Chapter 6: Normani's real

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"Can we not eat here today?" I asked Camila, who was wearing a Santa suit that day. It was just the first of December, but she had already wished me a merry Christmas five times.

"But this place is good, Mrs. Luna" I didn't hate being called that. Actually, I'd started to like it.

"I know, Camz, but... I'm getting bored."

Actually, changing places didn't excite me. I was a woman of routines, not of unexpected situations. I hated traveling, moving home, changing jobs and eating in other places.

I hated the different. For me the different was imperfect.

Still, that day Dinah's gaze was burning me. The last few days had grown a tension between us that even Camila, who always seemed to be in her own world, noticed.

I knew my friend would blow up any second, and I was just trying to protect Camila.

"We can go home if you want. Normani says she likes you."

The whole time I had known Camila I hadn't seen her roommate once, which made me think she was just another invention of her disturbed mind. It wouldn't have impressed me that.

I agreed to go with her three times, her favorite number of the day. I told Ally I'd be back in time and she believed me.

If there was time involved my promises were always kept.

Her house was only five minutes from the cafe, but I'd never seen it. Since I was little my routes had been established and to make a wrong turn was not allowed inside my head. That's why I never noticed the little pink house in the middle of that desolate street near a bar.

"Welcome!" My friend exclaimed when she opened the door of the place, which had an old lock that I didn't consider safe "They cut the light two weeks ago and Normani says I must save the candles for the night, but don't worry, Cookie monsters who live under tables only like ice cream..."

I laughed at her clarification, for it made no sense to me, but to her it did.

I had never loved imperfections, but I loved Camila's.

"Mila?" I heard someone calling from somewhere.

I must admit there was no need for lights in that house full of cracks.

Camila just laughed, took my hand and led me to the kitchen. I didn't mind stumbling twice over the hollowed-out floorboards, as I was too busy thinking about the feeling our contact gave me.

The kitchen would've been cozy had it not been for the dirt that lay there and the suffocating heat that dominated it. There was a withered margarita on the fridge, which I assumed was Camila's idea, and I risk saying it was that little detail that was the most beautiful thing in the place.

A girl, who I assumed was Normani, was on her back to us trying to light the kitchen. She was wearing a huge white T-shirt, and on her brown skin were drops of sweat.

She was unsuccessful in her task.

"I thought you would be with Lauren, Mila..." She still turned her back on us, but in her voice I noticed a drowning sadness.

"I'm with Lauren" Camila corrected her with a smile while she hugged me tightly, which was a big surprise.

Camila had never hugged me, but in that moment I loved that she did.

"Oh..." It was all that came out of her lips. Now she was looking for something in the cupboards, but she only found dust and a piece of paper.

"Don't touch it!" Camila rushed to stop her "The dust fairy likes to draw there..."

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