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Thor was trying to keep himself from worrying, but failing miserably. He'd gotten a ridiculously vague message about coming to a certain planet, and the Guardians had offered to take him.

When they arrived on the surface, Quill gave important-sounding instructions to whoever the people on the other side of the comms were. Thor wasn't really paying attention. After a few minutes, an odd-looking alien with pink skin arrived to take Thor to...wherever it was. As they entered a large building, some of the security guards gave Stormbreaker wary looks, but they were too intimidated by Thor in full armor to tell him it wasn't allowed.

"In here," said the pink girl politely, opening a door. Thor walked in and froze.

"I told you the sun would shine on us again, you oblivious idiot."

Thor dropped Stormbreaker and yanked Loki into a very, very tight hug.

"Ow," said Loki, pretending to be annoyed. His arms had been trapped by his overenthusiastic brother.  After several moments Thor let go, staring at Loki with a huge grin on his face.

Then the grin was replaced by anger.

"FIVE YEARS!!!" he shouted, exasperated. Loki flinched at the volume.

"Look, it's not my fault I got turned into dust halfway through my grand plan to save the universe. I'm terribly sorry for faking my death a third time, but in my defense, I didn't think you'd actually fall for it. What part of 'the sun will shine us again' did you not understand?"

"Five. Years."

Loki sighed. "Have you limited your vocabulary to two words?"

Thor hugged him again, too emotional to be annoyed. After several moments Loki relaxed and wrapped his arms around his brother.

"I really am sorry," he said again, sincerity finally shining through. "I didn't mean to do this to you. Honestly."

Thor let go, holding his brother firmly by the shoulders as he looked him up and down, trying to mask his relief with anger. "If you die again, I'm not even going to care, I've mourned for you three times already and it would be ridiculous to do it again."

"I don't exactly plan on dying anytime soon."

"Good. Because if you die again, I swear, I will kill you."

Loki opened his mouth and closed it again in confusion. After a moment he gave up and changed the subject. "How did you manage to bring everyone back?"

"It's complicated. We had to go back in time and find more infinity stones, and use them to undo what Thanos did, but then he followed us and we had to battle him again. The avengers have all of the infinity stones now, Thanos is dead, and we're going to use the infinity stones to rebuild Asgard in space, where it should be."

"Well, I hope you brought a big enough spaceship. Half of Asgard is stranded on this planet too."

Thor froze, hardly daring to believe his ears. "All of them came back?"

"Of course!"

A grin spread across Thor's face. "I thought the snap only brought back those killed by Thanos!"

"They were killed by Thanos," Loki pointed out, raising his eyebrows. "Honestly, your stupidity never fails to amaze me."

"Shut up," said Thor, but both of them knew he couldn't be happier. He'd missed Loki's comments far more than he'd ever realized.

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