GET HELP! (and other Ragnarok references)

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This is just a collection of scenes from Thor and Loki's childhood. They were "eight, at the time."

"Thor! Thor, wait up! I have to show you something!" Loki was out of breath by the time he caught up to his big brother. "Look!"

"What is it?" asked Thor, not looking super interested.

"Mom taught me how to transform stuff!"

That caught his attention. "Like, you could turn that statue into a frog?" 

"I don't know, it's kind of big." Loki looked up at it doubtfully. 

Thor looked like he was about to lose interest.

"I'll try," Loki added, before Thor could get bored and wander off.

Thor watched closely as Loki scrunched up his brow in concentration, setting up the spell. Loki felt a little nervous. He'd never tried to change anything big before, and he'd only barely learned how to change little things.

Just as he was releasing the spell, Thor interrupted his thoughts. "How long is this going to take?"

The spell seemed to unravel, and it missed the statue completely.

"You messed up my concentration!" said Loki, turning to glare at his brother--but his brother wasn't there.

A loud croak brought his gaze to the floor and his eyes widened. The frog looked at him reproachfully. Loki paled.


"...Mom!" Loki yelled, kneeling down to scoop up the frog.

It took a few minutes for Loki to find her. 

"So...what happened?" asked Frigga gently as Loki burst into her room, out of breath. Her gaze traveled from his face down to the frog he was holding.

"I-it was an accident, I was trying to show him that I could change stuff and--"

"...that frog is your brother?" Frigga closed her eyes and sighed deeply. She had the exasperated "mom" facial expression that was usually reserved for when Thor smashed things trying to show off. She looked at him and held out her hands. "let me see."

Loki handed her the frog. 

" can fix him, right?" he asked anxiously, as she looked down at the little creature.

"Yes. Don't worry."

A few minutes later, Thor was back to normal...and in a very bad mood. Loki made a mental note to avoid him until he'd gotten over it--he didn't like the idea of walking around for the next week with his hair sticking straight up.

About a month later, they were fighting again. It happened while they were eating breakfast. Frigga had left the room and Thor had decided to accuse Loki of eating too much. Loki indignantly retorted that Thor had twice as much food on his plate as he did, and anyway they were royalty, so they could eat as much as they want. Giving Thor a spiteful glare, Loki tried to take a bite, but when his fork touched his mouth he felt a zap just powerful enough to sting.

Without thinking about it, Loki angrily cast a spell across the table. A moment later Thor disappeared. 

Loki looked under the table to see a frog angrily hopping up and down on Thor's chair. Loki smirked. That would show him!

Footsteps approached. Loki quickly stuffed Frog-Thor into his pocket before slipping back into his seat.

"Where's Thor?" asked Frigga.

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