A Happy Ending

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After they explained everything that had happened, Vision agreed to hide just a little longer so that he could surprise Wanda at the party. He watched through the security cameras that he conveniently connected to while everyone else went upstairs to check on the party preparations.

The big dining room was still too small for everyone and their families, so it was held outside on the very big lawn. A ridiculously long table had been set up and was almost completely covered in food...including shawarma, for old times' sake. Pepper and Aunt May were chatting and taping colorful streamers and balloons to tall wooden posts, forming a fence of streamers around the area, and the kids were laughing and carrying paper dishes and even more food to add to the table. Instead of chairs, there were picnic blankets scattered all around.

Laura Barton came through the opening in the streamer fence, carrying a large bowl of salad. Clint showed up a few seconds later lugging a large container of water. Peter went to help him and after a moment Clint let go completely, shaking his head as Peter easily set it on the end of the table.

"You're a pretty strong kid."

Peter shrugged. "I guess."

Clint laughed. "You're not fooling anyone, spiderman. Everyone knows you've got superstrength. Tony had the whole team searching for you. I think he sent Thor to take down the base."

"Peter!" MJ called. He turned. Harley, Ned, and MJ had arrived.

Peter and his friends got food and sat on a blanket near the opening so they could see people as they came in. Tony showed up in a wheelchair that appeared to be made out of his iron man suit's nanoparticles. Others trickled in. Rhodey, Sam, Scott, Hope, an old couple who were apparently Hope's parents, Bruce, Dr. Strange, someone Peter assumed was his girlfriend, T'Challa, Shuri...

Peter waved. Shuri saw them and plopped down on their picnic blanket. "Look at Wanda's face," she whispered with a grin. "It's about to happen." 

Before the others could ask what she meant, Vision floated through the streamer wall. Ned jumped. "Wait--"

"Shhhh," said Peter, wishing he had a camera as he looked for Wanda in the crowd. He found her face and watched, waiting for her to notice Vision, who was standing just inside the opening. Several people stopped talking to look. Wanda hadn't noticed, she was still getting food.

Natasha poked Wanda from behind, grinning. Wanda turned around in confusion and then let out a shocked squeak, dropping her plate. Natasha caught it and set it on the edge of the table while Wanda took a shaky step forward.

"Vis?" Wanda whispered.

Vision smiled.

She burst into tears and ran into his arms. Shuri stood up, dragging Peter behind her as she went to explain what they'd done.

Wanda let go of Vision to hug Shuri. She seemed surprised but gave in and hugged her back. "You're welcome," she said, then pulled away. "Now you can stop moping and have fun!"

"She's been depressed ever since she came back," Shuri explained to Peter, in a whisper.

"Thank you so much," Wanda sobbed. She hugged Vision again, leaning on his chest. Before they could say anything mushy, Lila loudly asked if they were going to kiss. Then they realized how many people were still watching and Vision led Wanda over to a corner where things would be more private. Shuri held up her fingers in a heart shape, framing them as they walked away.

She looked around at all the staring faces and grinned. "What? I ship it!"

T'challa sighed but smiled, and the chatter resumed, louder and happier than before. Shuri and Peter went back to where they'd been sitting and explained how they'd met. Apparently, Shuri had already met the others- Harley and Ned while they looked for Peter, and MJ while Peter was talking to Tony. Shuri and Peter were telling the others about coming back and joining the last battle with Thanos when MJ interrupted and pointed over their shoulders.

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