I shouldn't but I just had to. And it's not even because of Em finding out - I probs would have done it anyway. We're just not ready to be parents yet and I know that deep down you know it's the truth. You're going to uni soon and I'll still be in high skl. We might still be together but having a baby just isn't a reality. So I'm not sorry about getting it but I'm sorry we didn't talk about it properly. I still do love you and nothing is going to change that.

I watch as he comes online and reads my message. I stay sat there, holding my phone in my hand and waiting for his reply. Waiting for him to say something. Just waiting for any response at all, even just an emoji or something. But instead he comes offline.

I grit my teeth and then throw my phone across my bed and hang my head in my hands. Why do guys have to be so frustrating? I don't get what he wants me to do. What does he want me to say? What does he want from me that I seem to not be giving him? Because so far it feels like all I mean to him is sex. Exactly what he and Emily used to do a lot of the time and I found that out in ways you wouldn't ever want to experience. 

But I thought I was different. He said that he loves me and he never loved my sister. I thought I was different and special to him so why isn't he happy? What more do I have to do for us to just synchronise and stay together? I don't get what I'm doing wrong. I know I got an abortion but why is he so upset about that? He can't surely want a baby with me that desperately. 

I peer through my fingers at my phone screen which had miraculously landed upright on the bedsheets and then when I remove my hands from my face, I see a white textbox with black letters in it telling me he had responded. I hesitantly reach out for my phone before reading over his text.

James: I'm not upset with you for getting an abortion, Ri. It's what's best for both of us. I'm upset that you went to go and do it without even telling me. We're meant to be together and that means telling each other absolutely everything, not sending the other person clues and hints as to what we want. I thought you trusted me, so why didn't you tell me this? I trust you babe. And if you don't feel like you can trust me then we can work on it. It's probably not too big of a reason as to why you didn't tell me but there's a possibility that there could be. And I want us to sort it out and work on whatever this gap in our relationship is before it expands. I understand that it's gone a bit pear-shaped with everyone finding out about us but I still love you just as much as I did when I said so for the first time. 

I bite my lip as I type out a response.

You: Why aren't you sleeping?
James: I was thinking about you. Why aren't you sleeping?
You: Was thinking about you....

I lean my head backwards against the headrest and close my eyes for a short moment as he starts typing yet again.

James: Meet outside by the pools in 5? We need to talk about this properly.
You: It's almost 3 in the morning?
James: Well we're both not asleep are we?
You: Okay, I'm coming.

I roll my eyes before slowly moving out of the covers and sit sideways on the edge of the bed. I pull out my shoes from under and behind my feet, forcing them on and not bothering to take out the laces which had already been pre-done. I take a brisk look at the girls as I stand up and grab the first piece of long-sleeved clothing I see which is my Next Step tracksuit top and then put it on, also taking my phone with me and quietly walk over to the door before walking out, tardily closing it shut behind me.


Sorry that I've mainly been doing Riley's POVs lately - I'll try to change it every now and again but I think she's honestly the most easiest to write as so🤷‍♀️

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