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A few minutes later he got a message from Happy saying that they were safe at the police station. At that moment, Peter was standing in the middle of a ring of police cars, his hands in the air and his mask off. The message played in a detachable earpiece while he waited for the police to decide what to do. Some of them still had guns aimed at him, but most of them seemed to believe him.

"'re saying the elementals were fake?" asked one of them slowly.

MJ nodded. "Mysterio was staging the whole thing with these crazy drones, and I think he still has some. The video of Peter was edited, he was actually calling off the drone attack."

"So why are you in such a big hurry to get out of here?"

Peter sighed. "Beck's alive, and he still has some of the drones. I need to go find him before he attacks anyone else, and I don't have time for a formal trial first."

The leader nodded slowly and held up a hand. The other police started putting away their guns.

Relief flooded through Peter. "Thank you so much. Be careful. Protect Ned and MJ and Aunt May, they can probably fill you in on the details."

"Good luck," said MJ, hugging him anxiously. Peter nodded and prepared to swing out of the area.

Then he froze, whipping his head around. His extra sense was warning him of something but it wasn't something he could dodge. He instinctively clapped his hands to his ears.

A high pitched, painful buzzing sound shot through the street like electricity. He watched in horror as the MJ and the startled police collapsed.

He crumpled to the ground last.

Fear flooded through Peter's body. He knew what it meant before he heard them. Beck's followers.

The way they were talking was digging him into a deeper pit. They were pretending he'd planned the whole thing.

And there was nothing he could do to stop it.

One of them stepped over the nearest policeman and approached Peter with a smile. "Sorry it took us so long."

Another one came over as well. "Didn't think it would hit you so hard."

They picked him up, stepping over the paralyzed policemen.

"Don't forget the girl," said the one who seemed to be in charge. A third man grabbed MJ, lifting her helpless form easily. Peter's heart thumped harder as he watched out of the corner of his eye.

Once the men rounded the corner their attitude changed completely. One slung Peter haphazardly over his shoulder while the other opened the door at the back of a semi. Peter was painfully tossed into it, and MJ was dropped next to him. Two of the men climbed in with them while the others closed the doors. Peter tried to turn around so he could check on MJ, but he couldn't move. As the engine started, one of the men kicked him over so he was lying faceup.

Peter's eyes widened the tiniest bit as he saw the man pull out a syringe. The needle on the end gleamed wickedly.

"I'd be lying if I said this wouldn't hurt," he said with an uncaring smile.

It only took a second for everything to go black.

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